博特乐图 石田立
(内蒙古大学艺术学院音乐系,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:中国境内蒙古地区蒙古三弦艺术有科尔沁、锡林郭勒—察哈尔、鄂尔多斯三种地方性风格。蒙古三弦的传承形式主要有两种:一是作为合奏乐器,是东蒙合奏、阿斯尔、鄂尔多斯乃日等乐种中的主要乐器;二是作为伴奏乐器,在东蒙、鄂尔多斯、察哈尔等地区,三弦广泛用于民歌的伴奏,并与特定的地方性歌种、器乐形成了共生关系。而蒙古三弦艺术的研究一方面需要从“共性中找差异”,尤其与汉族三弦进行比较研究;另一方面则需要从“整体中找个别”,将其放置在“蒙古族合奏乐”这一整体中进行全方位观照。
The Local Tradition and the Inheritance and Form of Mongolian Three-stringed Instrument in China
Botolt SHI Tian-li
( Music Department of ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)
Abstract: Mongolian three-stringed instrument in China have three local styles respectively of Horchin, Xilingao-Chahar, Ordos. Mongol three-stringed instrument basically has two kinds of heritage forms: one is as a tutti instrument, the main instrument used in East Inner Mongolia tutti, asar and Ordos Nair; The other is as accompaniment instrument, used in East Mongolia, Ordos, Chahar, etc. They are widely used in folk songs accompaniment, and formed a symbiotic relationship with specific local song, instrumental music. And for the research on Mongol three-stringed instrument art on the one hand, we need to find difference from similarity ", especially compare it to the Han nationality three-stringed instrument; On the other hand, we need to find individual from the whole, to place it in the whole background of "Mongolian tutti".
Key words:China; Mongolian three-stringed instrument; local style; inheritance
The Reading Notes of historical material of Mongolian Thre-stringed Musical Instrument
(CentralUniversity for Nationalities, Beijing 100081)
Key words: Mongol three-stringed instrument; "Hubur"; Mongolian historical data; Chinese historical data
(1.太原师范学院,2.山西省广播电视台,山西省 太原市 030012)
摘 要:2007年6月,在内蒙古大学艺术学院举办的“首届国际蒙古三弦艺术研讨会”上,呼格吉勒图在《三弦源流考》一文中,对三弦的源流又提出了源于蒙古人的生活器具——木勺子的观点。最近的一个意外发现,似乎给我们展示了一个意想不到的收获:通过几个方面的思考,我们认为,三弦的源流是多元性的,绝对不是单源的。
On the Diversity of Origin and Development of Three-stringed Instrument
YAN Ding-wen1. NIE Xin-rong2.
(1.Taiyuan NormalCollege, 2. Shanxi Broadcast Television,Taiyuan, 030012 ShanxiProvince)
Abstract: "The First International Mongol Three-stringed Instrument Art Seminar" was held in June 2007 by Art College of Inner Mongolia university, and Hugjiltu pointed out in his article ''the origin and development of three-stringed instrument " that origin of three-stringed instrument was from Mongolian life appliance - wood spoon. A recent accidental discovery seems to giv us a unexpected harvest: through several aspects of thinking, we believe that they are the origin of diversity, absolutely not monophyletic.
Key words: three-stringed instrument; origin; rectifies; diversity
(福建工程学院, 福建 福州350108)
摘 要:民族服饰是少数民族传统文化的符号与载体,是民族索引的标记。在社会的现代化和转型过程中,福建霞浦畲族服饰受到前所未有的冲击,濒临服饰失传的危机。切实采取措施,做好畲族传统服饰的发掘性保护工作,有利于畲族传统文化的传承,对保持我国民族文化的多样性有积极意义。
The Actual Dilemma and the Inheritance Protection of She Clothing
——A case study of Xiapu She nationality clothing protection
GONG Ren-jie
(FujianEngineeringCollege, Fuzhou350108, FujianProvince)
Abstract: National dress is the symbol and carrier of traditional minority national culture, is the national index mark. In the modernization society and transformation process, XiaPu minority clothing meets with an unprecedented impact, on the verge of dress lost crisis. To take measures to do the protection work for traditional dress will be beneficial to the inheritance of traditional culture, and has positive significance to the maintaining of our national cultural diversity.
Key words:Fujian Xiapu; She nationality cothing; dilemma; protection
陈剑1. 焦成根2. 唐慧3. 刘雯4.
(1. 2. 3. 4.湖南师范大学,湖南 长沙 410012)
摘 要:德榜村是湘西凤凰知名度颇高的苗族银饰集中加工地,也是国家级非物质文化遗产“苗族银饰锻制技艺”的集中传承地之一。在田野调查的基础上,从当地流传的相关传说出发,对德榜苗族银饰品的种类、锻制技艺的传承谱系、锻制工艺、生产及销售等方面的情况作了整理和记录。
Investigation of the Present Situation of Debang Miao Silver Forging Skill
1.CHEN Jian 2. JIAO Cheng-gen 3. TANG Hui 4 LIU Wen.
(1.2. 3. 4. Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410012, Hunan Province)
Abstract: Debang Village is quite a popular of Xiangxi Fenghuang Miao silver centralized processing, and it is one of the places of national intangible cultural heritage "Miao silver forging skill" concentration of inheritance. The basis of investigating in the field is the local popular legend according to the the finishing and record lists of Miao silver ornament types, forging skills inheritance pedigree, forging process, production and sales, and so on.
Key words: Fenghuang Debang; Miao silver; forging skill; inheritance pedigree
明 兰
(内蒙古师范大学民族艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:科尔沁蒙古族服饰刺绣习俗既有传统蒙古族刺绣的共性,又有自己鲜明的地方特色。以科尔沁蒙古族服饰刺绣习俗中的过渡色调搭为主要研究对象,从历史、文化、美学及民俗学的角度,探析科尔沁蒙古族服饰刺绣工艺中颜色的选择与搭配习俗的形成和演变。
An Approach to Collocation Custom of the Transition Color in Horchin Mongolian Clothing Embroidery Technology
( NationalArtCollege of Inner MongoliaNormalUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)
Abstract: Horchin Mongolian clothing embroidery custom not only has the generality of traditional Mongolian embroidered, but also has its own distinctive local characteristics. This article takes the Horchin Mongolian clothing embroidery custom of the transition color as the main research object, from the point of view of historical, cultural, aesthetic to analyze the formation and evolution of Horchin Mongolian clothing embroidery process color selection and collocation custom.
Key words: Horchin; the Mongolian clothes; embroidery craft; color; custom
韩 星
(中国人民大学国学院,北京 100872)
摘 要:汉服运动是当代中国一个复杂的文化现象,涉及服装、民族、历史、信仰、礼仪等许多方面。对待汉服运动社会应该给予宽容和理解,我们现在的文化发展呈现多元的状况,各种文化现象纷然杂出,在繁荣中显得有些混乱,在追求中表现些许迷茫,这都是缺乏文化整合的结果。我们应在反思基础上促使汉服运动的发展方向与中国文化发展的方向合拍,使汉服运动参与到中国文化的当代整合当中,为中国文化及中华民族的伟大复兴做出应有的贡献。
The Culture Introspection of the Contemporary Han Clothing Renaissance
HAN Xing
(School of Chinese Classics , Ren Min University of China, Beijing 100872)
Abstract: The Han Clothing movement is a complicated cultural phenomenon in contemporary China, engaged in garment, nation, history, religion, etiquette and many other aspects. The society should treat Han Clothing movement with tolerance and understanding since our present cultural development present a situation with all kinds of multiple cultural phenomenon, appearing in prosperity in some confusion and the pursuit of performance in some confusion, this is the result of lack of cultural integration. We should make our effort to make the movement be in harmony with direction of of the Chinese culture development, make it involved in the Chinese culture of contemporary integration for Chinese culture and the great revival of the Chinese nation to make due contributions.
Key words: contemporary; China; cultural renaissance; Han clothing; cultural integration
(齐鲁师范学院美术教育研究所,山东 济南 250013)
摘 要: 宗教性作为西藏艺术所特有的文化精神,深刻影响着西藏艺术的内容和形式。借助艺术人类学的考察,探讨西藏艺术中特有的文化精神,认为对西藏艺术的考察以及创作都不应仅仅关注形而下的本体知识,而应深刻理解西藏艺术中的深层文化精神。
关键词:人类学考察;西藏艺术;文化精神; 宗教性
Tibetan Art and Its Cultural Spirit - Inspired by anthropology investigation
LIU Ming_liang
(Art Education Research Institute of QiluNormalCollege, Jinan 250013, ShandongProvince)
Abstract: As the peculiar Tibetan art culture spirit, religion has deeply influenced the content and form of Tibetan art. With the aid of art anthropology investigation, this paper discusses the Tibetan art peculiar cultural spirit and holds that Tibetan art study and creation should not only focus on the physical body of knowledge, but also deeply understand the art of Tibet cultural spirit.
Key words: anthropology investigation; Tibetan art; cultural spirit; religious
荻野昌弘 著 李修建 译
(日本关西学院大学社会学部,日本国,兵库县西宫市 622-8501)
摘 要:我们制造自己的风俗文化遗产,只是为了满足被神圣化的欲望。一切皆可变成非物质文化遗产。如此一来,非物质文化遗产这一概念就变得毫无意义。我们目前需要反思这一概念。我试图诉诸身体和时间两个概念对其重新加以理解。
Introspection of Intangible Cultural Heritage: the Body and Time Dimension
Written by Masahiro Ogino Translated by LI Xiu-jian
(Faculty of Society of the JapanKwanseiGakuinUniversity, Hyogo, Nishinomiya, Japan 622-8501)
Abstract: we build our own custom culture heritage, just to satisfy the desire for sanctification. Everything can be turned into intangible cultural heritage. Thus, the concept of intangible cultural heritage will become meaningless. We now need to reconsider this concept. I have tried to re-understand it appealing to the body and time concepts.
Key words: introspection; intangible cultural heritage; protection system; time; body
王 可
(内蒙古大学艺术学院音乐系,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:居其宏是当代中国著名的音乐学家,同时也是为数不多的专门从事音乐批评和音乐理论实践的学者,他在长期的音乐批评理论和实践研究中形成了个性化的批评风格。
An Approach to Features of JU Qi-hong's Music Criticism
(Music Department, ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)
Abstract: Ju Qi-ong is a contemporary Chinese famous music expert, and is also one of the few specialized scholars in music criticism and music practice theory. In his long-term music criticism theory and practice research, he has formed a personalized criticism style.
Key words: Ju Qi-ong; music criticism; criticism vocabulary; diversity; academic hold; criticism consciousness
(包头师范学院音乐学院,内蒙古 包头 014030)
摘 要:由陈铭道教授主编的《书写民族音乐文化》融十位学界专家、结合各自独特的认知与书写方式,深入阐释了民族音乐文化的基本学理,以多元书写的形式,熔铸成一部具有“效率很高的知识生产机制” 式的民族音乐学经典文本。对学人而言,具有“写文化”的学术前沿性和范式作用。
The Contemporary Multiple Writing of the National Music Culture
——A review of the book Writing National Music Culture
LI Hong-mei
(Music College of Baotou Normal College, Baotou 014030 Inner Mongolia)
Abstract: Writing National Music Culture written by Professor Chen Ming-dtao, melting the unique cognitive and writing ways of ten academic experts, deeply interprets the basic theory of the national music, with diverse writing form, fused into national musicology classical text of "knowledge production mechanism with high efficiency." As for scholars, it has academic leading role and paradigm function of "writing culture . "
Key words: Chen Ming-dtao;Writing National Music Culture; book review; national music culture; music ethnography; paradigm
(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:以声乐艺术中的润腔手法和对润腔的分类法来研究蒙古高音四胡的演奏技巧,将蒙古高音四胡的演奏技巧分为装饰型润腔、音色型润腔、声音造型型润腔三大类,力求从润腔的角度对蒙古高音四胡演奏艺术有所探究。
An Approach to the "Embellish cavity" Technique of Mongolia High-pitched Sihu Playing Skills
BAO Ai-ling
(Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)
Abstract: This article tries to make research on the embellish cavity technique and classification of embellish cavity of Mongolian high-pitched Sihu playing skills, classifying it into three categories as decorative type embellish cavity, tone type embellish cavity, sound modeling type embellish cavity, and strive to make a study of the cavity to Mongolian high-pitched Sihu playing skills.
Key words: Mongolian; traditional instrumental music; Mongolian Sihu; playing skills; embellish cavity; decorative type embellish cavity; tone type embellish cavity; Sound modeling
(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:长调民歌旋律中的装饰性是多种多样的,但并非无规律可循。将其节奏分层分析后再相互结合,正是分析和创作长调歌曲的必经之路。节奏的特性基本上都取决于长调音乐中的带有装饰性节奏的旋律音型。
Analysis of the Decorative Rhythm Form of the Long-tune Folk Song Music
SHI Ya-jing
(Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)
Abstract: The decoration of folk melody tone is varied, but it does not mean there is no regularity to follow. It is the only way to analyze and create long-tune songs after the combination The characteristics of the rhythm basically depends on the tone music with decorative rhythm in long-tune music.
Key words: long-tune folk song; beat rhythm; skeleton tone rhythm; decorative rhythm
(内蒙古科技大学包头师范学院,内蒙古 包头市 014030)
摘 要:一段体结构在蒙古族民歌中较为常见,其旋律的创作手法,在现实的音乐实践中却较少引起人们的注意。其中,两乐句结构的蒙古族民歌最为典型,其中结构精练,蕴含着丰富的音乐创作思维理念。研究和学习这种创作手法对于提高创作能力具有重要意义。
An Approach to the Mongolian Folk Song Melody Development
——A case study of the two -music -sentence structure paragraph
YANG Yu-rong
(BaotouNormalCollege of Inner Mongolia Science and TechnologyUniversity, Baotou 014030, Inner Mongolia)
Abstract: One-paragraph structure is very common in Mongolian folk songs, its rhythm creation technique, however has attracted less attention in the real music practice. In this structure, the two -music -sentence structure is the most typical structure of Mongolian folk songs, containing rich music creative thinking philosophy. Research and study of the creation technique has important significance to improve the creative ability.
Key words: Mongolian folk song; melody structure; music development
洪 艳
(丽水学院艺术学院,浙江 丽水 323000)
摘 要: 畲族民歌是在畲语的基础上形成词和曲调并发展起来的,其具有鲜明的歌词特点和曲调的旋律特征。探析其词曲之间的关系,从词、曲及其关系三方面分析畲族民歌的特点,以阐释这部古老的民族文化史书。
The Characteristics of the Folk Song Lyrics and Music of She People and the Analysis of their Relationship
(Art Institute of LishuiCollege, Lishui 323000, ZhejiangProvince)
Abstract: She people's folk song has been developed on the base of words and melody She language. It has distinct characteristics of the lyrics and melody. This article makes an analysis of the relationship between the lyrics and melody, as well as the relationship between the two to explain the ancient national culture history book.
Key words: She folk song; characteristics; lyrics; music; relationship between the lyrics and the melody
(内蒙古大学艺术学院音乐系,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:钢琴组曲《深藏在心底的歌——长调》是作曲家李世相创作的《蒙古族风格钢琴组曲集》中的一组,具有鲜明的蒙古族音乐风格和富有现代作曲意识,是蒙古族风格钢琴曲创作中的典范之一。从旋律创作风格、结构特征、和声特色及织体写作方面对组曲中四首钢琴小曲进行研究、分析,以达到对这部作品的深刻理解和把握。
On the Creation Style Techniques of Piano Cento "Hidden in my heart —— Long-tune"
(Music Department, Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)
Abstract: Piano Cento "Hidden in the bottom of my heart ——Long-tune" is a group of the Collection of the Mongolian Style Piano Cento created by composer Li Shixiang, with its distinctive Mongolian music style and rich modern composing consciousness of creation, it is one of the models of Mongolian style piano music creation of the. This article researches and analyzes the creation of melody style, structure, and features and texture writing in the suite of four piano opusculum research, analysis, in order to achieve the deep understanding and grasp of this work.
Key words: piano suite; "Hidden in my heart——Long-tune"; the melody creation; structure characteristics; harmonic characteristics; texture writing
张 鑫
(内蒙古大学鄂尔多斯学院艺术系,内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 017000)
摘 要:通过对《炎黄风情》音乐形态的分析,研究鲍元恺先生是如何巧妙地使西方近现代创作技法与中国五声性风格旋律相协调,并促进民族风格和声的创新与发展。
Analysis of the music form of "Yan huang feng qing"
(Art Department of Ordos College, Inner Mongolia university, Ordos 017000, Inner Mongolia)
Abstract: Through the analysis of the music form of"Yan huang feng qing" , this article makes research on how Mr. Bao Yuankai skillfully make western modern creation techniques coordinated with Chinese style elements of melody, and promote the innovation and development of national style harmony.
Key words: Bao Yuankai ; "Yan huang feng qing" ; melody; mode; harmony; fusion
(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要: 小提琴独奏曲《草原晨曲》是阿拉腾奥勒的代表作品之一,作品在传统的曲式结构与调式调性的写作手法上,以其新颖独特的和声创作烘托了作品的气氛。试对小提琴独奏曲《草原晨曲》传统的曲式结构与调式调性、独特的和声风格及织体写作的技巧与作品发展的手法等方面,作一梳理分析,以展现作曲家的创作手法及创作风格。
On the Harmony Style Characteristics of Alatan-agula's Violin Solo, the Prairie Alba
GAO E-nuo
(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)
Abstract: Alatan-agula's Violin Solo, the Prairie Alba is one of his representative works, which gives an atmosphere with its novel and unique and creative foil in traditional form structure and mode tonality writing technique. This paper tries analyze the traditional form structure and mode tonality, unique style and harmony texture writing skills of the work to show the composer's creation and the creation style.
Key words: Alatan-agula; the Prairie Alba; harmony style
(内蒙古师范大学音乐学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010022)
摘 要:对于蒙古族音乐来说,叙事民歌的出现较为晚近,是一种新兴体裁,清朝中末叶产生于内蒙古东部科尔沁、东土默特一带广大的半农半牧区蒙古族民众当中。科尔沁叙事民歌在蒙古族叙事民歌中具有鲜明的特点,往往是一段曲调的反复叠唱,带有鲜明的说唱性,故事性,深受民众喜爱,而富有生命力。本文以叙事民歌《韩秀英》为例,分析蒙古族叙事民歌中的故事角色,力图阐释叙事民歌的叙事程式及其价值。
The Roles in Mongolian Narrative Folk Song "Han Xiuying"
(MusicCollege of Inner MongoliaNormalUniversity, Hohhot 010022, Inner Mongolia)
Abstract: For Mongolian music, narrative folk songs appeared relatively recently, it is a kind of emerging genre. It emerged at the end of the Qing Dynasty in Horchin in eastern Inner Mongolia, east Tumud area of half agriculture and half pastoral areas of the Mongolian people. Horchin narrative folk songs have very distinct characteristics in Mongolian narrative folksongs, and it is often a tune to be sung repeatedly, with distinct rap and story, loved by the people and are full of vitality. This article takes the narrative folk song "Han XiuYing" as an example, analyzes the story of Mongolian narrative folk song roles, tries to explain narrative folk song patterns and their value.
Key words: Inner Mongolia folk song; Han Xiuying "; role; pattern
(内蒙古大学艺术学院音乐系,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘要: 歌唱听觉,应属于人类高级思维意识活动的范畴,如同感觉、知觉、意识与想象、联想等,都属于心理因素的活动一样,对于声乐表演艺术的学习实践,及至歌唱者舞台艺术表现的活动而言,其自始至终都在发挥着分辨学习者和歌唱者正在进行时的、艺术歌唱技术动作所产生的声音效果是否符合艺术歌唱审美的特定功能。
关键词: 声乐表演艺术;歌唱听觉;心理听觉;认知心理学
Interpretation of the Singing Auditory Feature from Cognitive Psychology Perspective
SUN Yi-di
(Music Department of ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)
Abstract: singing auditory belongs to senior thinking consciousness activities of human being, just as feeling, consciousness, consciousness and imagination, association, etc., all belong to the activities of the psychological factors, for vocal music performance art learning practice, and stage art activity is concerned, from beginning to end, all have played their specific functions in distinguishing if the sound effects are in compliance with the learners and singer, artistic singing technical movement produced in progress.
Key words: vocal music performing arts; singing auditory; psychological auditory; cognitive psychology
(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:内蒙古的演艺市场要想走上健康繁荣的发展之路,需要演出经营的主体——艺术团体、演出商、剧院等的共同努力,也离不开政府的大力支持和协调。在此基础上,还需要找到一条切实可行的、充满生机与活力的演艺业发展之路。
Research on the Countermeasure of Inner Mongolia Entertainment Market Development
LIU Jun- mei
(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)
Abstract: The healthy and prosperous development road of the Inner Mongolia acting market needs the joint efforts of the performance management main body - art groups, performance businessmen , theatres, etc, it also relys on the government's vigorous support and the coordination. Based on this, it is also necessary to find a feasible entertainment industry development road full of vigor and vitality.
Key words: Inner Mongolia; performing arts market; development countermeasures; cultural infrastructure; to cultivate the audience; tourism
李 婷
(中国音乐学院,北京 100101)
摘 要:乌鲁木齐市作为新疆的首府,近年来艺术培训市场蓬勃发展的同时也存在着许多令人堪忧的问题。而健全艺术培训市场法律法规建设,建立艺术培训教师资格制度,规范行业发展,加大对新疆本土民族艺术培训的重视等措施是我们可以采取的对策,以期能对新疆艺术培训市场的发展提供一些参考与借鉴。
Xinjiang Urumqi Art Training Market Problems and the countermeasures
LI Ting
(ChinaMusicCollege, Beijing 100101)
Abstract: As the capital of Xinjiang, Urumqi art training market in recent years has had rapid development and at the same time there are many worrying problems. It is necessary to complete the art training market laws and regulations construction, establish art training teachers' qualification system, regulate the industry development. Strengthen the Xinjiang native art training measures is what we can do to deal with art training market so as to give some reference to the market.
Key words: Urumqi; art training market; problem; countermeasures