




民俗学视野下的成吉思汗陵祭祀文化…………………………………………双 金(17)
















男中音声乐教学“三段法” ………………………………………………杨宝利(107)




风 气之 重——大学精神建树刍议………………………………………宋生贵(124)




·补白· (23)(79)(84)(106)(128)



Intangible and tangible: the logic reality

……………………………………………………………………………(Japan)Written by Masahiro Ogino,translated by CAI Yu-qin,Proofread by LI Xiu-jian (5)

Cultural Translation and Folk Truth

——Re-exploration of the origin of the Yi Hua Gu dance…HUANG Long-guang,YANG Hui(11)

Ritual Culture of Mausoleum of Genghis Khan from the Perspective of Folklore…………………………………………………………………………Shuangjin(17)

The Methods of Computing and Measuring of Mongolian Yurt Norm


Cultural Implications of the Patterns of Sunit Horse Bu…………………………………………………………………………………… Li-li(28)

The Types and Production Techniques of“Tunguska”Clothing……………………………………………………………………Hugjilma(34)

On the Scientific View of Nomads from the Northern Cliff Painting………………………………………………………………FENG Jun-sheng(39)

Lifestyle Changes and the Development of Folk Art…………………………………LI Dong_feng(47)

The Aesthetic Traces of the Art Secularization of Dazu Rock Carvings from the Perspective of Anthropology

……………………………………………………………………………QIU Zheng_lun(53)

The Archaeological Remains of the Late Tang Dynasty Turks - Jiuxing Uighur Tribe in Siberia - LakeBaikal,

…………………………………(Kazakhstan) Written by Albred ·Kamarov, Translated by QU Zhi, REN Wei, Proofread by MAO Min (59)

The Survival Status and the Regional Distribution of Mongolian Long-tune


The Theory Construction of Horchin Mongolian Music Drama

……………………………………………………………………BurgudGAO Qiao-yan(76)

The Time of the Production of Er Ren Tai“Moving Westward”and the Interpretation of the Story

……………………………………………………………………………LIU Zhong-he(80)

Narrative Fugue

——On the emotion layout and the use of techniques of fugue in Lin Hua′s“G Major Prelude, Psalm and Fugue” …………………………………… LIu Yan-ting(85)

National Vocal Music under the Influence of Elements of Traditional Chinese Opera and Drama…………………………………WANG Zhi-xin(96)

An Approach to the Aesthetic Experience of Percussion Art

……………………………………………………………………HAN Xiao-chen(100)

On the Value Realization of Piano Art Direction in Vocal Music

……………………………………………………………………CHENG Li (103)

The“Three-stage method”in Baritone Vocal Teaching

……………………………………………………………………YANG Bao-li(107)

Sense of Space and Performance of Engraving Arts

……………………………………………………………………WANG Ru(110)

On the Technical Language and Emotion of Engraving

……………………………………………………………………LIU Ying(115)

Let the Performance Give A Soul to the Cartoon Characters

……………………………………………………………………WANG Fang-lei (118)


Importance of the Atmosphere

——Discussion of University Spirit Contibution

……………………………………………………………………SONG Sheng-gui(124)

Concerned about the Mental State of the ExistenceState

——Read Song Sheng-gui′s prose works“Poems in Dreams”

…………………………………………………………………… GUO Peng(129)

Index of Research papers on Northern China Culture 1991



(日本)荻野昌弘 著

(日本关西学院大学社会学部 日本国 兵库县 西宫市 622-8501)

摘 要:相比法国,日本的博物馆文化不如欧洲发达。不过,藉着“无形文化财”和“人间国宝”的观念,另一类型的保护文化遗产体系得以确立。无形文化财的体系是由“现实化的逻辑”支撑的。尽管日本国内存在一种过分寻找“无形之物”之意义的倾向,但这并不意味着我们缺少真正能够称之为文化财产的项目。文化遗产是公共财产的观念,在日本还很是缺乏。要想总结日本文化遗产传播的所有特征,一定要在“保密原则”之下进行。


分类号:G112 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9838(2011)01-0005-06


Intangible and tangible: the logic reality

(Japan) Masahiro Ogino

(Faculty of Society of the JapanKwanseiGakuinUniversity, Hyogo, Nishinomiya, Japan 622-8501)

Abstract: Compared to France, the museum culture of Japan is not as advanced as Europe. However, by means of concept of “intangible cultural asset”and“National treasure”, another type of protection of cultural heritage system has been established. Intangible cultural asset of the system is supported by the“logic reality”. Although in Japan there is a much looking for“invisible things”meaning the tendency, but this does not mean we can really call it a lack of cultural property in the project. Japan is still lacking of concept of cultural heritage is the public property. To sum up all the features of the spread of Japanese cultural heritage must be carried under the“confidentiality”.

Key words: Japan; intangible cultural property; human treasures; heritage




(玉溪师范学院文学院, 云南 玉溪 653100)

摘 要:彝族花鼓舞溯源,须从彝母语出发,谨慎考察其彝族历史语境和分析其历史记忆,才能透过汉语客位翻译假象,还原彝族民间花鼓舞的民俗真相和文化意义。彝族花鼓舞是彝族先民在鲁祖业山巅举行祭祖大典,踏平尖刀草集体歌舞的历史记忆,是彝族六组分支四方迁徙的艺术化历史叙事和仪式模拟。


分类号:K892.24 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9838(2011)01-0011-06


Cultural Translation and Folk Truth

——Re-exploration of the origin of the Yi Hua Gu dance

HUANG Long-guang,YANG Hui

(College of Liberal Arts of Yuxi Teacher′s College, Yuxi, Yunnan Province 653100)

Abstract: To trace the origin of the Yi Hua Gu dance, we must proceed from the Yi language, and carefully study and analyze Yi historical context and memory of its history to get the reduction of the Yi people folk truth and cultural significance of Yi Hua Gu dance through the illusion of Chinese translation. Yi Hua Gu dance is the historical memory of the ancestors worship held on the Luzuye mountain top and the collective dance of on the dagger grass. It is the artistic historical narration and the ceremony imitation of the moving and migrating around of the six branches of the Yi people.

Key words: Yi people; folk Hua Gu dance; cultural translation; folk truth



双 金

(内蒙古师范大学, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010022)

摘 要:成吉思汗陵祭祀文化是蒙古族传统文化的代表性遗产,是民族优秀文化的重要组成部分。守望成吉思汗陵的达尔扈特人,世世代代默默奉献,完整地保留下了传统的祭祀文化。运用文献资料与田野调查,考察祭祀历史与文化、陵寝构建以及守灵的达尔扈特人三个方面,力图呈现成吉思汗陵祭祀文化的传承脉络。


分类号:K892.3“212” 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9838(2011)01-0017-07



Ritual Culture of Mausoleum of Genghis Khan from the Perspective of Folklore


(Inner MongoliaNormalUniversity, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010022)

Abstract: The culture of Mausoleum of Genghis Khan is a ritual representation of traditional Mongolian culture heritage, is an important part of the national culture. The Darhad people who have been watching Genghis Khan Mausoleum have given quiet dedication from generation to generation with the remaining of integrity of the traditional ritual culture. This article uses documents and field survey to make research on the history and culture of worship, cemetery building and special Darhad people watching the mausoleum, trying to show cultural heritage of worship of Genghis Khan Mausoleum.

Key words: Mongolian; folklore; Mausoleum of Genghis Khan; sacrifice culture; mausoleum; Darhad people




(内蒙古师范大学科学技术史研究院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010020)

摘 要:关于蒙古包规格计量的问题较少受到关注,而从技术史的视角,对蒙古包规格计量这一问题进行详细讨论,在说明蒙古包规格的传统计量和表述方法的基础上,介绍蒙古国学者提出的蒙古包规格的其他计量方法,比较其优劣得失与适用范围,并试图探讨其内在原理和实际应用问题。


分类号:K892.25 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9838(2011)01-0024-04


The Methods of Computing and Measuring of Mongolian Yurt Norm


(Research Institute of History of Science and Technology of Inner MongoliaNormalUniversity, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010020)


Abstract: The issues of the computing and measuring of Mongolian yurt norm have seldom been paid attention to. This article makes detailed discussion of this issue from the perspective of the history of technology. Based on the explanation of the traditional computing and measuring of the norm of Mongolian yurt, it introduces some other computing and measuring methods of Mongolia yurt put forward by some scholars from Mongolia, compares their advantages and disadvantages and the scope of application, and tries to explore the inner rules and practical application issues.

Key words: Mongolian yurt; norms; computing and measuring methods




(内蒙古农业大学材料科学与艺术设计学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010018)

摘 要:苏尼特蒙古族的马烙印文化,是古代北方游牧民族马烙印文化的代表。马烙印图案分为动物、植物、天体、生活、几何、文字、宗教等七大类别,蕴涵了草原民族丰富的民俗思想和美学观念。马烙印与游牧社会的马业管理、牧业生产、游牧生活、文化艺术、宗教信仰等方面具有密切的关联,在古代草原畜牧业发展中起到了积极的作用。

关键词:苏尼特蒙古族 ; 马烙印;图案 ; 民俗文化

分类号: K892.29文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0028-06


Cultural Implications of the Patterns of Sunit Horse Burn

WANG Li-li

(Material Science and Art and DesignCollege of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010018)

Abstract: Sunit Mongolian horse burn culture is representative of the ancient northern nomadic horse cultures. The patterns of the horse burn design has seven big types concerning animals, plants, objects, life, geometry, text, religion with the rich folk ideas and aesthetic concepts of the grassland peoples. Horse burn has a close relationship to the horse industry management, livestock production, nomadic life, culture and arts, religious belief and it played a positive role in the development of grassland animal husbandry in ancient times.

Key words: Sunit Mongolian; horse burn; patterns; folk culture




(内蒙古师范大学社会学民俗学学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:服饰制作技艺是鄂温克民族世世代代流传下来的民族手工技艺,他们在适应自然、与自然和谐共存的过程中,依靠自己的智慧创造出了集中体现本民族生活习俗、审美心理、深厚文化内涵的“通古斯”鄂温克民族服饰。从文化人类学的角度试对“通古斯”鄂温克服饰的种类及制作技艺作一浅析。

关键词: “通古斯”鄂温克;服饰;种类;制作技艺



The Types and Production Techniques of “Tunguska”Clothing


(SociologyFolkloreCollege of Inner MongoliaNormalUniversity, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: The dress making skills are passed down from generations of ancient Ewenki people of national manual skills, in the process to adapt to nature, in harmony with nature, relying on their wisdom to create a concentrated expression of the customs of national life, aesthetic psychology, the deep cultural meaning of the“Tunguska”Ewenki traditional national dress. This article tries to analyze the types and production techniques from the perspective of cultural anthropology of the“Tunguska”clothing.

Key words: “Tunguska”; Ewenki; clothing; types; production techniques




(内蒙古社会科学院 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:人类在成长的过程中,要不断认识自己生存的世界,这个世界包括人类自身、自然,乃至宇宙。原始人类的观念受自然力的困囿,产生了原始宗教观念。这些原始的观念虽是蒙昧的,但其中酝酿着科学观念的种子,经历一代又一代人的淘漉和积淀,我们从北方岩画的角度对草原民族的哲学观,只是对其认知方法略作管窥。这种科学观念明显处于感性的、直观的阶段,其所含的科学因素可称“具体性的”或“原始的”。但由于游牧民族的体验和观察的细致入微,这种科学观为真正缜密的科学奠定了基础。


分类号: K879.49文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0039-08


On the Scientific View of Nomads from the Northern Cliff Painting

FENG Jun-sheng

(Inner MongoliaAcademy of Social Sciences, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: In the development process of human being, we should continue to understand our own world of survival, including human beings, nature, and even the universe. The plight of the original concept of the human caused the original religious ideas caught by the forces of nature. The original ideas were still ignorance, but the seeds of scientific ideas brewing, accumulating from generation to generation. We only start from the philosophy of national grasslands of the northern cliff paintings to glimpse the cognitive methods. The concept of science was at the emotional, intuitive stage, which contains scientific factors can be described as“specific”or“original”. However, the observation and experience of the nomads are meticulous and set up a real careful scientific foundation.

Key words: cliff paintings; nomads; scientific view



(西华师范大学美术学院, 四川省 南充市 637009)

摘 要:随着生活方式的转变,民间美术的发展既遇到了挑战,又有了新的发展机遇。生活方式转变促进了民间美术产业的创新,也促使民间美术审美的回归,同时促成部分民间美术纳入“非物质文化遗产”范畴。围绕现代生活的转变,以产业化发展为契机使民间美术得以传承和保护是一条可行之道。


分类号: J528文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0047-06


Lifestyle Changes and the Development of Folk Art

LI Dong_feng

(College of Fine Arts, WestChinaNormalUniversity, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province 637009)

Abstract: With the lifestyle changes, the development of folk art has not only met the challenge, there has also been new development opportunities. Lifestyle changes not only promote the innovation of the folk art, industrial innovation, but also impel the return of the aesthetic of folk art, folk art has also been led into the “intangible cultural heritage”category. Around the changes in modern life, folk art with the industrial development as an opportunity finds a viable way to be inherited and protected.

Key words: ifestyle; folk art; industrial innovation; aesthetic regression; non-material cultural heritage




(西南大学美术学院, 重庆市 400715)

摘 要:大足石刻艺术作为世界非物质文化遗产,它的价值本身就具有全人类的意义。对宗教题材中的人间生活情态特征、造型风格的生活情状以及形成大足石刻艺术世俗化审美的人类学动因等方面的分析,旨在探寻石刻造型艺术世俗化风格背后的人类学价值特征和蕴藏其中的丰富的人类学含义。


分类号:J315文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0053-06


The Aesthetic Traces of the Art Secularization of Dazu Rock Carvings from the Perspective of Anthropology

QIU Zheng_lun

(Academy of Fine Arts, SouthwestUniversity, Chongqing, China 400715)

Abstract: As a world intangible cultural heritage, the value of the Dazu Rock Carvings art has the meaning of humanity with itself. This article tries to explore the anthropological value and the rich anthropological meaning behind the features secular style of the Dazu Rock Carvings art from the religious themes in human life, modal characteristics, modeling style of life of situation and the formation of Dazu Rock Carving Art motivation.

Key words: anthropology; stone art; Dazu Rock Carvings; aesthetic value; secularization style




(东方文化研究院, 哈萨克斯坦 阿拉木图 050000)

摘 要:历史上,九姓回鹘部落在中唐突厥汗国衰落之后,曾经一度建立称霸西伯利亚-蒙古草原的回鹘汗国。考证晚唐(公元9、10世纪左右)贝加尔湖畔的游牧民族考古遗迹的归属后,认为公元840年在吐蕃和(黠)嘎斯部落的侵略下回鹘汗国崩溃;其中一部迁入唐朝西域和甘肃建立小国,史称高昌回鹘汗国与甘州回鹘汗国。


分类号: C912.4文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0059-03


The Archaeological Remains of the Late Tang Dynasty Turks - Jiuxing Uighur Tribe in Siberia - LakeBaikal

(Kazakhstan) Albred ·Kamarov

(Academy of Oriental Culture, Almatu, Kazakhstan 050000)

Abstract: In historically, Jiuxing Turkic Uighur tribes once established hegemony in Siberia-the Uighur Khanate on Mongolia steppe after the decline of Turkic Khanate in the Mid-Tang Dynasty. The textual research of the ascription of archaeological sites of the nomadic tribes on Lake Baikal in Late Dynasty (9,10 century AD or so) concludes that under the Tibet and (Craftiness) GAZ tribal invasion, in AD 840, the Uighur Khanate was in the collapse; one tribe of them moved intoTang Dynasty established the Western Regions and Gansu to set up a small country, known as Gaochang Uighur Khanate and Ganzhou Uighur Khanate.

Key words: Late Turks system; Uighur Khanate; Jiuxing Uighur; archaeological remains



(内蒙古大学艺术学院音乐系, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)


摘 要:蒙古族长调民歌的丰富性首先表现在其区域风格的多样性上。部落传统、地缘环境、历史境遇、生活背景等因素,形成了蒙古族长调不同的区域传统和风格。新的社会制度、意识形态以及新的政治经济体制的建立,使得蒙古族长调赖以生存的社会文化生活结构发生改变,其在现代化进程中的生存状况也随之沉浮。


分类号: J616.2文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0062-14


The Survival Status and the Regional Distribution of Mongolian Long-tune


(Music Department of ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: The richness of the Mongolian long-tune folk songs lies firstly in its diversity of styles concerning their regions. Tribal traditions, geographical environment, historical circumstances, background and other factors, form the different regional traditions and styles of the Mongolian long-tune. New social system, ideology and the new political economy system bring changes in social and cultural life structure where the Mongolian long-tune survives. Its survival status will also be ups and downs in of the process of modernization.

Key words: Mongolian long-tune; regional distribution; social transformation; survival status




(内蒙古民族大学音乐学院, 内蒙古 通辽 028043)

摘 要:科尔沁蒙古族是一个有着悠久、深厚歌舞传统的民族。广博丰富的民族歌舞,为借鉴西方音乐剧和发展民族音乐剧提供了坚实的基础。将科尔沁地区音乐艺术与现代音乐剧相结合,寻求蒙古族原创音乐剧的创新,使其成为科尔沁传统音乐艺术传承与发展的新的载体,对于我国音乐剧创作“本土化”发展,进一步弘扬民族传统音乐文化具有重要意义。

关键词:科尔沁; 蒙古族;音乐剧;理论构建

分类号: J021文献标识码: A文章编号: 16729838(2011)01-0076-04


The Theory Construction of Horchin Mongolian Music Drama

BurgudGAO Qiao-yan

(MusicSchool of Inner MongoliaNationalUniversity, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia 028043)

Abstract: Mongolian has a long, deep folk songs and dances tradition. Vast wealth of folk singing and dance provides a solid foundation for the learning of Western music, and the development of national music drama. It is of great significance to combine the Horchin music art with modern music drama, seek for the innovation of Mongolian original music drama to become a new carrier of inheriting and developing Mongolian traditional music art for the“native”development of the creation of music drama of music drama in china , and for further promoting the national traditional music culture.

Key words: Horchin; Mongolian; music drama; theory construction



(内蒙古科技大学包头医学院, 内蒙古 包头 014040)

摘 要:关于二人台的起源地,尽管几种说法不尽一致,但都指出二人台的产生与晋、陕、蒙结合部有关。探讨二人台小戏《走西口》产生的时间,认为它不是产生于咸丰年间,而是产生在光绪三、四年的“丁戊奇荒”期间。


分类号: J605文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0080-05


The Time of the Production of Er Ren Tai“Moving Westward”and the Interpretation of the Story

LIU Zhong-he

(BaotouMedicalCollege, Inner Mongolia Science and TechnologyUniversity, Baotou, Inner Mongolia 014040)

Abstract: There have been several different opinions about the origin of Er Ren Tai, although they are not consistent, but they point out that Er Ren Tai′s production iwas related to the common boundary of Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces and Inner Mongolia. The time of Er Ren Tai opera“Moving Westward”was not in Xianfeng period, but in the third or fourth years of Guangxu period.

Key words: Er Ren Tai ; “Moving Westward”; generation time; plot Interpretation


叙 事 的 赋 格



(集美大学诚毅学院, 厦门 361000)

摘 要:林华先生的《G大调前奏曲、圣咏与赋格》饱含了强烈的情感,带有极强的叙事性,这与他缜密的复调思维、娴熟的复调技法和鲜明的音乐审美观是密不可分的。以其中的赋格作为主要研究对象,剖析其运用的创作技法及表现的情感意义,并以此为契机寻找作者力图在严谨的曲式、音乐的情感及人的审美心理间建立起来的合理的联系。

关键词:林华;《G大调前奏曲、圣咏与赋格》;赋格;情感布局;技法运用 分类号: J614.2文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0085-11


Narrative Fugue

——On the emotion layout and the use of techniques of fugue in Lin Hua′s“G Major Prelude, Psalm and Fugue”

LIu Yan-ting

(ChengyiCollege of JimeiUniversity, Xiamen, FujianProvince 361000)

Abstract: Mr. Lin Hua′s“G major Prelude, Psalm and Fugue,”full of strong emotions, with a strong narrative feature, which are inseparable from his careful polyphonic thinking, skillful techniques and distinctive polyphonic music aesthetics. To take one of the Fugue as the main object of study, this article analyzes the use of creative techniques and the performance of emotional significance, trying to take this opportunity to look at reasonable links among the strict musical form, music emotion and human as well as the aesthetic psychology.

Key words: Lin Hua; “G major Prelude, Psalm and Fugue”; fugue; emotional layout; techniques used




(沈阳音乐学院, 辽宁省 沈阳市 110004)

摘 要: “瓦市” “勾栏”里的原始戏曲、曲艺音乐主要有嘌唱、唱赚、鼓子词、诸宫调、杂剧等。这些民间的、平民性质的音乐表演,首先包含了声乐演唱的表演(唱与说),同时不可或缺的包括一定形式的乐器伴奏和简繁不一的装扮下的形体表演。传统曲艺戏曲影响到现当代中国民族声乐的“字、声、情”,是众多民族声乐教育家在传授民族声乐表演技艺的过程中,反复强调的几个环节。戏曲表演过程中,要求“字正腔圆、声情并茂”,在现当代的中国民族声乐演唱中,仍是一个核心。


分类号: J616文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0096-04


National Vocal Music under the Influence of Elements of Traditional Chinese Opera and Drama

WANG Zhi-xin

(ShenyangMusicCollege, Shenyang, Liaoning Province 110004)

Abstract: There are mainly the music types of “Piao chang singing”,“Chang zhuan singing”, “Gu zi ci singing”etc in the original opera and folk music“Wa shi,”and“Gou lan”. These folk, the civilian nature of the musical performances firstly contains the vocal music performance (singing and speaking), with the accompaniment of the physical performance and indispensable musical instruments, including certain different forms of dress. The traditional folk operas have influenced the contemporary“word, sound, feeling”in Chinese vocal music, is one of many national vocal music educator in the teaching of national vocal music performance skills in the process, the following aspects are repeatedly emphasized during opera performances, calling for“enunciate, extremely rich”, in modern and contemporary Chinese folk song singing and it is still a core.

Key words: national vocal music; Chinese traditional folk art; operas; influence




(内蒙古大学艺术学院音乐系 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:打击乐是所有器乐中历史最为悠久,声音最为特殊的乐器。它的乐器种类繁多,音色各不相同,有相当丰富的审美价值。从节奏,音色,表演三方面体验打击乐艺术之美,总结打击乐艺术审美体验的价值。


分类号: G112文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0100-03


An Approach to the Aesthetic Experience of Percussion Art

HAN Xiao-chen

(Music Department of ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: Percussion is a musical instrument with the longest history and most unique musical sounds. It has wide range of musical instruments, different sounds with a wealthy aesthetic value. This article experiences the beauty of art from the perspective of rhythm, tone, performing and sum up the value of art aesthetic experience of percussion.

Key words: percussion; aesthetic experience; rhythm; timbre; performance




(内蒙古大学艺术学院音乐系, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:声乐钢琴伴奏和声乐演唱是两个独立的表演专业,在各自的领域里分别有各自的专业内容和技巧,必须以伙伴的关系才能共同完成声乐表演艺术。目前存在着钢琴伴奏的教学与表演、培养与需要相脱节并且导致伴奏人才缺乏及质量不高等问题。因此探讨钢琴艺术指导专业的价值,可更好地为声乐专业人才的培养做出应有的贡献。


分类号: J624.1文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0103-03

On the Value Realization of Piano Art Direction in Vocal Music


(Music Department of ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: Piano accompaniment in vocal music and its performance are two independent performance specialities, having their respective fields of professional content and skills of their own, must be partners to jointly complete the vocal performing arts. There have currently been some problems like disjunction between the teaching of piano accompaniment and piano performing, training, and between the training and the needs of the shortage of talent and lack of quality. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the value of the profession piano art director to make due contributions to the training of better vocal music professionals.

Key words: piano accompaniment; technical support; psychological support; teaching content




(天津音乐学院声乐系, 天津 300171)

摘 要:总结多年的声乐教育实践,认为男中音在启蒙阶段的教学虽易,但万万不可掉以轻心,造成声音概念和发声技巧上的一些错误,一旦初学阶段走入误区,则悔之晚矣。应在男中音教学中采取打造呼吸基础、突破换声点、提高演唱综合素质的阶段性教学。


分类号: J616.2文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0107-03


The“Three-stage method”in Baritone Vocal Teaching

YANG Bao-li

(Vocal Music Department of TianjinMusicCollege, Tianjin 300171)

Abstract: To summarize the vocal music education practice of many years, this article holds that though the teaching of the baritone is easy in the initiation phase, it must not be taken lightly, causing the sound concepts and vocal skills on some of the errors, once the novice gets into the errors, then it is too late . Teaching should be taken to create breathing baritone basis for the sound breaking point, to improve the overall quality of stage teaching.

Key words: vocal music teaching; baritone teaching; breathing techniques; for acoustic point; singing attainment




(内蒙古大学艺术学院美术系, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:现代版画的图像表现强调物体的明暗关系和色彩关系,追求画面立体形象塑造和光影效果。透视、光影、色彩的运用是版画空间感表现的重要方法,也是版画语言得以传达的重要方式。

关键词:版画艺术;空间感;表现形式 ;表现方法

分类号: J227文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0110-05


Sense of Space and Performance of Engraving Arts


(Art Department of ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: The performance of modern engraving arts emphasizes the relationship between the light and shade, and the relations between the colors, pursuits the screen three-dimensional image of the lighting effects. Perspective, light and shadow, color prints use are the important methods to show a sense of space, but also is an important way to transmit the language of this kind of art.

Key words: engraving arts; sense space; form of expression; methods of performance




(内蒙古大学艺术学院美术系, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:版画技法与情感表达的关系问题已愈来愈引起人们的关注。技法与媒材是画家情感表达的前提和基础,画家情感的表达是版画作品的灵魂所在。画家在艺术创作过程中如何拓宽思路,跨越技术与媒材的定式局限,正确把握二者的关系,是艺术作品能否感染人、打动人的关键所在,也是画家必须面对和思考的问题。


分类号: J227文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0115-03


On the Technical Language and Emotion of Engraving

LIU Ying

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: The relationship between the engraving techniques and emotional expression have caused more and more concern. Techniques and media material are the prerequisite and basis for emotional expression of the artists, the artist′s expression of emotion is the soul of engraving arts. How artists can expand the idea of the creative process in the art, across the limitations of the fixed type of technology and media and correctly grasp the relationship between the two, are what artists have to face and think about the works of art to infect humans and the key to move people.

Key words: engraving creation; techniques; media material; emotional expression




(内蒙古大学艺术学院新媒体艺术系, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:将日常积累的表演和“陌生化”的表演运用到动画角色动作的创造上是我们急需解决的问题,也是国内动画片发展的一个突破口。好的动画片表演对动画角色表情和动态肢体语言的塑造会产生深远的影响,甚至对动画角色的成功塑造产生决定性的影响。


分类号: J954文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0118-06


Let the Performance Give A Soul to the Cartoon Characters

WANG Fang-lei

(New Media Arts Department of ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: It is an urgent need to resolve the issue to make the daily accumulation of performance and“estrangement”applied to the creation of character motion animation, and it is also a breakthrough in the development of the domestic animation. Good performance of the animated character animation and dynamic body language, facial expressions will have a profound impact on molding, or even have a decisive impact on the successful shaping of the animated characters.

Key words: animation; character; performance; body movements


风 气 之 重



(内蒙古大学艺术学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特市 010010)

摘 要:一所学校最关键的养成就是风气。崇尚学术,追求文明,营造优质而合规律的学术生态,是每一所学校都应该始终倡导的风气。崇尚学术之风,应该像空气与阳光一样与大学生息俱在。一所学校要养成好风气,则需特别注重如下三点:其一,要有正确而合规律的导向;其二,要有良好的典范;其三,要营造相谐的环境。


分类号: G640文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0124-05


Importance of the Atmosphere

——Discussion of University Spirit Contibution

SONG Sheng-gui

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)


Abstract: The most critical thing to develop of a university is atmosphere. Respect for learning, pursuit of civilization and to creation of the academic quality and ecological affinities, is what every university should always promote. Advocating learning should be the same as air and sunshine existing together with college students. To develop a good atmosphere in a university, you will need to pay special attention to the following three points: First, there must be correct co-orientation laws; Second, a good example; Third, to create harmony with the environment.

Key words: higher education; spirit of university; academic ecology; atmosphere; orientation





(集宁师范学院中文系, 内蒙古 集宁 012000)

摘 要:《诗意梦寻》中的56篇散文,其笔触所及是广泛与丰富的,既有感性的叙写,又有理性的阐发;既有对身边小事的体认,又有对人类生存的思考;既有对往昔岁月的追忆,又有对当下世象的分析与批判。但这种种情况都基于一个指向,那就是对人类生存命题中的诗意追寻。


分类号: G256.4文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0129-03


Concerned about the Mental State of the ExistenceState

——Read Song Sheng-gui′s prose works“Poems in Dreams”

GUO Peng

(Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Jining Teacher′s College, Jining, Inner Mongolia 012000)

Abstract: The 56 essays in“Poems in Dreams”are related to broad and extensive reach of both emotional narrations and rational exposition with both realizingthe little things on the side and thinking of human survival; recalling of past years, and the analysis and criticism of the present world. But these circumstances are based on one point, that is, the pursuit of poetry of human existence.

Key words: Song Sheng-gui; “Poems in Dreams”; poetic wisdom; spiritual oasis




(中央民族大学图书馆, 北京 100081)


分类号: Z87文献标识码:D文章编号: 1672-9838(2011)01-0132-05

Index of Research papers on Northern China Culture 1991


(Library of CentralUniversity for Nationalities, Beijing 100081)

Key words: paper Index; northern China nationalities; culture studies; ethnic studies

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