

艺术即行为,艺术即证据……………………(澳大利亚)霍华德·墨菲 著 李修建 译(5)



达斡尔族说唱艺术乌春的价值与保护建议……………………………………………安 英(26)

试论乌兰牧骑的文化属性及文化功能 ………………………………………………郝凤彩(32)

蒙古族民间多声部音乐中的和音技法…………………………………………………潮 鲁(36)





明代太常乐官考…………………………………………………………………………郑 莉(70)



二胡音乐多样化的现状初探……………………………………………………………张 明(89)


——以《全唐诗》中的古琴诗为例………………………………………………邓 婷(93)


——论格罗托夫斯基的戏剧理论及其影响……………………………………潘 薇(100)




小议装置艺术中的材料及其文化功能………………………………………………吴 昶(116)




………………………………………………瑞德维拉扎 著 徐文静 译 毛民 校(124)

试论《呼啸山庄》与《基督山伯爵》中的复仇……………………………………杨 薇(127)





Art Is Act, Art Is Evidence …………Written by Murphy Howard, translated by LI Xiu-jian(5)

The Identity Crisis of the Rural Migrants in the Cities of ntangible Cultural Heritage

——Survey of intangible cultural heritage of Beijing urban migrant farmers and rural communities…………………………………………………………………ZHAI Feng-Jian(18)

The Value and Protection Suggestions of Daur Rap Art Wu Chun ……………AN Ying(26)

On the Cultural Property and Cultural Functions of Ulaanmuchi………HAO Feng-cai(32)

Chord Techniques of Mongolian Multi-voice Folk Music…………………………Chulu(36)

The Inheritance and protection of the Mongolian Long-tune Music………………Botolt(42)

The Artistic Features of Mongolian Long-tune Folk Song Lyrics…………………Sarina(53)

Yatog Literature Study ………………………………………………………………Erdun(59)

On the application of Run Cavity in Folk Musicof China …………………WANG Yu-qi(66)

On the Music Officail Taichang of Ming Dynasty……………………………ZHENG Li(70)

Embodiment of Reproduction and Sublimation

—— Analysis of the (K.355)adapter of transcriptions of Tchaikovsky’s“D Major Minuet”…………………………………………………………………………ZHAO Xi -jun(83)

A Study of the Status of Diversity of Erhu Music……………………………ZHANG Ming(89)

Aesthetic in the Qin Images in TangDynasty

—— Take the ancient music poem in "Quan tang shi”as example…………DENG Ting(93)

Poor or rich?

——On Grotowski's Drama Theory and Its Impact……………………………PAN Wei(100)

Heritage and the Evolution of Er-ren-tai Music……………………………LIU Xiao-wen(103)

Some Problems of “Zhejiang Bao Shi-gong Possessions,”of the Ancient Painting

……………………………………………………………………………LI Yong-qiang(108)

On the Evolution of the Regular Script…………………………………MENG De-xiang(112)

The Discussion of Materials and the Cultural Function of Installation Art…WU Chang(116)

The Way Out of the Television Forum in the later Bottleneck stage

——Take "Lecture Room", for example…………………………………LI Yong-feng(120)

A Kushan King of the Bactrian Seal Inscription: The Chaganyang site in Uzbekistan

…………………Written by Ruidwelach, translated by Xu Wen-jing, proofread by Mao Min(124)

On the "Wuthering Heights" and "Count of Monte Cristo" in revenge……YANG Wei(127)

Index of Research papers on Northern China Culture 1991……………………Checheg(131)





(澳大利亚)霍华德·墨菲 著 李修建 译

(澳大利亚国立大学人文与艺术研究院,澳大利亚 堪培拉 2601)

摘 要:艺术是一种行为方式,艺术生产融入于意义创造过程的整体之中。艺术提供了进行跨文化交往和理解的平台,在许多社会中,艺术与价值创造过程是一个整体。艺术应该成为一种证据资源,也应成为交流价值、知识和跨文化观念的一个媒介。为了对艺术品进行研究,有必要将其纳入更为宽泛的范畴和语境之中。


Art Is Act, Art Is Evidence

Written by Murphy Howard, translated by LI Xiu-jian

(Humanities and Arts Research Institute,

AustralianNationalUniversity, Canberra2601, Australia)

Abstract: Art is a kind of act, artistic production integrates into the overall meaning creative process. Art provides a the platform of cross-cultural communication and understanding. In many societies, art and the value creation process is a whole. Art should be an evidence resources, should also be a medium for exchange of values, knowledge and cross-cultural concept. In order to study the works of art, it is necessary to include them into a broader scope and context.

Key words: art; family resemblance; methodology; context





(中国艺术研究院音乐研究所, 北京 100029)

摘 要:通过调查北京城区的部分进城务工农民,考察他们目前的生存状态以及他们对城市文化及他们自己乡土文化的认同观念,调查所反映出的问题是他们中多数对自己的乡土文化并不认同,中国农村地区的非物质文化遗产的传承与保护面临严重危机。



The Identity Crisis of the Rural Migrantsin the Cities of Intangible Cultural Heritage

——Survey of intangible cultural heritage of Beijing urban migrant farmers and rural communities

ZHAI Feng-Jian

(Music Institute of ArtAcademy of China, Beijing 100029)

Abstract:Through the survey of migrant farmers in Beijing, this article examines their current existence and their local urban culture and cultural identity of their own ideas. The issues reflected in the survey are that majority of them do not identify their own local culture and the inheritance and the protection of China's intangible cultural heritage in rural areas is facing a serious crisis.

Key words:survey; migrant workers (Beijing); intangible cultural heritage; identity; crisis



安 英

(内蒙古艺术研究所,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:乌春是达斡尔民族创造的古老的说唱艺术形式,具有重要的历史价值、艺术价值和文化价值。乌春的传承与保护要体现“政府主导、社会参与”的原则;要进一步做好更深层次的普查、认定和登记工作;应当建立乌春传承人档案,有计划地提供资助;要加强乌春传习人才的培养和强化学术研究工作。



The Value and Protection Suggestions of Daur Rap Art Wu Chun

AN Ying

(Inner Mongolia Art Institute, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Wu Chun is an ancient rap art form created by the Daur ethnic group, and it has important historical value, artistic value and cultural value. The heritage Wu Chun and protection should reflect the principle of "government leadership, social participation"; to further improve the deeper survey, identification and registration; the file of the inheritors of Wu chun should be established and provide funding; to strengthen the teaching talents and academic research of Wu Chun.

Key words: Daur; Wu Chun; rap art; value; protection; suggestions




(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特,010010)

摘 要: 乌兰牧骑是内蒙古的文化创举,为我国社会主义文化建设做出了独特的贡献。乌兰牧骑是我国社会主义文化范畴的独特形态和构成部分,是传播民族文化的特殊载体,提供的是精神产品和服务,具有文化的属性和鲜明意识形态意义上的文化功能。



On the Cultural Property and Cultural Functions of Ulaanmuchi

HAO Feng-cai

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot, 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Ulaanmuchi is the cultural initiative in Inner Mongolia and it has made a unique contribution to the construction of socialist culture in China. Ulaanmuchi is the unique form and components of socialism cultural context of China. It is a special carrier to spread culture, providing the spiritual products and services with its cultural attributes and distinct ideological sense of the cultural functions.

Key words:Inner Mongolia; Ulaanmuchi; cultural property; cultural functions



潮 鲁

(内蒙古师范大学音乐学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010022)

摘 要:蒙古族民间多声部音乐中的和音技法,是指两个或两个以上音纵向的、音高变化的同时的结合。与和声学以及蒙古族民间多声部音乐的持续音技法有区别。蒙古族民间多声部音乐中,多个和音纵向同时结合的技法,超越了单旋律的音乐思维,初步具有了多声部音乐的立体思维,音乐表现方式更加丰富。蒙古族民间多声部音乐中的和音技法,音与音之间具有多种度数的结合关系,形成了和音结合中相对丰富的度数结合关系。

关键词: 蒙古族;民间音乐;多声部音乐;和音技法


Chord Techniques of Mongolian Multi-voice Folk Music


(MusicCollege of Inner MongoliaNormalUniversity,

Hohhot 010022, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: The chord techniques in Mongolian folk multi-voice music, is the sound of two or more vertical, while the combination of pitch change. Mongolian folk and acoustic as well as with multi-voice music continued to sound techniques are different. Mongolian folk music in multiple voices, multiple and sound techniques, combined with the vertical, beyond the single melody of musical thinking, initially with a three-dimensional multi-voice music, thinking, music is way richer. Mongolian folk music of many voices, and sound techniques, sound and tone between the various degrees of union with the form and sound combined with the relative wealth of the degree of relationship.

Key words: Mongolian; folk music; polyphonic music; sound techniques




(内蒙古大学艺术学院音乐系,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:内蒙古各地长调民歌曲目的传承情况并不乐观,而且其传承情况因地而“异”。长调民歌的式微,不仅表现在曲目的流失和歌手的减少等方面,而且表现在与牧民现实生活的脱离、社会观念与价值观的改变、技艺与风格的变异等一系列问题上。造成这种情况的原因和动态因素十分复杂。长调民歌相关研究工作的滞后是目前保护工作中一个亟待解决的问题。将保护工作当成纯行政行为而忽视科学研究在保护工作中的基础性意义,是目前一些部门制定措施以及工作实施中的一个误区;另一个误区是将蒙古族各地长调看作是铁板一块,而不注意其内部各地分支系统的多样性。




The Inheritance and protection of the Mongolian Long-tune Music


(Music Department of ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity,

Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: The status of inheritance of the Mongolian long-tune folk songs in different parts of Inner Mongolia is not optimistic and with various situations. The decline of long-tune folk songs is not only in loss and reduction of singers, etc., but also in its break away from nomads real life, changes in social attitudes and values, skills and style variations in a series of issues. The reasons for this are complex and dynamic. Long-tune folk songs related research work is currently lagging behind in the protection of a serious problem. The neglect of scientific research on Mongolian long-tune folk songs the issue to be solved. It is a misunderstanding to consider the work of protection as pure administrative activity and neglect its basic meaning of scientific research. Another misunderstanding is to consider Mongolian long-tune as monolithic, but not pay attention to its internal diversity in the branch system.

Key words: Mongolian long-tune music; inheriting; issues; suggestions




(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:蒙古族长调民歌不仅具有音调高亢、音域宽广、旋律悠扬、节奏自由舒缓等独特的音乐美,而且其歌词还具有修辞艺术含蓄美和衬词艺术韵味美的特点。各种修辞手法在长调民歌歌词中巧妙得体的运用,使歌曲的主旨更为鲜明,情感的表达更为委婉、含蓄;而衬词艺术的运用,起到了引出主曲、装饰旋律、扩充曲调、增强韵味及使歌词富有变化的作用,表现出浓郁的蒙古民族风格。



The Artistic Features of Mongolian Long-tune Folk Song Lyrics


(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Mongolian long-tune folk songs have not only high-pitched tone, wide range, melody melodious, soothing rhythm of free music and other unique beauty, and its lyrics also have rhetorical art the word subtle art of beauty and charm. A variety of rhetorical devices in the traditional folk long song lyrics with clever use of the theme is even more striking, the expression of emotion is more tactful; the lining of the use of the word art, leads to the decorative melody, melody expansion to enhance the flavor and make the changes in the role of rich lyrics, showing a strong Mongolian style.

Key words: Mongolian long-tune folk songs; lyrics; rhetoric; vocable words




(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:雅托噶是蒙古族弹拨弦鸣乐器(汉族称“蒙古筝”)。以有限的文献资料考究其起源,最初形制、流变以及古瑟与汉族筝之渊源、并借助民间传说和文学作品中描述,认为,蒙古族弹拨弦乐器雅托噶曾经历过六弦、七弦、八弦、十弦、十二弦、十三弦、十四弦、十六弦和如今十九弦的流变过程。蒙恬根据匈奴筝(雅托噶)把原是“五弦、筑身”的筝改作“如瑟”形制是完全有可能的。蒙古族传统雅托噶在结构、定弦法、演奏风格和民俗等方面均有别于汉族筝。



Yatog Literature Study


(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Yatog is a Mongolian musical instrument playing plucked (Han Chinese call it , "Mongolian Zheng"). This article studies its origin, the initial shape, rheological, and ancient origin of Chinesemusical instrument zheng , and with the folklore and literature work with the limited literature documents. The Mongolian plucked stringed instruments Yatog has experienced six strings, seven-string, eight string, ten strings, twelve strings, thirteen strings, fourteen strings, sixteen strings and now nineteen strings. It is possible for Meng Tian to change Yatog to the form as”se” shape. Mongolian traditional Yatog is different from the Han Zheng in the structure, tuning method, playing style and folk, etc..

Key words: Mongolian plucked musical instrument; Yatog; origin; shape; playing folk; old Se; Zheng




(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:在我国民间音乐尤其是声乐艺术中,唱腔所体现的情感与韵味直接取决于演唱者的“唱”,都与“润腔”有着直接的联系。不论是装饰型润腔、音色型润腔抑或节奏型润腔,在我国民间声乐艺术中都广泛的运用,并成为体现我国民间音乐地方特征的重要一环。




On the application of Run Cavity in Folk Musicof China

WANG Yu-qi

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: In China folk music, especially in the vocal art, singing and charm embodied emotion is directly dependent on the singer's "singing" with the "Run-cavity". both the decorative Run type cavity, or a sound-based rhythm-based Run cavity chamber, vocal folk art in China is widely used, reflecting China's folk music and becoming an important part of local characteristics of folk music in China.

Key words: folk music (China); Run cavity; decorative; tone type; rhythmic pattern



郑 莉

(华东师范大学中文系,上海 200241)

摘 要:太常是我国古代负责宗庙祭祀等礼乐活动的重要部门,其前身是周礼的春官宗伯,其官制设置、架构内容因各朝代礼乐需求不同而有所增减,但其掌管邦国宗庙祭祀礼乐的职能从未改变,直到清末封建社会结束。太常的乐官专门负责王朝雅乐,其发展经历了从专掌祭祀雅乐到兼领俗乐再到只掌雅乐这样一个发展过程。到了明代,太常乐官的职能非常集中,并且不同于前朝,废除了太乐、鼓吹等乐署,新建神乐观,以道士承应祭祀典礼。



On the Music Officail Taichang of Ming Dynasty


(Chinese Language Department of EastChinaNormalUniversity,

Shanghai 200241)

Abstract: Taichang was an important department responsible for ancestral worship and other ritual activities in ancient China. Its predecessor is the Zongbo, its bureaucratic setting, content structure changed due to the different needs of ritual increase or decrease in various dynasties, but the function to charge natioanl ancestral worship ritual had never changed until the end of Qing Dynasty feudal society. The Taichang music official wasresponsible for the Ya music, its development has gone through a specialprocess from the court music festival folk music to folk music and then only ya music. In Ming Dynasty, the official functions of Taichang music was very concentrated, and unlike the former, abolished tai yue and guchui muisc wih the new optimism of to be Taoist ritual ceremony.

Key words: Ming Dynasty; Taichang music; music officer; worship; Ya music; xie lv lang; God optimistic





(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特市 010010)

摘 要: 钢琴曲的乐队改编包含多种可能性,其中最重要的是编曲者对原作的把握和提升,编曲者可以是原样的改编,也可以是植入自我思维的编创。柴可夫斯基对莫扎特小步舞曲的改编,可以说是将清晰、流畅的古典音乐浓化为“用音乐来讲述娓娓动听的故事”的柴氏语言之作。



Embodiment of Reproduction and Sublimation

—— Analysis of the (K.355)adapter of transcriptions of Tchaikovsky’s "D Major Minuet"

ZHAO Xi -jun

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract:The band transcription of piano music contains a variety of adaptation possibilities among which the most important is the composer’s grasp and improvement of the original and it can also be the creation of the arranger himself. it can be implanted in the innovations of self-thinking. Tchaikovsky's adaptation of Mozart minuet can be said to be clear, thick fluid style into classical music "sounds appealing to use music to tell the story ".

Key words: Tchaikovsky; transcriptions; piano; orchestra; voices; contrast; sound




(沈阳音乐学院,辽宁省 沈阳市 110004)

摘 要: 今天,作为中国民族乐器之一的二胡,在保留传统音乐文化精髓的同时,急于吸收外来文化的优秀成分为己所用,寻求新的发展之路。东西方音乐的碰撞交汇、传统与现代创作手法的结合、演奏技术的飞速发展,使二胡音乐的发展进入了一个辉煌灿烂的历史时代。各种地方风格、体裁内容、演奏形式和演奏技法的出现,运用不同理念创作的大量二胡乐曲的涌现,使二胡音乐呈现出前所未有的多样化现状。

关键词: 二胡音乐;地方风格;体裁形式;演奏技法 ;创作方向


A Study of the Status of Diversity of Erhu Music


(ShenyangMusicCollege, Shenyang 110004 ,LiaoningProvince)

Abstract: Today, as one of China's national musical instruments, erhu, while retaining the essence of traditional music culture at the same time, it is eager to absorb foreign cultures as fine ingredients for their own use, to seek new development. Intersection, collision of East and West music, traditional and modern writing style combination of performance technology, the rapid development of the erhu music's development have entered a glorious historical era. Variety of local styles, genre content, playing the emergence of form and playing techniques, the use of a large number of different creative ideas emerge erhu music and erhu music presents an unprecedented diversity of the status quo.

Key words: erhu music; the local style; genre form; playing techniques; creative direction




邓 婷

(南开大学文学院,天津市 300071)

摘 要: 以《全唐诗》中所存关于古琴描写的诗歌以及琴曲歌辞来看,唐人的古琴审美主要包括:择幽静处而鼓琴,以简静指法聆听“琴心”,不仅关注琴艺,还注重欣赏琴德以及味外疏淡意趣的特点——“无弦琴”意象是最好的诠释。另外,由于唐代昂扬壮大的时代风气,在士人渴望建功立业的人生理想影响下,此时的古琴音乐又呈现出一种慷慨悲音的美感特质。

关键词: 唐代;全唐诗;琴;古琴诗;审美


Aesthetic in the Qin Images in TangDynasty

—— Take the ancient music poem in "Quan tang shi”as example


(College of Nankai University, Tianjin 300071)

Abstract: Viewing the poems and music "Quan tang shi” , the Chinese Guqin aesthetics include: choose a quiet place and ancient music instrument Qin, using simple static fingering listening to "piano heart", not only concerned about playing music but also pay attention to taste and enjoy the music charm - "no harp" is the best interpretation of the image. In addition, since the Tang Dynasty of growing high-spirited atmosphere, the scholars were eager to make contributions under the influence of ideals, then the ancient music showing a generous sad beauty of tone qualities.

Key words: Tang Dynasty; "Quan tang shi”;ancient music instrument; music poem; aesthetic




潘 薇

(吉林艺术学院戏剧影视学院,吉林 长春 130021)

摘 要:波兰戏剧大师格罗托夫斯基创立了贫困戏剧理论与一套系统的演员训练方法,他的理论深刻影响了当代欧美许多先锋剧团的表演实践。贫困戏剧不过是艺术的载体,格罗托夫斯基及其追随者真正要追求与实现的恰恰是精神上的富裕。



Poor or rich?

——On Grotowski's Drama Theory and Its Impact


(Institute of the ArtsFilmSchoolJilinArtCollege,

Changchun 130021, JilinProvince)

Abstract: Polish theater guru Grotowski created the poverty dramatic theory and a system of actor training methods. His theory has a profound impact on many pioneers of contemporary European theater performance practice. Poverty drama is only the carrier of art, and what Grotowski and his followers really want to pursue and achieve precisely is the spiritual wealth.

Key words: Poland drama; Grotowski; poor drama; rich drama; dramatic impact




(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:二人台牌子曲是二人台音乐中具有相对独立性的重要组成部分,是由二人台乐队演奏的器乐曲牌的统称,是具有深厚民间传统的丝竹合奏乐。其演奏技艺经历了对各种乐器性能、技法、作用进行客观总结、改进、规范、传承的过程;而二人台牌子曲的变迁则主要体现在传承渠道、传播方式与范围、艺术功能和审美取向等方面。

关键词:二人台;牌子曲;传承 ;变迁 ;演奏技艺


Heritage and the Evolution of Er-ren-tai Music

LIU Xiao-wen

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Er-ren-tai brand music is the important part music with relative independence and is played by the Er-ren-tai music band, is a strong string and wind ensemble of traditional folk music. Their playing skills have gone through the performance of various musical instruments, techniques, the role of an objective summary of improvement, specifications, transmission process; and the changes in Er-ren-tai song tradition are mainly reflected in the channel of communication with the scope, function and aesthetic orientation and other arts aspects.

Key words: Er-ren-tai; brand music; heritage; change; playing skills




(广西艺术学院中国画学院, 南宁 530022)

摘 要:《四库全书》中书画典籍以及其他不少历史典籍书目下都写有“浙江鲍士恭家藏本”的字样,事实上这些书都来源于鲍士恭父亲鲍廷博的精心收藏。乾隆三十七年,鲍廷博倾尽其家藏书,让其子鲍士恭进献朝廷以编撰《四库全书》,鲍廷博才是幕后的大功臣,他是清代著名的藏书家、校勘学家,其刊刻的《知不足斋丛书》更是具有极高的学术价值和收藏价值。



Some Problems of “Zhejiang Bao Shi-gong Possessions,”

of the Ancient Painting

LI Yong-qiang

(Guangxi Art Institute of ChinesePaintingCollege,

Nanning 530022, GuangxiProvince)

Abstract: “Si Ku Quan Shu” calligraphy books and many other history books are written under the titles of "Zhejiang Bao Shi-gong possessions," in fact, these books are from Bao Shi-gong’s father Bao Tingbo 's carefulcollection. Qianlong 37 years Bao Ting-bo ran to their home collections, the court allowed the child into the offer in order to compile Bao Shi -gong "Si Ku Quan Shu", Bao Ting-bo made a great contribution. He is a famous Qing bibliophile, collated scientists, his "Collection of zhi-bu-zu room " is acollection with very high academic value and collection value.

Key words:“Si Ku Quan Shu”; painting books; Bao Shi-gong; Bao Ting-bo; "Collection of zhi-bu-zu room "




(内蒙古包头师范学院美术学院,内蒙古 包头014030)

摘 要:在中国书法形成的历史过程中,有篆、隶、楷、行、草等书体形式,历史上能代表国家官方正规使用的文字形式主要是楷书书体。从过去所谓的楷书字体形式延伸囊括为篆、隶、楷三种文字书体形式的,即是正书。在正书形成和发展的历程中,它向世人弘扬了正大、正义和正气的民族文化精神。




On the Evolution of the Regular Script

MENG De-xiang

(Institute of Fine Arts, Inner MongoliaBaotouNormalUniversity,

Baotou 014030, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: In the form of Chinese calligraphy history, there are seal, Li, Kai, line, grass and other forms of script forms of which is able to represent the country's official history of the language used in the form of regular main body of the writing is the regular script. The regular script froms in the past are the so-called extended the zhuan, li, Kai body in the form of the regular script writing. In the course of the formation and development, it promote it to the world and presents justice and righteousness in the spirit of national culture.

Key words: Chinese calligraphy;regular script; the formation of the history of; evolution



吴 昶

(湖北民族学院,湖北省 施恩市 445000)

摘 要:装置艺术是现当代艺术的重要表现形式之一,其所借用的材料并非纯粹的物质材料,而往往是文化材料。装置作品中的材料往往具备象征意义,在经过艺术家精细构思之后,彼此之间形成意义的关联,继而生出整体的隐喻。解读材料背后的文化意义以及符号与符号之间的意义关联是突破文化障碍,正确理解装置艺术作品真实内涵的方法之一。



The Discussion of Materials and the Cultural Function

of Installation Art

WU Chang

(Hubei Institute for Nationalities, EnshiCity 445000, HubeiProvince)

Abstract: Installation art is now an important form of contemporary art, one of the materials they borrow is not purely material, but often cultural materials. The materials in installations often have symbolic meaning, after a fine designing of the artist, producing the significance of the association and then give birth to a whole metaphor. Reading cultural significance behind the symbols and material and the symbols associated with the material is one way to break the cultural barriers and correctly understand the connotationa of installation art works.

Key words: installation art; materials; symbols; cultural functions





(内蒙古师范大学传媒学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010022)

摘 要:以《百家讲坛》为代表的电视讲坛节目遭遇收视瓶颈,以理性的视角来探讨后瓶颈时代电视讲坛节目的创作要点。认为,科学性是电视讲坛节目的灵魂,是其创作应坚守的基本原则;影像化是电视讲坛节目的翅膀,实现了学术知识具象化的电视表达;故事化是电视讲坛节目赢得受众的叙事策略和基础卖点;品牌化是电视讲坛节目长效发展的目标和归宿。

关键词: 电视栏目;百家讲坛;创作原则;电视表达;叙事策略;发展目标


The Way Out of the Television Forum

in the later Bottleneck stage

——Take "Lecture Room", for example

LI Yong-feng

(MediaCollege of Inner MongoliaNormalUniversity,

Hohhot 010022,Inner mongolia)

Abstract: The televison forum represented by "Lecture Room" program viewing experience of bottlenecks. We should explore the era after the bottleneck in the creation of television programming forum points from a rational perspective. Science is the soul of a TV forum show and its creation should adhere to basic principles; image is the wings of TV forum program to achieve the concrete express of television academic knowledge; the story is the narrative strategy and basic selling point for TV forum program to win the audience's; brand is the goals and destination for television forum’s long-term development.

Key words:TV forum; “Lecture Room”; creative principle; TV expression; narrative strategy; development goals



(乌兹别克斯坦)瑞德维拉扎 著 徐文静 译 毛民 校


摘 要:



A Kushan King of the Bactrian Seal Inscription: The Chaganyang site in Uzbekistan

Written by Ruidwelach, translated by Xu Wen-jing, proofread by Mao Min

(Sciences Institute of NationalAcademy of Uzbekistan, Tashkent ,Uzbekistan)


Key words: art archeology; Kushan Dynasty; Bactrian region (now in southern Uzbekistan and northern Afghanistan); the ancient city of Termez; Chaganyang observation sites; earthenware pots; inscriptions



杨 薇

(内蒙古大学艺术学,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:《呼啸山庄》与《基督山伯爵》是西方文学史上两部著名的复仇题材小说,复仇是贯穿整个作品的主线。前人研究多集中在两部小说背景、风格、题材和人物形象等方面的相同点上,而笔者试对两部小说中复仇情节的异同进行比较,并简析其异同的原因。



On the “Wuthering Heights” and “Count of Monte Cristo”

in revenge


(Art CollegeofInner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: “Wuthering Heights” and “Count of Monte Cristo” are two well-known novels of revenge in the history of Western literature, revenge is the main theme throughout the works. Previous studies have focused on the similiarities of the background, style, theme and characters and other aspects of the two novels, however this article tries to compare the plot of revenge in the two novels to compare the similarities and differences, and analyze the reasons for their similarities and differences.

Key words: revenge theme; comparison; similarities and differences; WutheringHeights; Count of Monte Cristo

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