




(青海民族大学, 青海 西宁 810007)

摘 要:采取民族学与戏剧民族志的研究方法,以青海黄南藏族自治州河南蒙古族自治县托叶玛乡西顷村藏戏表述与文化认同为例,进行田野考察研究。立足于托叶玛乡西顷村藏戏的演述特点,从藏戏在蒙古族僧俗群众中的传承与表述、蒙古族认同藏戏的文化背景和信仰特征入手,探析了藏戏在蒙古族族群流变中的民族文化认同和作为非物质文化遗产的藏戏在蒙古族群中的文化认同。




Inheritance and Expression of Qinghai Huangnan Tibetan Opera

——Case study of the Tibetan Opera performance of Xiqing Village Tuoyema Township and fieldwork of cultural Identity

CAo Ya-li

(QinghaiNationalUniversity, Xining, QinghaiProvince 810007)

Abstract: Taking Ethnology and drama ethnographic research methods, taking Tibetan Opera performance of Xiqing Village Tuoyema Township and fieldwork of cultural Identity as example, this article is based on the performance features of the opera, examining the inheritance and expression of Tibetan Mongolian monks, the cultural background of Tibetan Mongolian identity and belief characteristic to research on the national cultural identity of Tibetan opera in Mongolian ethnic group and the cultural identity of Tibetan opera as a and intangible heritage in the Mongolian cultural groups.

Key words: Qinghai; Tibetan opera art; Mongolian; heritage; cultural identity




(贵州大学艺术学院, 贵州 贵阳 550003)

摘 要:鉴于民间临济派道场仪式音乐文化近十年的变迁,借用文化变迁理论、仪式音乐研究理论以及社会人类学的理论,对湘黔交界北部侗族地区民间临济派对道场仪式的时空结构及其变迁、仪式的“音声”传统及其变迁进行了实地调查和理论思考,并在此基础上提出,通俗音乐的“在场”表演是该道场仪式音乐文化变迁的显现标志,并进一步探讨了该道场“仪式音声”的双重结构及其文化象征,以及通俗音乐“在场”的操作策略及其文化诉求等问题。


分类号:G112 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9838(2010)03-0013-11


Cultural Tradition and Transition of the Folk Linji Style Taoist Rites

——Re-research on Dong area to the north of the Hunan-Guizhou border

ZHANG Ying Hua

(Art Institute of Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou Province 550003)

Abstract: In view of nearly a decade of change of folk music culture ritual of folk Linji style Taoist rites, this article borrows the cultural transition theory, rites music research theory and the theory of social anthropology, does some survey and theoretical thinking of the time and space construction and the evolution of cultural tradition and transition of the folk Linji Style Taoist Rites on Dong area to the north of the Hunan-Guizhou border, and based on this further puts forward that the popular music’s “being on the scene” performance is a symbol of the music culture transition. It further discusses the dual structure and the cultural symbol as well as the operation strategies and cultural appeal to the popular music’s “being on the scene” performance.

Key words:ritual music; folk Linji style; Taoist rites music; cultural traditions; cultural changes


祭 典 与 狂 欢



(云南大学西南边疆少数民族研究中心, 云南 昆明 650091)

摘 要:跳盘王是广西金秀大瑶山操“勉语”的瑶族族群每年定期祭办的传统性节日。仪式活动有单村自办或多村联办等多种类型。传统的仪式活动主要由瑶族师公主持,祭祀过程繁琐而神圣。然而,随着现代文明进程的推进,大瑶山从封闭走向开放,传统的跳盘王祭典交织进多种现代因素,仪式特质异化嬗变,庆典娱神更娱人。


分类号:G04 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-9838(2010)03-0024-06


Fiesta and Carnival

——Survey of Master’s Tiaopanwang of Yao People in Guangxi Jinxiu Dayao Mountain

GU Jia-rong

(SouthwestBorderMinorityResearchCenter of YunnanUniversity, Kunming, Yunnan province, China 650091)


Abstract: Tiaopanwang is the traditional festival held every year by Yao people ethnic group with “mian language ”in Guangxi Jinxiu Dayao Mountain. The ceremonies are held by villages or village groups. The traditional ritual is hosted mainly by Yao Masters, the process misellaneous and sacred. However, with the advance of modern civilization, DayaoMountain has been changing from the closed to an opening state, the traditional dance woven into a variety of modern factors and the celebration is becoming more entertaining.

Key words: Guangxi; DayaoMountain; Yao people; traditional festive events; Tiaopanwang





(玉溪师范学院文学院, 云南 玉溪 653100)


摘 要:彝族花鼓舞是古代彝族在鲁祖业山巅祭祖大典上踏平尖刀草集体歌舞仪式的缅怀和承继,是之后六组分支、向四方披荆斩棘、开疆扩土迁徙事件的一个行为叙事和仪式模拟,是一个饱含彝族迁徙历史记忆的仪式舞蹈,富有深层文化涵义和社会功能。



Ritual Dance And Historical Memory

——An Approach to the origin of the Yi Huagu Dance

HUANG Long-guang

(College of Liberal Arts of YuxiTeachers College, Yuxi, Yunnan Province, China 653100)

Abstract: Yi Huagu Dance is ancient Yi people’s recalling and succession of the collective dancing and singing ceremony of stepping on the grass on the ancestor worship grand ceremony on the top of Luzuye mountain. It is the imitation and narration of six –group division, overcoming all obstacles, the event of an expansion behavior of soil movement, Yi dance is a movement full of historical memory of the ceremony and full of deep cultural meaning and social function.

Key words: Yi Huagu Dance; origin; civil ceremony; historical memory


中国视野中“field work”的概念认知



(中国音乐学院音乐学系, 北京 100101)

摘 要:田野工作是民族音乐学学科建立、发展的基石,没有前者就无所谓后者。但学界在“田野工作”这一概念的使用与认知方面,颇有些混乱。总结梳理此领域20年间的重要文论,结合周代的“采风”制度,对其进行定量性的统计与梳理。以期揭示“field work”一词在不同表层概念中的深层文化内涵,统一学界的概念使用与认知,建立相对一致的话语文本。


分类号: G04文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0036-04


Conceptual Cognition of “field work” from Chinese Perspective

——Carding and pondering over the Zhou Dynasty “folk song collection”system and the relevant literature documents since 1990

LIU Zhen-tao

(Music Department of ChinaMusicCollege, Beijing, China 100101)

Abstract: The field work is the footstone for the establishment and development of ethnomusicology. Without field work there would be no ethnomusicology. However, quite a lot of confusion existed concerning the using and recognition of the concept of “field work”. This article summarizes 20-year important documents and theories, combing with Zhou Dynasty“folk song collection”system to make quantitative statistics and try to reveal the deep cultural connotation of“field work”in different levels for the unified academic use and cognition, to establish of relatively consistent discourse text.

Key words: folk songs collection system; field work; East; West; conceptual cognition; cultural values




(中国国家图书馆, 北京 100081)

摘 要:那达慕是在蒙古族游牧生产、生活中发生、发展、演变而来的一项传统的民俗活动。那达慕是复合的符号体系和文化生态链,融会了政治、经济、生产、生活、宗教信仰、象征艺术、社交来往、民族心理等文化现象于一身,表达着蒙古族深层的文化信仰和追求。由此,对那达慕的保护其实就是对其生存和延续的文化整体空间的保护,那达慕依存于草原特定的生态环境,它与整个草原文化相关联。草原生态环境是那达慕产生、存在和存续的根基与条件。


分类号:G112文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0040-06


Inheritance and Protection of Naadam from the Cultural and Ecological Perspective

ZHANG Shu-guang

(National Library of China, Beijing 100081)

Abstract: The Naadam is a folk activity originated, developed and evoluted from Mongolian nomadic production and life. Naadam is the complex symbol systems and cultural ecological chain with the mix of the cultural phenomena of politics, economics, production, life, religion, symbolic art, social contacts, national psychology, expressing deep Mongolian cultural beliefs and aspirations. Thus, the protection of Nadam is actually the protection of the whole cultural space for the continuation of their survival. Nadam is dependent on the particular ecological environment of grassland and it is associated with the whole grassland culture. Grassland ecological environment is the the foundation and conditions for Naadam’s origin,existence and survival.

Key words: Mongolian; traditional culture; Naadam; inheritance space; grassland ecological protection; Uzhumuchin Banner



盛 丽

(内蒙古群众艺术馆, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:蒙古族长调民歌,是跨境分布的一种民族音乐形式,是内蒙古自治区最具代表性的非物质文化遗产项目之一。2008年根据中蒙两国达成的联合协议,内蒙古自治区文化厅派出专家组,与蒙古国同仁一道,对蒙古国喀尔喀部长调民歌进行了实地的田野调查,初步了解了三个风格区的区域分布、历史渊源、社会习俗、音乐形态、传承人的状况,取得了阶段性成果。


分类号: J607文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0046-07

Tracing of the Mongolian Long-tune Folk Songs

——The fieldwork long-tune folk songs In Mongolia


(Inner MongoliaMassArtCenter, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: The Mongolian long-tune folk songs is a form of folk music with cross-border distribution. It is the most representative of intangible cultural heritage of Inner Mongolia. According to the 2008 joint agreement reached between China and Mongolia, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Department of Culture sent a group of experts, together with colleagues from Mongolia, carried out a field research of the Mongolian Khalkha long-tune folk songs, and got a preliminary understanding of the three styles of area distribution, history, social customs, music form, condition of the inheritors, and had obtained good results.

Key words: Mongolian long-tune folk songs; Mongolia; style areas; field work





(内蒙古社会科学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:在草原丰富的传统物质文化中选择“蒙古包”作为描述的对象,圆形蒙古包经历了上千年的变迁过程,其物质的功能正在悄然消失。而保护传承民族文化,就应该保护好与其共存亡的草原生态环境。


分类号: G04 文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0053-04


Transition of the Traditional Material Grassland Culture

——A case study of Mongolian yurts

SU Hao

(Inner MongoliaAcademy of Social Sciences, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: “Mongolian yurt” is chosen from traditional grassland material culture to be the object of description. The material function of round Mongolian yurt is quietly disappearing after thousands of years changing process. The protection of cultural heritage needs the protection of grasslands environment surviving together with it.

Key words: Mongolian; material culture; Mongolian yurts; change; natural nomadic area




(中国音乐学院音乐学系, 北京 100101)

摘 要: “蒙古乐曲”集中体现了元代以来蒙古族宫廷的部分歌曲和器乐曲,是用工尺谱形式来记载的乐谱文献。而从音乐文献研究法、音乐经验法以及音乐风格的把握等方面对于蒙古族古老文本音乐再现的问题值得思考。

关键词: “蒙古乐曲”;蒙古族传统音乐;文献研究法;音乐经验法;器乐化尝试;比较

分类号:J607.12 文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0057-05

Reproduction of the Scientific Music Principle of “Mongolian Music”

ZHOU Tegus

(Music Department of the ChinaMusicCollege, Beijing, China 100101)

Abstract: “Mongolian music”embodies some of the songs and instrumental music of the Mongolian court since Yuan Dynasty and they are some music documents recorded in the form of gongchi composing. It is considerable to reflect the Mongolian ancient text music from the perspectives of research of music documents, musical experience and musical style.

Key words: “Mongolian music”; Mongolian traditional music; document research; musical experience method; attempt of the instrumental music; comparison




(内蒙古大学艺术学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:准格尔旗漫瀚调的大多数曲调来源于准格尔旗蒙古族原生态民歌,二者有许多相似之处。借鉴冯光钰先生《中国同宗民歌》的分类方法对二者进行比较,找出其同宗渊源关系。

关键词:内蒙古;准格尔旗;漫瀚调;蒙古族原生态民歌;同宗民歌;比较 分类号:J642.22“26”文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-9838(2010)03-0062-08


The Comparison between Manhandiao of Zhungeer Banner and Zhungeer Mongolian Original Ecological Folk Songs


(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: Most of the tunes of Manhandiao of Zhungeer Banner are from Zhungeer Mongolian folk songs, and the two have many similarities. This article learns from Mr. Feng Guangyu's method of classification of“Chinese Clan Folk Songs”to compare the two to find out the relationship between them.

Key words: Inner Mongolia; Zhungeer Banner; Manhandiao; Mongolian folk songs; clan folk songs; comparison



(内蒙古民族大学音乐学院, 内蒙古 通辽 028043)

摘 要:赞达仁是鄂伦春族民歌中的主要体裁形式。其旋律高亢悠扬、粗犷豪放,润腔时用滑音和倚音等表现原始山野风格的技法,极具民族特色。赞达仁按题材分,可分为狩猎歌、情歌、酒歌、摇篮歌等,演唱时宜采用不同的艺术处理方式。




Oroqen Zandaren folk Songs Singing Art

CAO Li-yan

(MusicSchool of Inner MongoliaNationalUniversity, Tongliao, Inner Mongolia 028043)

Abstract: Zandaren is the main genre of Oroqen folk songs. Its melodious is high-pitched with bold and unstrained, running with the glide, and its performance techniques are of the original wild style, with strong ethnic characteristics. Zandaren is divided by subject matter as hunting songs, love songs, drinking songs, cradle songs. The singing adopts different artistic approaches in performance.

Key words: Oroqen folk songs; Zandaren; subject; singing art




(广西师范大学音乐学院, 广西 桂林 541001)

摘 要:对广西壮族二声部及三声部民歌的声部数量及演唱形式、音乐结构形态、旋律骨干音与装饰音的特点、和声与音程的运用及解决等的分析、梳理,试图找出其共性,为进一步了解、发掘、传承、保护和发展我国少数民族优秀的音乐文化遗产尽一份力。




An Approach to the Formation of Guangxi Zhuang Multi-Voice Part Folk Songs

FAN Zhi-guo

(MusicCollege of GuangxiNormalUniversity, Guilin, GuangxiProvince 541001)


Abstract: This paper mainly analyses and cards the number of the voice part and form of singing ,music structure formation, features of main tone of the cantus and grace note, the use and resolving of harmony and tone in order to find out the commonalities, to further understand.

Key words: Zhuang people; multi-voice part folk songs; formation





(内蒙古大学艺术学院音乐系, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要: 20世纪早期,在五四运动和新文化运动的热潮下,中国艺术歌曲逐渐发展起来,先后产生了一大批优秀的作曲家与作品,并对中国后续的音乐发展产生了重要影响。探讨之对声乐教学实践有积极意义。


分类号: J642.5文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0083-03


The Spirit of the Times of the Early 20th Century Chinese Art Songs and Its Significance in Vocal Music Teaching

JU Shan-ri

(Music Department of ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: In the early 20th century, in the boom of May Fourth Movement and the New Culture Movement, the Chinese art songs gradually developed, and produced a large number of outstanding composers and works. They have had an important impact on the subsequent development of music in China. The research on them is of active significance to vocal music teaching practice.

Key words: China; art songs; the early 20th century; spirit of the times; vocal music teaching; significance



(内蒙古大学艺术学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:数量众多的、植根于民间并代表地域文化特色的小剧种,正面临着前所未有的生存危机和困境。要想解决这种艰难处境,有赖于法律的保护和政府的扶持,但最主要的还是小剧种本身要适应时代,进行创新,在此基础上进行市场化运作,在大市场中保持鲜活的演出状态,这样既能使小剧种获得生存,又能得到保护和传承。


分类号: G124文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0086-06


The Way the Small Operas Enter the Large Market

LIU Jun-mei

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: The large number of small operas rooted in local cultural with local characteristics are facing unprecedented survival crisis and difficulties. To resolve this difficult situation depends on the legal protection and government support, but the most important thing is the small opera’s adapting to the times with innovation and remain fresh performing in large market on the basis of operation of the large market. In this way, they can both survive and gain protection and inheritance. Key words: small opera; living dilemma; legal protection; government support; innovation; market operation




(内蒙古师范大学传媒学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010022)

摘 要:电视艺术通过影像模式,利用现代传媒丰富的视听手段对文化进行记录、解读,实现文化传播。但目前从内蒙古文化生态环境看,文化的传播并不乐观。造成目前传播现状有文化生态环境被压缩和创作者民族文化意识待加强等问题;而从国家扶持、电视自身的文化品位提升以及文化意象的择取确是草原文化电视传播相应的对策研究。


分类号: J206.3文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0092-05

Present Situation And Countermeasures of the Prairie Culture TV Broadcasting

QIAN Shu-Fang

(MediaSchool of Inner MongoliaNormalUniversity, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia 010022)

Abstract: Through image mode, television Art, uses rich modern audio-visual means of media to record and interpret the culture to cultural transmission. But viewing from Inner Mongolia’s cultural environment, cultural transmission is not optimistic. The present situation is related to the compressed cultural ecological environment and the creator’s cultural awareness. The research on the countermeasures related to prairie culture TV broadcasting should gain support from the state, to enhance their own cultural tastes and cultural image of the grassland culture.

Key words: grassland culture; television transmission; the status quo; strategy




(北京电子科技学院人文社科部, 北京 100070)

摘 要:《卧虎藏龙》是一部获得奥斯卡最佳音乐奖的影片,影片音乐兼具了民族性和国际化的特点。对这部影片音乐创作的国际化策略进行分析,以期探求其在全球化条件下可能给中国电影音乐创作提供的文化参考。


分类号: J617.6文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0097-04

Hovering between Globalization and Nationalism

——The international survival strategies of the music of the film“Crouching Tiger


(Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Beijing Electronic Science and TechnologySchool, Beijing 100070)

Abstract: “Crouching Tiger”is a film winging the Oscar Best music Award for. The music has both the National and international characteristics. This article analyses the internationalization strategies of the music creation so as to provide culture reference to the exploration of music composing under the conditions of globalization to the music of Chinese films.

Key words: film music; “Crouching Tiger”; theme music; globalization; nationality; survival strategy




(内蒙古大学艺术学院美术系, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:在当代艺术普遍的危机中,写实绘画的创作也陷入困境。然而,这并非写实技法的问题。考察写实绘画与符合论真理观之间的思想联系,我们会发现“符合”即为“真”,是传统写实绘画所持有的真理观。这也正是今天写实绘画遭遇危机背后的思想渊源。


分类号: J20-02文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0101-03


The Root of Correspondence Theory of Realistic Painting


(Art Department of ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: In the general crisis of contemporary art, the creation of realistic painting is also in trouble. However, this is not a problem of realistic technique. From the investigation of the thinking links between the realistic painting and correspondence theory, we find that: “consistent”is“true”is the truth held by traditional realistic painting. This is the idea behind the the crisis that realistic painting encounter today,

Key words: contemporary art; realistic painting; ideological origins; correspondence theory



(内蒙古大学艺术学院美术系, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:现藏于北京故宫博物院的《杨竹西小像》是元代肖像画家王绎的传世作品。关于这幅肖像的主人,各家美术史和绘画史著作却有很大的分歧,一种观点认为此画主人是杨瑀,另一种观点认为是杨谦。通过对历史资料的分析与梳理,其像主应为元代诗人杨谦。有些美术史著作所谓像主为元代诗人杨瑀或元末退席官员杨瑀的说法其实是一种误传,有尽早纠正的必要。



Inspecting Yang Zhu-xi Figurine by Wang Yi

YANG Chun-xiao

(Art Department, ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: The present possession of “Yang Zhu-xi Figurine” by Wang Yi in the Beijing Imperial Palace Museum is a famous portrait by painter Wang Yi. As to the character on the portrait, there is a huge difference concerning the individual works of art history and painting history, one view holds that the owner of this painting is Yang Yu, another view is Yang Qian. The analysis of historical data and combing concludes that the man should be the poet Yang Qian. Some art history books hold that a canard that it is the poet yang Qian of Yuan Dynasty or an official Yang Qian and there is the need to correct it as soon as possible.

Key words: art history; Yuan Dynasty; “Yang Zhu-xi Figurine”; research; Yang Yu; Yang Qian


刘华英 罗玉兰

(1.绵阳师范学院历史文化与旅游管理学院, 四川 绵阳 621000;

2.陕西省宝鸡文理学院, 陕西  宝鸡  721007)

摘 要:文艺复兴时期的绘画艺术被认为是宣扬人文主义思想的重要媒介。以马萨乔的宗教名画《纳税银》为例,分析作品在教堂空间中的位置、画面的布局、人物的处理以及人物的表情动作,探究其所蕴含的深层含义。


分类号:J233文献标识码:A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0109-04

Analysis of Human Dignity and Salvation in Masaccio's Paintings

LIU Hua-ying,LUO Yu-lan

(1. Institute of History, Culture and Tourism Management of Mianyang Normal University, Mianyang, Sichuan Province 621000;

2. ShaanxiProvince, BaojiUniversity of Arts and Science, Baoji, Shanxi Province 721007)

Abstract: Painting art in Renaissance was considered an important medium to promote Humanism. This article takes the famous religious painting by Masaccio“Tax money”as example, analyses its position in the church, the layout, character and facial expression processing action, to explore the deeper meaning it contains.

Key words: Renaissance; humanism; dignity; salvation; Masaccio; paintings;“tax money”





(内蒙古民族大学, 内蒙古 通辽 028043)


分类号: J205文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0113-03


An Approach to Watercolor Painting Art of Inner Mongolia

LI Jin-feng

(Inner MongoliaUniversity for Nationalities, Tongliao 028043)


Key words:Inner Mongolia; watercolor painting; development




(包头师范学院美术学院, 内蒙古 包头 014030)

摘 要:陶文近年来逐渐成为艺术界关注的珍贵资料,已经为许多学者所使用,并且丰富了书画篆刻的创作,未释陶文给当代写意印风带来了更大的想象和联想空间,灵活借鉴未释陶文各种风格的形式美,拓宽学习传统的方法,可为时代创造出更加丰富多彩的写意印风艺术形式。


分类号: J292.4文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0116-05

The Inspiration of the Un-interpreted Earthenware Script to the Freehand Style of Seal Writing

MENG De-xiang

(Art College of BaotouTeachers College, Baotou, Inner Mongolia 014030)


Abstract: Pottery script in recent years has become valuable information for the art research circle, has been used by many scholars, and has enriched the creation of the calligraphy and painting. The un-interpreted freehand style has brought larger space for imagination. Its flexibly refers to the form beauty of different styles, widens the learning from the tradition, and may create more rich art styles for the seal writing.

Key words: pottery script; un-interpreted script; freehand seal style



张世超 屈指

(内蒙古大学艺术学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

关键词: 油画创作;妥木斯;作品展;座谈会;综述

分类号: G642文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0121-05


Look Forward to the New Spring of Prairie Oil Painting

——Sum up of the“Forumof Tumus’s painting works

ZHANG Shi-chao, QU Zhi

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Key words: oil paintings; Tumus; work exhibition; forum; summary





(内蒙古大学艺术学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要: “天籁草原·内蒙古大学艺术学院第三届音乐节”历时12天,以国内专家学者讲学,院内外师生音乐会展演,参加各级各类音乐专业赛事,以及内蒙古本土音乐展示活动及草原风俗考察调研活动为内容,搭建了自治区专业音乐教育成果展示、音乐学学术研究与交流、民族风格原创音乐作品展演和音乐家与院校师生艺术实践的平台。


分类号: G642.45文献标识码: A文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0126-05

Gathering of Grassland Music, Symphony of Multi-culture

——Sum up of the“Third Music of Festival Sounds of Grasslands of Inner Mongolia University Art College

MIAO Jin-hai

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Huhhot, Inner Mongolia 010010)

Abstract: “Third Music of Festival Sounds of Grasslands of Inner Mongolia University Art College”lasted 12 days, domestic experts and scholars to give lectures, concerts, exhibitions and students within and outside the art college give all kinds of music participation at all levels of professional events and exhibition activities and local music of Inner Mongolia Customs investigation and research activities grassland content, build a regional exhibition on the achievements of professional music education, music and exchange of academic research, national style original music performances and art practices of musicians and college students a platform.

Key words: ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity; Music Festival; sum up




(中央民族大学图书馆, 北京 100081)


分类号: Z87文献标识码:D文章编号: 1672-9838(2010)03-0131-06



Index of Research papers on Northern China Culture 1991


(Library of Central University for Nationalities, Beijing 100081)

Key words: paper Index; northern China nationalities; culture studies; ethnic studies

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