




Recll Boyindelger, the Maestro of Mongolian Long Tune


(Inner Mongolia Department of Radio and Television, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 010050)

Key words: Boyindelger; Life; Singing; Education






Golden Holy Mountain, Invaluable Monument

——Mourn Boyindelger, the Maestro of Mongolian Long Tune


(Minzu University of China, Beijing, 100081)

Key words: Mongolian Long Tune; Boyindelger; Art educationist




(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古呼和浩特 010010)


Historical Monument, the Contributions of the Future Generations

——Recll Boyindelger, the Maestro of Mongolian Long Tune (Wurtindu)

KE Qin-fu

(Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 010010)

Key words: Wurdindu; the Style of Barghu; Art educationist




(呼伦贝尔学院音乐系,内蒙古 呼伦贝尔021008)


Boyindelger's Contribution to the Development of

Mongolian Long Tune (Wurtindu)


ZHAO Hong-rou

(Hulunbuir University, the Music Department, Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, 021008)

Key words: Mongolian Long Tune; the Style of singing; the System of repertoire; the Mold of inheritance; Charisma




摘 要:由于伶人家族的特殊性,作为静态的外部构造的家族结构也具有一定的特殊性,与传统家族相对稳定的家族结构有所变异,一是“二大一小”的结构形态,“二大”是指两个大的家族和泛家族系统,“一小”即伶人进入伶界以后自身所组成的家族结构;二是家点族面的发展过程,伶人家族从点到面的发展,它是一种特殊生存环境下形成的同业家族,伶人家族在同业内部发展家族成员关系的特殊状况,也就具有一种封闭社会的家族结构形态;三是地广权稀的基本格局,伶业的流动属性使伶人家族结构出现了“地广权稀”的特征,族规和家法由于地理的空间因素而产生疏松现象。

关键词: 伶人阶级;家族结构;二大一小;家点族面;地广权稀



On the Family Structure of the Actor Class


LI Zhen-lin

(Shanghai Theatre Academy, Shanghai, 20040) 

Abstract: Due to the special family structure of the actor class, the static external family structure is also of certain particularity, which varies from the relatively stable structure of traditional family. Firstly, the structure form is "two big and one small". "Two big" refers to the system of two big clans and extensive family. "One small" is the actor's own family structure after entering the opera. Secondly, the development process is "family unit and clan group". The development of the actor's clan from unit to group is the formation of the same-trade clan in the particular living environment. The special situation of the actor's clan is that the family members are developed in the same trade, which forms the family sturcture in the closed society. Thirdly, the basic pattern is "wide area and diluted power". The floating property of the actor's job characterizes the actor's family structure as "wide land and diluted power", in which the clan rules and the domestic disciplines are diluted because of the geographical space factor.

Key words: The actor class; Family structure; Two big and one small; Family unit and clan group; Wide land and diluted power




摘 要:由明入清及有清一代,在太原府特别是康乾时期的新建高峰与道光年间的改建高潮中,人们对戏台布局不断调整。以神庙剧场为主的清代太原府剧场,其“观”的场所有三种,主体是戏台前的空场,少部分剧场设置了看楼或看厅,许多剧场也把山门、直对戏台的殿堂前廊、月台等兼做观剧场所。清代太原府剧场功能的完善,人们有一个逐渐认识并付诸实践的过程,需要演员、社首及纠首为代表的村民以及工匠之间的互动,以及不同区域间的相互交流与影响。

关键词: 清代;太原府剧场;功能 



The Function of Taiyuanfu Theatre in Qing Dynasty 

NIU Bai-lin

(Shanxi Radio & TV University, Taiyuan, Shanxi, 030027) 

Abstract: In Ming-qing times and Qing dynasty, especially at the peak of new constructions in the Kang and Qian periods and redevelopment in the Daoguang period, the layout of stage was adjusted constantly. There were three kinds of "view" sites in Taiyuanfu theatre which gave priority to the temple theatre in Qing dynasty. The main body was the front open stage. There were a few theatres with balcony or hall for the audience. In many theatres, the entrance hall, the front porch directly opposite the stage, platform, etc. were set as the viewing places. It's a process to gradually understand the functional perfection of Taiyuanfu theatre in Qing Dynasty and put it into practice, which needs the interaction between craftsmen and villagers represented by the actor, the chief of She and headman-in-charge, as well as the communication and influence among different areas.

Key words: Qing Dynasty; Taiyuanfu theatre; Function




摘 要:中国传统戏曲从诞生至今已有千年的历史,历代统治者都很重视戏曲的宣传和教育功能,将戏曲作为传播其政治思想的有效途径之一。对于传统戏曲在传播思想意识形态方面的作用中国共产党也有着深刻的认识,因此,新中国成立后政府投入了大量的人力物力开展戏曲改革运动。这场戏曲改革运动不仅在当时掀起了全国范围的戏曲改革热潮,并且对后来戏曲的发展也产生了深厚的影响,成为了当今戏曲现代戏研究中的重要一环。


Discuss State Ideology Permeate the Drama Reform 

LIU Rui-wen

(Television Drama Department, the Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 010010)

Abstract: Chinese traditional drama has thousands of years of history from birth until now. Past dynasties all used the drama as one of the effective ways to spread their political thoughts and attached great importance to the drama functions on propaganda and education. The Communist Party of China also fully understands the role of the traditional drama in the dissemination of ideology, so the government puts lots of manpower and material resources to carry out the drama reform movement after the founding of the People's Republic of China. The movement at that time not only started nationally drama reform upsurge, but also profoundly impactsed on the subsequent developments of the drama. As a result, it is an important part of the current research field in modern drama.

Key words: Drama reform; Ideology; Politicization




摘 要:由焦菊隐先生所创立的“心象说”是对中国话剧乃至世界演剧理论宝库的一大贡献。本文将分为三个部分进行论述。第一部分主要谈到焦菊隐先生分四个阶段在艺术创作实践中提出并完善了“心象说”;第二部分主要从“心象说”与“视象说”、“模范说”和“理想的范本”的异同谈起,论述出“心象说”的内涵;第三部分着重论述了如何将“心象说”运用到艺术实践创作中。总之,“心象说”的提出,科学地解决了演员与角色矛盾的重大难题,在实践中发挥了演员大胆创作鲜明的有个性特色的舞台形象的能力。



Discuss the Theory of "Inner Image" 

AO Deng

(Television Drama Department, the Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 010010) 

Abstract: The theory of "inner image" which is originated by Jiao Yu-yin makes a valuable contribution towards the Chinese modern drama and even the world of drama. The elaboration of this paper consists of three parts. The first part mainly shows that Jiao Ju-yin put forth and perfected the theory of "inner image" during four stages of the practice of artistic creation. The second part mainly discusses the connotation of the theory of "inner image" based on the similarities and differences among "inner image", "visual image", "model" and "ideal model". The third part focuses on how to apply the theory of "inner image" to the practice of artistic creation. In brief, the major problem of contradiction between the performer and role has been solved scientifically by using the theory of "inner image" and then the capabilities of performers of making the bold creation on the distinctive and characteristic stage image have been improved in the performing practice.

Key words: Jiao Ju-yin; the Theory of "inner image"; Nationalization; Imitation, Inner image



(内蒙古大学艺术学院影视戏剧系, 内蒙古呼和浩特010010)

摘 要:新世纪初期是一个捉摸不定的年代,改革开放大局早已经稳固,改革不断地深入,物质文明也高速发展,艺术改革更是全面展开,中国的电影变化,也在五色斑斓的改革时世左右下,让人眼花缭乱。而其中比较特殊的电影类型——悬疑电影,则成为这种缭乱状态中,让人耳目一新的一种创作。此种类型拓展丰富了对两性情爱纠葛的表达,虽然最终并没有给出一个合理的解决方式,两性依然在重重矛盾中对立存在,但是在挖掘两性深层的心理动机,及其探析两性的欲望上,这种类型却有着积极且不可忽视的作用。

关键词: 新世纪初期;悬疑电影;两性心理;两性冲突

Discuss The Sexual Conflict in Suspense Movies of

the Early New Century 

WANG Ping 

(Television Drama Department, the Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 010010)

Abstract:The beginning of the new century is an uncertain age. The situation of the reform and opening-up has been stable and the reforms have been deepening gradually. The Chinese material civilization is in a rapid development. And the reforms in the art field are also carried out in an all-around way. The many changes of Chinese movies, which are influenced by all kinds of reforms, make people dazzled. Among these many changes of Chinese movies, the suspense movie as a specific movie type makes people feel fresh. This movie type enriches the presentation on the sexual love entanglement. Although men and women are still in the dilemma of conflict as result that there is no a reasonable solution for the sexual conflict in the suspense movies, this kind of movie has positive significance in exploring the deep psychological motivation of men and women and analyzing the sexual desire.

Key words:Early new century; Suspense movie; Sexual psychology; Sexual conflict





摘 要:在精神文化产品日益丰富、日益新鲜且更具吸引力的今天,地方性很强的“非遗”剧种的“成长”空间受到了挑战。在对非物质文化遗产保护力度不断加大的背景下,如何利用电视传播促进“非遗”剧的发展,是必须面对的问题。本文以二人台为例,就“非遗”剧种“荧屏化”的必要性、艰巨性、存在问题及具体的运作建议进行了阐述分析。


Television Communication and the Development of

the Intangible Heritage Operas

——Thinking of the Development of Er-ren-tai Performing on Screen 

WU Qiong-fang1YANG Chao2

(1.2. College of Liberal Arts of Inner Mongolia Normal University, The Department of Journalism,

Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 010022)

Abstract: Nowadays the cultural products are increasingly rich, novel and attractive, but the further development of the intangible heritage operas that is distinctive local characteristics, is restricted. Under the background of the increasing improvement in intangible heritage protection, it is necessary to deal with the problem how to promote the development of the intangible heritage operas by using the television media. Taking the performing of the Er-ren-tai as the case, this paper sets forth the necessity and arduousness and analyzes the problems and suggestions of the performing of the intangible heritage operas on screen.

Key words: Television communication; Intangible heritage operas; Er-ren-tai; Performing on Screen





摘 要:形为物象,神为心智,气为传通。形、气、神三通是人类社会本然。“艺”是对于形物的美学驾驭,“艺”重“韵”, 让“形韵”、“气韵”、“神韵”自由流淌,交响共鸣。


Shape & Spirit And Art 


(National Institute of Advanced Study in Social Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433)

Abstract: Shape is the object image; spirit is from the mind; qi is the pathway. The three clear parts, shape, spirit and qi, are natural to the human society. "Art" reins the aesthetics of object and lays stress on "rhyme". Let the rhyme of "shape, spirit and qi" arouse the free resonance.

Key words: Shape & spirit; Art; Micro-sociology





摘要: 景德镇是千年瓷都,她作为中国古代手工业发展的典型城市,保存和纪录了与陶瓷生产相关的人地因素、自然因素、历史因素,是中国陶瓷生产非物质文化的典型。但在城市化的进程中许多陶瓷文化消失,在机械化的过程中传统生产技艺面临失传,许多方言、习俗和神话面临消亡。基于文化生态学的视角对景德镇非物质文化遗产的保护和传承提出新的视角,以期为城市发展和文化保护提供可能的借鉴。

关键词: 文化生态学;非物质文化遗产;保护;传承

Intangible Cultural Heritage of Jingdezhen Protection and

Heritage Based on Cultural Ecology 

Li Songjie1.Li Xinghua2.

(1.2.Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Jiangxi Province Jingdezhen ,333403) 

Abstract: Jingdezhen is the city of the Millennium Porcelain, and also as a typical city of Chinese ancient handicraft industry development. Jingdezhen saves and records the various factors, such as natural factors, historical factors and human factors related to ceramic production. Jingdezhen is a typical city of Chinese ceramic production of intangible cultural heritage. But during the process of development of modernization of Jingdezhen, much ceramic culture disappeared. The traditional production technology is being faced with the disappearance of the mechanization process, many dialects, customs and myths face extinction. The protection of Jingdezhen's intangible cultural heritage and inheritance based on the perspective of cultural ecology comes up with a new perspective in order to provide the significance for the protection of city development and culture.

Key words: cultural ecology, intangible cultural heritage, protection, heritage




(内蒙古大学艺术学院音乐系,内蒙古呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:随着呼和浩特社会经济的飞速发展,人们的民族认同、地方认同与文化认同意识日益增强。于是,在规模不等的特色蒙餐店里,出现了各式各样的蒙古族音乐表演活动。这种表演活动以商品的形式,为这些蒙餐店的经营者们带来了一定的经济收益,通过别出心裁的商业运作方式与营销手段,建构出一道独具特色的当代草原城市民族音乐文化生活景观。本文力图通过对蒙古大营艺术团音乐活动的实地调查与分析,对呼和浩特的蒙餐店之于蒙古族音乐的商业利用方式的问题进行探讨。


An Investigation on the Musical Activities in Hohhot Mongolian Camp 

Yao Xiaoxue

(The Music Department of the Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia,010010) 

Abstract: With the rapid development of the social economy of Hohhot, the people's ethnic identity, local identity, and cultural identity are strengthening gradually. So, ranging in scale of the characteristics of each Mongolian restaurant, there appeared a variety of Mongolian music performances. The Mongolian performances have provided the operators of these establishments some economic benefits, through ingenious ways of business and marketing tools. A unique contemporary prairie city folk music and cultural life landscape have been created. Through a field investigation and analysis of the Mongolian Camp Art Troupe music activities, this paper will present the Mongolian restaurants of Hohhot, the Mongolian music business and the problems involved.

Key words: Hohhot; Mongolian Camp Art Troupe; Mongolian music culture products; fieldwork







The Station of the National Music Inheritance

——Art College's New Pattern of Creating A Music Cultural Heritage 

Miao Jinhai

(Art College of Inner Mongolia University,Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 010010 )

Abstract: The resources of a rich folk music-culture are distributed over China's frontier minority regions. The traditional arts include: the Mongol pastoral songs, chaoer, matouqin, khoomei. These are not only the most precious local, national cultural heritage of music, but also the common spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation and human pride. The protection, research and inheritance of this cultural heritage is a long-term and arduous project. After 53 years of practice and exploration, the Art College of the Inner Mongolia University has chosen the new inheriting music culture pattern-the station of national music inheritance. Thus, a relatively complete inheritance mechanism of national traditional music has been established, and the professional art college inheritance has become the important channel of the live inheritance of Mongol national music culture heritage. The college has therefore formed national-distinctive characteristics for successful operating a school. All of these have promoted the marked improvement of standards for college disciplines and the teaching quality.

Key words: national music cultural heritage, the station of national music inheritance, art college, live inheritance



(1.2.贵州大学艺术学院,贵州贵阳550003 )

摘 要:葫芦丝是云南省最具有民族特色的乐器之一,独特的制作工艺及人们特定的审美心理需求,造就其浓郁的地域民族音色。本文从乐器声学的角度,对葫芦丝的乐器构造、发音原理及音质特征进行分析,对进一步推动葫芦丝的改良及发展具有重要的现实意义。


A Study on the Cucurbit Flute Regarding the

Acoustics of Musical Instruments 

Ouyang Pingfang1Zhang Yinghua 2

(1.2.Arts College,Guizhou University,Guiyang,Guizhou, 550003)

Abstract: The cucurbit flute is one of the musical instruments in Yunnan Province with the most national features. Unique craftsmanship and the people's specific aesthetic psychological needs create its full-bodied regional and national timbre. This thesis, from the perspective of acoustics of musical instruments, carries out an analysis on the instrumental structure, pronunciation principle and tone quality features of the cucurbit flute, which is of an important practical significance for further promoting the improvement and development of the cucurbit flute.

Key words: Cucurbit Flute; Acoustics of Musical Instruments; Pronunciation Principle; Instrument Improvement




摘 要:在跨民族文化交流融合的过程中,蒙古族民歌以其相对稳定的特征发挥强大的辐射作用,影响了周边汉族地区的民间音乐,如陕北信天游中就蕴含着大量蒙古族民歌的元素。本文通过几首典型的陕北信天游的词曲对照及其相关推理,揭示了蒙古族民歌对周边地区音乐文化的影响。



A Research on Mongolian Folk Tunes among

the Xin Tian You in Northern Shanxi


(Conservatory of Music, Inner Mongolia Normal University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia ,010022) 

Abstract: The Mongolian folk song has played a strong role with its relatively stable characteristics during the transnational process and transcultural interaction. It has affected the folk music of the surrounding Han nationality area. For instance, Xin Tian You(a kind of Shanxi local melody) contains a large number of elements of the Mongolian folk songs. This article reveals the effects of Mongolian folk songs on the musical culture of surrounding areas through the lyrical and melodic contrast and its related reasoning of a few typical Xin Tian You songs.

Key words: Xin Tian You in Northern Shanxi; Mongolian folk song; effect; cultural fusion





摘 要:标榜着阿沃·帕特(P·rt Arvo ,1935-)独特音乐精神的钟鸣音乐,以其鲜明的风格与技法特征著称于20世纪西方音乐。对钟鸣音乐风格特征的探究自其诞生之日起也就不曾间断过。这种新音乐的风格是开放的、发展的,体现出“多样统一”的特征。本文尝试以围绕独具特色钟鸣作曲法为中心的技法风格为出发点,结合与之渗透的其它风格特征,将钟鸣音乐风格看成是一个主观和客观“对立统一”的合成型整体进行风格论述。


The Overall Style Characteristics and Origin of P·rt Arvo’s Tintinnabuli 

Xu Chen

(Music Department, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou, Fujian, 350108)

Abstract: Because of the distinctive style and technique characteristic, tintinnabuli have well-known of western music in the 20th century which flaunting the unique musical spiritual of P·rt Arvo. The exploring of tintinnabuli’s style has not stopped from the date of its birth it. The style of this music is open, development that which reflecting the Law of Unity of Opposites. The paper combined with other style characteristics as an objective which infiltration to the tintinnabulation technique style as a subjective starting point, than discussing them overall style characteristics and origin of P·rt Arvo’s tintinnabuli as Unity of Opposites.

Key words: P·rt Arvo; tintinnabuli; Onomatopoeic style; The Avignon style; Neoclassicism; Serialism; Holy Minimalism






The Worship of "The Great Mother" In the East

And Its Myth Manifestation 

LI Xiang-lin

(China Folk Culture Institute, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610064)

Key words: The Great Mother, Reproductive worship, Myth, History of religion




摘 要:纳西族与藏族有着极深的渊源,在纳西族创世史诗《从般邵》中,纳西族、白族、藏族是同母所生的三兄弟。《神路图》是纳西族东巴教用于丧葬时超度死者亡魂仪式中的一幅长卷绘画,一般用于超度地位较高的东巴祭司,普通民众丧葬仪式并不使用。透过《神路图》可以看出,纳西先民们很好的借鉴、吸收和发扬了藏传佛教中的积极因素,以补充完善自己民族的文化。



The Tibetan Buddhism Factors in The Road to Heaven 

Zhu Yongqiang

(Yuxi Normal University ,Yuxi City,653100)

Abstract: Naxi and Tibetan have a deep origin. In the Naxi genesis CONGBANSHAO, Naxi, Bai and Tibetan are brothers."The Road to Heaven" is a scroll painting which the Naxi Dongba priest used in funeral ceremonies. It is generally used in a high-ranking dongba priests'funeral, but is not used in an ordinary funeral ceremony. Through "The Road to Heaven" , one can see that Naxi ancestors absorb and carry forward the positive factors of Tibetan Buddhism, to complement their ethnic culture.

Key words: The Road to Heaven, Naxi, Tibetan, Dongba relilgions,Tibetan Buddhism




摘 要:庙会是一种古老的宗教文化现象,本文在陕西省宝鸡市金台区南坡村“太阳节”的田野考察基础上,得出南坡村“太阳节”与炎帝神农誉为“太阳神”的传说有关,是炎帝神农传说的民间记忆方式,是祭祀“太阳神”的遗存。“太阳节”庙会是南坡村每年必须举行的活动,庙会活动的组织方式及活动所需的器具及制品具有规范、调节、传承和凝聚乡间文化生活等社会功能。


Study on "Sun Festival" Temple Fair Culture in Nanpo Village in Baoji 

LI Dong-feng

(Fine Arts School, Chian West Normal University, Nanchong, Sichuan, 637009) 

Abstract: Temple fair is an ancient religious culture phenomenon. Based on the field investigation of "Sun Festival" in Nanpo village, Jintai district, Baoji city, Shaanxi province, this paper concluds that "Sun Festival" in Nanpo village is relevant to "Sun-god" honored by Emperor Yandi Shennong, which is the folk memory of Emperor Yandi Shennong legend and the remain of the sacrifice to "Sun-god". "Sun Festival" temple fair must be held in Nanpo village every year. The activities organization and the equipments and products of the temple fair can play the social function in specifying, regulating, inheriting and condensing the countryside culture life.

Key words: Nanpo village in Baoji; Sun Festival; Temple fair; Emperor Yandi Shennong; Sun-god





摘 要:本文是针对蒙古族传统文化元素在呼和浩特城市建筑中的运用现状进行的田野调查,并将调查中发现的问题进行分析、归纳。期望在地方建筑美学的理论研究中起到抛砖引玉的作用。


Analysis on The Application of The Mongolian Traditional Culture

Elements in The Present Construction

——Cited Hohhot Urban Architecture As an Example

ZHAO Sheng-hong

(Inner Mongolia Radio & TV University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 010010)

Abstract: Through a field investigation on the application of Mongolian traditional culture elements in Hohhot city buildings, the paper analyzes and sums up the problems found in the survey. And it is desirable that this paper could bring much better ideas into the theoretical research of local architectural aesthetics.

Key words: Mongolian traditional culture elements, Urban architecture, Hohhot, Application





摘 要:20世纪五六十年代,我国的水墨动画在当时的动画产业盛极一时之后,便逐步的走向了追寻技术突破,而忽略了本土民族艺术个性体现之路。因此,把民族美术形象运用在动画角色的设计上,看上去是一种“守旧”的退步,但是从动画的感染力和震撼力以及民族认同感上,这一元素的运用远远可以弥补我国动画产业在技术上的薄弱,从而达到事半功倍的效果。



On the Contemporary Significance of Animation Characters

Design of Mongolian Folk Art Image 

ZHOU Jin-yue1ZHOU Ke2

(The Art Department, Hulunbuir College, Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, 021008)

Abstract: In 1950s and 1960s, Chinese water-color animation was extremely popular at the time of the animation industry. Afterwards, it gradually moved towards the pursuit of technical breakthrough, while it ignored the reflection of native artistic character. As a result, the use of the national art image in the design of animination characters seemed to be a "conservative" retrograde step, but a compensation for the technical weakness in our national anination industry from the infectivity and shock of animation as well as the sense of national identity, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Key words: Folk culture; Folk art; Animation characters; New image of national animation





摘 要:“文化大革命”时期,主流革命意识形态覆盖下的文坛鲜有对大自然鲜活生命的书写,绿色诗意的缺失是这一阶段诗歌的基本特征和缺陷。七月派诗人牛汉却在生命遭受严重摧残与打击的逆境中,敏锐地发现了人与自然的关系,从身边的动物、植物书写中开始了生命的反思,表现出至为珍贵的生命意识,并在与自然心灵沟通中获得宁静的心灵抚慰与强有力的精神支持。


The interpretation of Niu Han 's poems about nature writing during

the period of "The Cultural Revolution of China "

Guo Xiu Qin

(Inner Mongolia Normal University, Inner Mongolia, Hohhot 010010)

Abstract: During "The Cultural Revolution of China " period, literature writing was rarelyabout the nature life under the coverage of dominant revolutionary ideology. The lack of green poetry is a basic characteristic and defects in this period. Although he was in adversity and suffered serious destruction, Niu Han from the July poets was keen to discover the relationship between man and nature and showed the precious life consciousness through the description of the animals and plants. With natural mind communication, he received peaceful comfort for his mind and powerful spiritual support.

Key words: "The Cultural Revolution" Period, Niu Han,animals, plants






摘 要:在当今中国,普洱茶是最流行的茶叶之一。本文要探究不同群体在不同地点和不同时期对普洱茶本真性的不同理解。通过展现这些多元化的视角,本文认为,普洱茶品味上的差别是不同的自我言说之间相互互动的结果;而且,任何一种自我言说都不是绝对独立自足的,而是纳入了借来的、调适的以及被“再本真化”的多个因素。

关键词: 普洱茶;云南;本真性;多元化;相互作用;自我言说


Foundation of Diverse Perspective: A Study of

the Pu 'er Tea Consumption in Yunnan and Other Places (Two) 

Written by ZHANG Jing-hong1, Translated by GUI2 Mu-mei HUANG Jun-jin3 

(1.College of humanities, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091,

2.Yunnan Province, College of Liberal Arts of Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875 ,

3.Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, 010010)

Abstract:In today's China, Pu 'er tea is one of the most popular teas. This paper will explore the different understanding of different groups and different locations at different times of the true Pu 'er tea. By showing the multiple angle of views, this paper holds that different tastes of Pu 'er tea is the results of the interaction between different self-voice; moreover, any kind of self-voice are not absolutely independent and self-sufficient, but included in borrowed, adjustment and was "re- reality."

Key words:Pu 'er tea; Yunnan; authenticity; diversification; interaction; self-voice





Art and Archaeology of The XiongnuNew Discoveries in Russia


By Dr. Miniaev(Russia), Translated by Ruixue, Proofread by Ge Siqi

(Institute of the History of Material Culture ,the Russian Academy of Sciences of St.Petersburg Russian Federation,199155)

Key words: Xiongnu art, archaeology, new discoveries

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