



(新加坡)蔡曙鹏 著 李修建 译

(新加坡亚太演艺研究中心,新加坡 267552 )

摘 要:舞蹈是文化表达的重要部分,是凝聚共同体的一大资源。对音乐和舞蹈活动的分析,可以揭示一个共同体的思维方式、价值观念与自我认同。通过考察最近几十年来新加坡的重要舞蹈作品,意在探讨新加坡舞蹈中多元文化主义的概念与实践,以及它如何成为舞蹈场景中可识别的特征。


Multiculturalism in Dance: the Singapore Experience

(Singapore) Written by CAI Shu-peng Translated by LI Xiu-jian

(Asia-Pacific Performing ArtsResearchCenter in Singapore, Singapore 67552)

Abstract: Dance is an important part of cultural expression, and a major resource of community cohesion. The anaysis of music and dance activities may reveal a community's way of thinking, values and self-identity. By examining the important dance works in Singapore in the recent decades, this article intends to explore the concept of multiculturalism and practice, and how it can become a recognition feature of the dance scene.

Key words: multiculturalism; Singapore; dance art; multi-ethnic dance



(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要: 贾作光是中国当代杰出的舞蹈艺术家,曾长期工作生活在内蒙古,对草原文化有很深的了解和感情。他编创了大量的蒙古族舞蹈作品,为蒙古族培养出几代优秀的舞蹈表演艺术人才。贾作光先生不仅在舞蹈表演和舞蹈编导方面才华出众,他在舞蹈理论的研究和舞蹈教学方面也有自己独到的见解和长期的实践,《贾作光舞蹈艺术文集》就是他舞蹈教育思想和舞蹈教育实践的结晶。

关键词: 贾作光;舞蹈理论;舞蹈教学;《贾作光舞蹈艺术文集》

Three Questions in Jia Zuoguangs Dance Education Thoughts

LI Ying

(Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Jia Zuoguang is an outstanding contemporary dance artist in China, and he has a long working life in Inner Mongolia, has a deep understanding and affection to steppe cultures. He compiled a great amount of Mongolian dance works and trains Mongolian dancers of several generations. Mr. Jia Zuoguang is not only talented in dance performance and dance choreographer, but also has his own unique insights and long-term practice in his dance theory of dance research and teaching . "Jia Zuoguang Dance Works Collection"" is the crystallization of his dance education thinking and dance practice.

Key words: Jia Zuoguang; dance theory; dance teaching; "Jia Zuoguang Dance Works Collection"

神奇的“安代” 火红的“安代舞”


(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:蒙古族的“安代舞”作为国家“非遗”文化保护项目和草原文化的标识性品牌,是蒙古族引以为自豪的舞蹈奇葩。当下,在“全球一体化”和“多元文化”冲击的背景下,它的发展空间日益萎缩,“自我”的个性化和地域性文化特征逐渐消失,生存状态面临尴尬的境地。由此,重新引发了人们对“安代舞”这一民族原生态歌舞形式的研究与关注。

关键词: 安代;安代舞;奇葩;草原文化 ;标识性品牌

The Magic of "Andai Dance and the Popular Andai Dance

ZHAO Xiao-ding

(Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Mongolian "Andai Dance”, as national intangible cultural heritage conservation projects and the identity of the grassland culture brand, is a unique dance form of which Mongolian are proud. Nowadays, under the impact of the background of "globalization" and "multicultural", its development space is shrinking. The personal and regional cultural identity has gradually disappeared, living conditions faced embarrassment. Thus, this article tries to arise again the research and attention to the national dance forms of original and ecological concerns.

Key words: Andai; Andai Dance; wonder; steppe culture; identity of the brand



李兴华 李松杰 肖绚

(景德镇陶瓷学院陶瓷美学研究所, 江西省 景德镇 333403)

摘 要:行业神崇拜在景德镇陶瓷生产中有着重要的地位和作用,是维系瓷业从业人员凝聚力和团结的体现。从象征空间的理论出发,以风火神童宾为个案,探讨景德镇瓷业生产中的文化认同、政治认同,并基于活态的模式来探究风火神崇拜过程中的官民互动。

关键词: 景德镇;窑神崇拜;风火神;童宾;活态;文化认同;象征空间

Construction of Kiln God Worship and Symbolic Space of Jingdezhen

—— Take the Wind & Fire Godling Tongbin as a case study

LI Xing-hua, LI Song-jie, XIAO Xuan

(Institute of Ceramics Aesthetics, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, Jingdezhen 333403, Jiangxi Province)

Abstract: Worship in the Jingdezhen ceramics industry production has an important position and role, and it is the embodiment employed to maintain cohesion and unity inside porcelain industry. This article begins from the theory of symbol space, take the Wind & Fire Godling Tongbin as a case study, to discuss the cultural identity, political identity, and state-based model to explore the live the Wind & Fire Godling Tongbin and the public worship of the process of interaction in Jingdezhen porcelain production.

Key words: Jingdezhen; kiln god worship; Wind & Fire Godling; Tongbin; living state; cultural identity; symbolic space



(西华师范大学美术学院,四川省 南充市 637009)

摘 要:阆中木板门神从人类学的意义来看,表现人神关系,确证人的价值和阆中古城的文化身份。它综合多种现代民间绘法,对了解主人身份、审美观念等都是实物佐证。研究阆中木板彩绘门神的刻绘技法可以看出门神崇拜传统向世俗年画过渡的痕迹。而阆中木板彩绘门神,也成为了建筑艺术的一个组成部分,形成独特的风景。

关键词: 阆中;木板彩绘门神;文化身份;刻绘技法;环境艺术

An Anthropological Study of Langzhong Colored Painting

of the Door God on the Board

LI Dong-feng

(School of Fine Arts, West China University, Nanchong 637009, Sichuan Province)

Abstract: From an anthropological sense, Langzhong board door-god performs the relationship between man and God, confirming the value of the man and Langzhong city's cultural identity. It combines a variety of modern folk painting methods and they are all physical evidence for the understanding of the mastership and aesthetic ideas. The research on the carving techniques of Langzhong colored painting of the door god on the board gives the traces of the transition from the traditional worship of door-god to the secular New Year paintings. It has also become an integral part of architecture art.

Key words: Langzhong; colored painting of the door god on the Board; cultural identity; carving techniques; environmental art




(西安美术学院,陕西 西安 710100)

摘 要:观察牛王会活动及水陆画存留使用的真实场景及传承模式,感受到了宗教艺术在乡间庙会中的巨大影响力,以及宗教艺术背后显现出的普通百姓的精神需求。认为,民间宗教美术的研究应走出庙宇和书斋,通过对活态的民间宗教艺术品的艺术人类学观察,通向民间艺术活动与普通百姓的精神世界。

关键词: 水陆画;牛王会;宗教艺术;艺术人类学观察

A Living Drawing Water and Land Painting

——A survey of Hengshan Niu-wang-hui in Northern


(Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Xi'an 710100, Shaanxi Province)

Abstract: To observe the real scene and the mode of inheritance of Niu-wang-hui and use of land and water paintings scene helps the author of the article feel the tremendous influence of the religious art in the rural temple, and the spiritual needs of ordinary people shown behind religious art. Folk religion art should go out of the temple and the room through the anthropology observation of the living state of folk religious art, to get to the spiritual world of the ordinary people through folk art activities.

Key words: land and water paintings; Niu-wang-hui; religious art; anthropology observation of art




(玉溪师范学院文学院,云南 玉溪 653100)

摘 要:作为一个典型的送灵仪式舞蹈,彝族民间丧礼花鼓舞,是强化彝族历史记忆的特殊肢体形态艺术。花鼓舞意味着一种责任和义务,它表面上是行孝必备的礼仪,深层次是彝族祖灵崇拜艺术化符号。彝族花鼓舞的丧礼参与和艺术展演,主要承担安魂、驱鬼和送灵的功能。花鼓舞于丧礼仪式,不是一种客位的参与和展演,其关系不是简单的被采借和被征用的关系,其文化内涵和社会功能全由彝族民间丧礼仪式反向赋予。

关键词: 彝族丧礼;花鼓舞;仪式展演;送灵;社群凝聚

Holy Sending of the Soul

—— The exhibition of the flower drum performance in funeral ceremony of Yi people

HUANG Long-guang

(College Literature of Yuxi Teachers College, Yuxi 653100, Yunnan Province)

Abstract: As a typical dance of spiritual ceremony to send the soul, flower drum dance of Yi people is a special physical form of art to strengthen the memory of the history of Yi people. Flower drum dance means responsibility and obligation, it appears to be an essential ritual piety, and the deep-seated meaning is the Yi people’s ancestor soul worship symbols. The funeral participation and arts festivals of flower drum dance of Yi are mainly responsible for requiem, exorcism and sending spiritual functions. Flower drum dance at the funeral ceremony is not only participation and performances, whose relationship is not simple to be taken by the expropriation and the relationship with their culture and social functions given by the funeral ceremony of Yi people.

Key words: Yi funeral; flower drum dance; ritual performances; send souls; community cohesion


赵 福

(呼和浩特职业学院美术与传媒学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)


关键词: 和林格尔;剪纸艺术;特点

On the Art features of Helinge’er Paper-cut


(Fine Arts and Media College of Hohhot Vocational College, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Helinge’er folk paper-cut in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia with rich cultural heritage, is the art of two-dimensional shape and mixture of the folk art forms of general shape and exaggerated characteristics, with the features of patterned, shape free, homophonic meaning and symbolic features.

Key words: Helinge’er; paper-cut art; features




(内蒙古大学艺术学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:分析吴苏荣贵博士佛教美术创作《般若心经》的缘由、经过、创作心得等,评述他以禅者的智慧之心创作出了汉字书法与藏传佛教绘画相结合的全新形式的佛教美术作品。


A Perfect Combination of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting of Tibetan Buddhism

——A Review of Usuronggui’s Buddhist paintings“Wisdom Heart Sutra”


(Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: This article analyses the reason, process, creative ideas, etc. in Usuronggui’s Buddhist art creation of "Wisdom Heart Sutra," and reviews his heart of wisdom to create a combination of new forms of Buddhism works of art combining Chinese calligraphy and painting of Tibetan Buddhism.

Key words: Buddhist art;“Wisdom Heart Sutra”; calligraphy; painting



(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:藏传佛教进入蒙古草原后,渗透到蒙古游牧生活的方方面面,甚至体现在蒙古族家具装饰图形上。分析蒙古族家具中藏传佛教图案纹样,对于藏传佛教艺术如何影响蒙古族牧人的日常生活有更加直观、形象的认识。

关键词: 蒙古族家具; 藏传佛教;装饰纹样

The Tibetan Buddhism Factors of the Decorative Patterns in Mongolian Furniture

FANG Kui-jiao

(Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: After Tibetan Buddhism came into Mongolian grassland, it infiltrated the Mongolian nomadic life to all aspects, and even reflected in the graphs of Mongolian furniture. This article analyses the Mongolian furniture design of Tibetan Buddhism patterns to give a more intuitive understanding of the image of how Tibetan Buddhist Art affects the daily lives of Mongolian herders.

Key words: Mongolian furniture; Tibetan Buddhism; decorative patterns



(中国艺术研究院研究生院,北京 10029)

摘 要:西藏具有丰富的艺术遗产。对西藏综合艺术的代表性著作予以述评,综述文本主要是1990年代以来的英文代表性著作。通过艺术门类进行分类综述,按照雕塑、建筑、手工艺、舞蹈、仪式以及收藏品研究等门类综述西藏艺术。反映了关于西藏艺术的研究进展和成果,展现西藏各门类艺术研究中重要的理论和方法。

关键词: 1990年代;国外研究;西藏艺术;西藏综合艺术;

Review of Research on Tibetan Art Abroad since the 1990s, study

LUO Yi-fei

(Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Arts, Beijing 10029, China)

Abstract:Tibet has a rich artistic heritage. This article reviews the representative Tibetan works of art with the main English texts since the 1990s. Classified by the kinds of art reviewed, it is in accordance with sculpture, architecture, arts and crafts, dance, ceremony and collections of Tibetan art and other categories. It reflects the progress and results of research of Tibetan art to show the important theories and methods of the studies on various categories of Tibetan art.

Key words: 1990s; abroad; Tibetan art; Tibetan integrated arts





摘 要:过去,我国蒙古学界一直热衷于长篇英雄史诗《江格尔》《格斯尔》的翻译和研究,以致于形成了“江格尔学”和“格斯尔学”。相形之下,学界对蒙古中短篇英雄史诗则未免太过于冷落了。《鄂尔多斯史诗》及其汉译本的面世,不仅有利于纠正目前学界普遍存在的对史诗貌似既专业又深刻,实则极端片面、狭隘肤浅的认识,而且也能为学界研究鄂尔多斯英雄史诗提供了较为充分而可信的文本。


On Ordos Epic

——Preface of "Ordos Epic"


(Literature School of Inner Mongolia Normal University, Huhhot 010020,Inner Mongolia)

Abstract:In the past, Mongolian Studies circle of China has been keen to the translation and research of Mongolian scholars long epic "Jianger" and "Gesr,", resulting in the formation of the " Jianger study " and " Gesr study." In contrast, scholars have been a bit too neglected of Mongolia short epics. The publication of "Ordos Epic" and its Chinese translated edition not only helps to correct one-sided, narrow superficial understanding of the seemingly widespread professional and profound academic world of epic, but also in fact provides a more adequate and credible text for research on the "Ordos Epic".

Key words: "Ordos Epic"; Mongolian heroic epic; translation studies



(华东师范大学,上海 200241)

摘 要:“杂剧”始见于初唐,是以简便化、模糊化概称若干伎艺的身份跻身历史舞台的伎艺类名,“杂”为杂剧诞生之时的意义取向。以“杂”冠名的术语都具有指称若干伎艺的功能,历史选择“杂剧”作为宋金戏剧的主要指称是杂剧之“剧”决定的。由唐而至宋金,“杂剧”的语义重心实现了从“杂”向“剧”的转变。


Also on "Zaju Drama"

ZHANG Yong-gan

(East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241,China)

Abstract: "Zaju" first appeared in the Tang Dynasty, it was a simplification of the name referring to a number of fuzzy identity of Kabuki art among the historical stage of Kabuki art class name, "Za" is the meaning of the birth the time of drama’s orientation. The term initiated with the character" Za" have alleged a number of features of Kabuki art. In history, to select the "Za" as a reference of the drama of Song and Jin Dynasty is mainly the reference of"drama". From the Tang to Song and Jin Dynasty, the semantic focus has changed from a "miscellaneous" to "drama".

Key words: drama; Kabuki art title; the concept of connotation; Song and Jin drama; survey



(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:“蒙古族题材电视剧”是源自蒙古民族历史和现实生活,通过表现其“生活本来的样子”,充分反映该民族文化诉求的电视剧,不以主创人员的民族属性为标准。凡优秀的蒙古族题材电视剧,遴选民族历史文化资源大多秉持这样几个标准:独特性,科学性,有效性,可持续发展性,普适性,审美性。

关键词: 蒙古族题材电视剧;文化;文化资源

What and For What of Mongolian Television Plays

LI Shu-rong

(Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: "Mongolian television plays" is derived from the Mongolian history and real life, through the performance of its "original way of life," fully reflecting the aspirations of the national culture, not taking the national attribute of the creative staff as the standard. The good Mongolian television plays select the national historical and cultural resources with the following criteria: uniqueness, scientific, effectiveness, sustainability, universal, and aesthetic nature.

Key words: Mongolian television plays; culture; cultural resources


贺 利

(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:纳兰性德文学成就的取得,与他对前代文学的接受是分不开的。尤其是对南唐后主李煜的主动学习与继承。从令词的创作、词的情感特质、表现风格等方面来考察纳兰性德对李后主词的文学接受与传承。


On Nalanxingde’s Literary Reception of Ci of Li Yu


(Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Nalanxingde’s literary achievements could not be separated from his acceptance of literature of the former generation, especially his active learning and inheritance of Southern Tang emperor Li Yu. This paper examines from the creation of Lingci, the word's emotional nature, performance style to survey on his literary reception and transmission of the Ci of the emperor Li Yu.

Key words: Nalanxingde; Li Yu; literary reception



(中央民族大学少数民族艺术研究所, 北京 100081)

关键词: 莫尔吉胡;作品;评价

Exploring·Pursuit· Hard Work·Guard

Wu Lanjie

(Minority Art Institute of Central University for Nationalities, Beijing 100081)

Key words: Morjihu; works; evaluation




(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:莫尔吉胡先生是内蒙古自治区著名的蒙古族作曲家、民族音乐理论家和民族艺术教育家,长期从事民族音乐的创作与研究;著有《蒙古音乐研究文集》《追踪胡茄的踪迹》等多部民族音乐学研究专著,其研究领域涉及音乐历史学、音乐形态学、音乐民族学、音乐传播学及音乐文化人类学等,研究莫尔吉胡先生的创作与理论研究及其学术思想,对于构建蒙古族音乐文化理论体系具有重要的学术意义和理论价值。


The Culmination of Creation and Study of National Music

——Review of the artistic achievements of Mr.Murjihu


(Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Mr.Murjihu is a famous Mongolian composer, national music theorist of and ethnic arts educator of Inner Mongolia, engaged in the creation and study of national music; with the works of"Mongolian Music Study Series", "Hu Jia track traces" and many other national music research monographs including the research in the fields of music history, music, morphology, music ethnology, music communication and music cultural anthropology, etc.. It has important theoretical significance and academic value to make research on Mr.Murjihu’s creative and theoretical research and academic thought for building the theoretical system of Mongolian music culture.

Key words: Murjihu; artistic achievement; academic thinking; review



(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:2011年11月29日, “莫尔吉胡音乐作品暨学术思想研讨会”在内蒙古饭店隆重召开,与会专家各抒己见。本次研讨会旨在展示莫尔吉胡先生的优秀作品并进行系统整理,以期推动蒙古族音乐创作、研究的进程。研讨会上各位专家学者对莫先生的为人之道、学术之道给予高度概括,赞誉他的做人风骨、民族情怀以及深厚历史使命感和责任感。

关键词: 莫尔吉胡;音乐作品;研讨会;综述

Review of “The Symposium on Morjihu’s Musical Works and His Academic Thoughts”

LI Jia-yin

(Fine Arts and Media College of Hohhot Vocational College of, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: The Symposium on Morjihu’s Musical Works and His Academic Thoughts”was held on November 29, 2011 in Inner Mongolia Hotel, and the experts expressed their various views. The symposium aims to showcase outstanding works of Morjihu and gave systematic order with a view to promote Mongolian music, research process. The experts and scholars on the symposium highly praised his academic achievements, and his strength of character, national feelings, and deep sense of historical mission and responsibility.

Key words: Morjihu; music; symposium; review



(集宁师范学院,内蒙古 集宁市 012000)

摘 要:察哈尔蒙古部作为蒙古民族重要的组成部分,在历史上曾占有独特的地位。通过对于察哈尔地区传唱的蒙古族民歌进行题材类型的梳理及艺术风格的探讨,希望对蒙古族音乐文化的研究能起到一定的推动作用。

关键词: 察哈尔;蒙古族民歌;题裁类型;音乐风格

An Approach to the Theme Types and Art Style of Chahar Mongolian Folk Songs

ZHOU Li-qing

(Jining Teachers’ College, Jining012000, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Chahar Mongolian Tribe is very important in the modern history of Inner Mongolia and therefore the study of Chahar Mongolian culture, is the complement and contribute to Mongolian cultural studies. It is no exception for the study of Chahar Mongolian folk songs. Through the combing and sorting of the theme types and artistic styles of Chahar Mongolian folk songs sung in Chahar area , it is hoped to play a certain rolein the study of Mongolian musical culture.

Key words: Chahar; Mongolian folk songs; genre classification; musical styles




(江西师范大学音乐学院,江西 南昌 330027)

摘 要:在欧洲传统音乐中,表现大自然的作品占有极其重要的位置,特别是进入19世纪以后,崇尚大自然已成为浪漫乐派和民族乐派音乐的重要美学精神和艺术特征,其中不乏表现大自然体裁的优秀作品。而用长笛表现鸟类的鸣叫并刻画其形象,是表现大自然内容的重要手段。梳理表现鸟类的代表作品,以对其本体上共性进行形态分析,进而对其美学特征作初步探究。

关键词: 欧洲;传统音乐;鸟鸣;长笛音乐;现代音乐;美学特征

The Analysis and Research of the European Flute Music Representing Bird Tweet

——Viewing the music nature from the creation of modern music

YANG Li-pei

(School of Music of Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang 330027, Jiangxi Province)

Abstract: In traditional Europe music, the performance of the works of nature occupies an important position, especially in the 19th century, advocating the nature has become a national romantic music school and music camp, music and artistic spirit of the important aesthetic features, many of them show genre of the outstanding works of nature. It is an important means of expression of the content of nature to use flute performance and portray the image of the chirping of birds. Starting from the performance of representative works for bird tweet, this article tries to make an analysis of their common morphology, and then conduct a preliminary inquiry of its aesthetic features.

Key words:Europe; traditional music; bird tweet; flute music; aesthetic features




(内蒙古大学艺术学院, 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:思考和探索蒙古族学生学习美声唱法的理论和实践,引导蒙古族学生将自然质朴的演唱风格发挥到极致,找到蒙古族学生演唱蒙古族歌曲和学习美声唱法的趋同点,并强调气息运用的技巧,是既能演唱好蒙古族民歌也能演唱好美声歌曲的关键点。

关键词: 美声唱法;民歌唱法;蒙古族学生;技巧风格

Analysis of the Practical Application of the Bel Canto Singing Theory

——Several issues needed to be paid attention to by Mongolian students

when learning Bel Canto singing

JU Shan-ri

(Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: This article thinks and explores the theory and practice of the Mongolian students who learn bel canto, and guide students to play the natural simplicity of Mongolian singing style, to find the convergence point between the Mongolian singing and the bel canto singing of Mongolian students, stressing the technique s of the use of breathing not only good for singing Mongolian folk songs but also helpful to bel canto singing.

Key words: bel canto singing; folk song singing; Mongolian students; skills and style


陈 煜

(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:艺术管理者的角色意识主要包括:把关意识、创新意识、传播意识。只有最大限度地强化艺术管理者的角色意识,自觉地提高艺术管理者的素养,大力倡导和充分发挥个性化优势,才能全面激发艺术管理者的主观能动性和积极性。


Awareness of the Role of Arts Managers under the

Background of Art Industrialization


(Art College of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: The awareness of the role of art managers include: check awareness, innovation, and communication awareness. Only to maximize the role of the manager to strengthen the artistic sense, consciously improve the artistic quality of managers, advocate, and give full play to individual strengths in order to fully stimulate the initiative and enthusiasm of the artistic managers.

Key words: art industry; art managers; social roles; the role consciousness



(乌兹别克)K·阿卜杜拉耶夫(捷克)L·斯坦科 张国伟 李 迪 译 毛 铭 校

摘 要: 2002年10月,乌兹别克-捷克联合考古队开始了在舍拉巴德古城剑达伏拉特遗址和大夏北部苏尔罕河流域的首次实地考察工作。2003年的考古调查清楚地表明,如能对剑达伏拉特遗址进行进一步地考古工作,一定会有更多的发现。剑达伏拉特遗址显然是舍拉巴德河流域中段最重要的考古区域之一。

关键词: 艺术考古;舍拉巴德古城;剑达伏拉特遗址;古建筑;墓葬

Uzbekistan - Czech Republic joint archaeological excavation team

——Sword of V in Shelabade ancient ruins and big lats Suer Han River basin in northern summer

(Uzbekistan) K · Abdullayev(zech)L · Stanco

Zhang Guowei Li Mao Ming Di translation school

Abstract: In October 2002, Uzbekistan - CzechRepublic joint archaeological team began in Shelabade sword of the ancient city of ruins and a large V Lats Suer Han River in the northern summer and the first fieldwork. Archaeological survey in 2003 clearly shows that if the sword of V Lats archaeological site for further work, there will be more discoveries. Sword of the site is clearly Shelabade V Lats river segment domain is one of the most important archaeological areas.

Key words: Shelabade city; sword of V LVL sites; ancient buildings; tombs

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