



乌兰杰 乌 兰

(中央民族大学,北京 100081;

中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所,北京100081 )

摘 要:史籍所载“朵因温都儿”即今内蒙古自治区兴安盟扎赉特旗北境的博格达乌拉(俗称神山)。近来有一种说法,将扎赉特旗博格达乌拉与月伦太后联系起来,认为其地曾经是成吉思汗生母月伦太后的祭祀地。而通过相关史料梳理和科学分析,认为此说偏颇,朵因温都儿与月伦太后宫帐所在地无涉,因而与月伦太后祭祀不存在任何关系。



A Preliminary Inspection of“duo yin wen du er”

WU Lan-jie Wu Lan

(CentralUniversity for Nationalities, Beijing 100081; Ethnology and Anthropology Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100081)

Abstract: The term " duo yin wen du er " in historical records of the present northern border of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Bogda Ula in Hing'an Zhalaite Banner (commonly known as the saint mountain). Recently there has been an argument to Zhalaiteqi Bogda Ula link with the Queen Mother Yarun, that the land of Genghis Khan's mother was the Queen Mother's place to worship. Combing through the relevant historical data and scientific analysis, said that "duo yin wen du er" is unrelated to the location, and therefore has nothing to do with the worship place of the Queen Mother.

Key words: "duo yin wen du er"; Bogda Ula; ojjin territory; yarun Queen Mother; shiraordo




(中国国家图书馆,北京 100081)




Naadam: The Ancient and Modern Mongolian Holiday

ZHANG Shu-guang

(National Library of China, Beijing 100081)

Abstract: Naadam has a long history, but in academic understanding, but there is a clear diversity and ambiguity for Naadam. Naadam is independently held, or with other meetings, festivals or celebrations, and gradually developed into an important festival of Mongolian cultural symbols. The more obvious trend of Naadam is that its holiday form has been gradually become complete and has been derived for a relatively fixed period, the content is relatively stable, relatively well-defined functions and proprietary names of independent festivals.

Key words: Mongolian; festival; Naadam; cultural symbols





(中国艺术研究院, 北京 100029)

摘 要:恋爱活动中的服装及配饰的禁忌反映了长角苗人在其长期的社会历史与自然环境下形成的婚恋观念。服饰作为一种符号,标识一个长角苗人可以参加恋爱活动的开始以及恋爱活动的截止。长角苗人使用服装配饰充当与对方进行沟通的媒介,含蓄的表达自己对对方的态度,显示了恋爱的不同阶段。在长角苗的文化中,服装及配饰在其恋爱习俗中扮演着重要的角色。

关键词:苗族服饰;文化功能 ;婚姻习俗;媒介;阈限


The Limen and Media in Love

-------Inspection of the cultural function of Changjiao Miao dress in love customs


AN Li-zhe

(Chinese Art Institute, Beijing 100029 )

Abstract: The taboo of clothing and adorn in the Changjiao Miao love activities reflect the marriage notion developed in the long-term social history and natural environment. As a symbol, dress marks the beginning and the end of Miao people who can attend love activity. The Changjiao Miao people use costume as a media to express themselves, implicative for each other's attitude and display different stages of love. Clothing and adorns of Miao people play an important role is in their love customs。

Key words: Miao dress, cultural function; marriage customs; media; limen




(昆明艺术职业学院 云南 昆明 328866)




The Communication and Correlation between Yunnan Tibetan Music Dance Culture and Its Surrounding National Culture

SHI Yu-zu

(Kunming Art Vocational College, Kunming 328866, YunnanProvince)

Abstract: Tibetan is one of the 26 native ethnic minorities living in Yunnan. The mysterious magical Tibetan music dance culture reflects the characteristics of a unity, and with other ethnic music dance culture of Yunnan form a profound and diverse number of species, reflecting the only self-contained and widely adopted national mind. Interpreting and studying music dance in Yunnan as well as Tibetan culture and Tibetan music dance culture and its communication with the surrounding culture and associated arts help us understand the genetic and the public choose of the basic aesthetic principles and laws.

Key words:Yunnan Tibetan; music dance features; surrounding minorities; communication and integration; cultural impacts; association




(内蒙古师范大学音乐学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)




Ordos Eulogy as Verbal Art and Its Characteristics


(School of Music, Inner MongoliaNormalUniversity, Huhhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Eulogy is one of the oldest Mongolian oral art forms widespread, in different patrs of Mongolian area. Eulogy is not only a verbal art, but also a combination of speech and performing art forms, with the characteristics of the performing arts. Eulogy performers, during performances without accompaniment musical instruments, hand-held Hada, the speech is impromptu play, without any preparation, seeing the innovations of the actual situation impromptu ceremony for all the rules and scenarios. Eulogy performance can only produce the performance of its meaning and effect in their specific context.

Key words: Ordos; eulogy; oral art; features




(内蒙古民族大学音乐学院,内蒙古通辽 028043)




The “Living Carrier” of China's Folk Music Culture

----Cognition of the social and cultural of the value of folk music artists

GAO Qiao-yan Burgud

(School of Music of Inner MongoliaNationalUniversity, Tongliao 028043, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: As the "living carrier" of folk music culture, folk music artists, have an important role in the inheritance of traditional folk music culture. Re-examining the inheritors of China’s folk music art, we can make people pay attention to the “living inheritor”of the folk music art, recognizing their unique cultural values. They are the ones of our national culture "bearers" of further transmission and they are of great significance for protecting our great national music art.

Key words: folk music; living carrier; folk music artists; social and cultural values




(内蒙古文化厅,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)




On the Significance and Path of the Functional Protection of Mongolian Long-tune

QIAO Yu-guang

(Inner Mongolia Culture Department, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: In the Mongolian nomadic society, the long-tune not only bear the artistic expression and the role of emotional expression, but also plays an important part in the social function of production and life. In modern times, a long tune is in more deep-seated crisis, manifested in the weakening and loss of social function. As to the protection of the long tone, it is necessary to pay attention to the musical style, singing the protection of heritage features and much more, and to focus on the long tune in the production of functional roles in the protection of life and heritage, the social function of the long tune of protective measures put in more prominent position.

Key words: Mongolian long-tune; social function; protection; heritage; path




(内蒙古自治区艺术研究所,内蒙古呼和浩特 010010)




Mongolian long-tune under the Folk Culture Domain

LIU He-xin

(Art Institute of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: The rescue and protection of Mongolian long-tune is a large-scale, complexity system engineering, and environmental and cultural heritage protection of the environment is the foundation work. Protection should be based on long-tune folk geography, folk literature and folk life basis. "School" type of research and conservation is very important, and collegial support for research is based on the field and traditions.

Key words: Mongolian long-tune; heritage protection; folk culture; sight




(内蒙古大学艺术学院音乐系,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)



Analysis of the Characteristics of Horqin Long-tune Folk Songs

WU Li-han

(Department of Music, ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Mr. Wu Lanjie collected into a book of " Horqin long-tune folk songs set"with the analysis of the tune types of 90 Horqin long-tune folks songs, and found that Horqin long-tune folk songs tuning not only have the Pentatonic tuning, there are six or seven sound of the tuning and various swapping and tactics types.

Key words: Horqin; long-tune folk songs; tuning features; single tone; tone changes



玉 梅

( 内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古呼和浩特 010010 )

摘 要:巴音郭勒短调民歌,保持了传统蒙古族民歌的调式特点,音乐多以五声音阶为主而构成。其旋律音程幅度大,体现了在一定程度上受其他少数民族音乐影响而形成的独特风格。新疆巴音郭勒短调民歌节奏也形成了自身的特征,其短调民歌的曲体结构保持了蒙古族风格的独特魅力。



Analysis of Tune Forms of Xinjiang Bayangol Mongolian short-tune folk songs

YU Mei

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Bayangol short- tune folk songs have maintained the tuning features of traditional Mongolian folk songs, and the music have more oriented to the pentatonic scale and composition. The large range of melodic intervals, reflecting to some extent by the effects of other ethnic minorities formed a unique musical style. Xinjiang Bayangol short-tune folk songs also formed its own rhythm characteristics, the short- tune folk songs structure maintains a unique Mongolian-style charm.

Key words: Xinjiang; Bayangol; short- tune Mongolian folk songs; modal transfer;melody; rhythm; structure




(中国艺术研究院研究生院,北京 10029)

摘 要:西藏具有丰富的艺术资源。选取1990年代以来国外西藏艺术理论研究作一综述。主要依据方法论为分类依据,根据图像学、社会学、考古学及宗教学等不同的方法论归类述评。反映20年代来西藏艺术理论研究的进展和成果,展现西藏艺术研究中重要理论与方法论。



Sum Up of the Theoretical Study of Tibetan Art Abroad since the 1990s

LUO Yi-fei

(Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Arts, Beijing 10029)

Abstract: Tibet has a rich artistic resources. This article selects and sum up the theoretical study of Tibetan art abroad since the 1990s. Methodology is the base of the classification according to image science, sociology, archeology, and religion of different classification methodology review, reflecting the progress and achievement of the study of Tibetan art theory and shows the important theory and research methodology used in the research on Tibetan art.

Key words: sum up; Tibet; art theory; research works; methodology




(内蒙古大学艺术学院美术系,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘要: 20世纪上半叶中国绘画的格局是明清大写意与元代小写意、唐宋严谨画三足鼎立,然后是文人画大写意,直到吴昌硕、齐白石、黄宾虹、潘天寿这四家,中西合璧与传统派二者并存。文人画在社会结构已发生巨大变化的时代逐渐失去发展空间,中国画融通西方现代艺术广为人接受,林风眠、吴冠中等一辈艺术家身体力行,探索中西融通,探索中国绘画在时代中的历史转变之路。



An Approach to the Changes of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Painting Styles

CHEN Tie-mei

(Fine Arts Department, ArtCollege of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: In the first half of the 20th century, there were three patterns of the Chinese paintings: large freehand brushwork in Ming and Qing, small freehand brushwork in Yuan Dynasty, meticulous paintings in the Tang and Song dynasties, and then there was the scholar painting large freehand brushwork, until Wu Chang-shuo, Qi Bai-shi, Huang Bin-hong, Pan Tian-shou, and Western-eastern combination of both co-exist with the old school. Scholar painting in the social structure has undergone tremendous changes in the era of losing space for development of modern Western art of Chinese painting facility widely accepted, Lin Feng-mian, Wu Guan-zhong, etc. explore Western intermediation to explore Chinese painting in the era of historic change oin the way.

Key words: Chinese painting; style; change; Western-eastern intermediation



(英国)狄波拉•丝瓦罗 著 毛 铭 译

(英国伦敦大学东方学院,英国 伦敦)

摘 要:在相当于明清时期的印度莫卧尔王朝鼎盛时代,宫廷绘画主要学习的是波斯细密画。波斯细密画的源头,可以追溯到蒙古忽必烈汗时代宫廷绘画艺术,特别是人物肖像方面。莫卧尔王朝细密画有其风格变化,其中的杰作之一《贾汗吉尔朝见苏菲派长老和其他国王》是当时东西方文化碰撞的典型例子。



Mughal Dynasty in India Fine Art Painting of Mongolian Style

(UK) Deborah • Swallow, Translated by of Mao Ming

(Oriental Institute, University of London, London, UK)

Abstract: In the equivalent period of the Ming and Qing dynasties flourishing Indian Mughal era, the palace painting is mainly the learning of Persian fine painting art. Persian miniatures can be traced back to the times of Mongolian palace art of painting in the court of Kublai Khan, especially in portraits. Mughal dynasty fine art has its own style changes, among which one of the masterpieces is "Meeting Jahangir Sufi elders and other kings," and was a typical example of East-West cultural collision.

Key words: Persian miniatures; Mongolian court painting; India's Mughal dynasty; Sufi elders



吴宝德 张晓涧

(内蒙古包头师范学院,内蒙古 包头 014030)

摘 要:高等美术教育在追求理想的同时,积极探寻美术教育专业课程的价值诉求,是目前高等美术教育需要研究的根本问题之一。坚守学校自身文化传统,追求学校自身个性鲜明的教育理想,是高等美术院校面临的重要选择;体现教育者的理想追求,紧密联系教育者对具体课程教育价值的诉求,是学科建设的价值取向;师生间实际交流达成知识的教学活动,才能体现美术课程教育价值的诉求。



Appeal to Human Value of Ideals and Courses of Higher Art Education

WU Bao-de, ZHANG Xiao-jian

( Inner MongoliaBaotouNormalUniversity, Baotou 014030, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Higher Art Education in the pursuit of ideals, we will actively explore the value of art education demanding of professional courses, is one of the fundamental issues of higher art education need to be studied. Adhere to the school's own cultural traditions, the pursuit of the school's own distinctive ideal of education, institutions of higher art face an important choice; the education of those ideals, closely linked to specific courses of education are the demands of the educational value, the value orientation of disciplines; practical communication between teachers and students to achieve knowledge of teaching activities, in order to reflect the demands of the educational value of art courses.

Key words: China; higher art education; professional courses; discipline construction; teaching activities; value proposition




(中国艺术研究院 北京 100027)

摘 要:自20世纪初叶伯和《中国音乐史》问世以来,中国音乐史作为一门学科,即已开始了它的科学化发展进程。这一百年来,中国音乐史的研究取得了骄人的成就,有多本中国古代音乐史著述问世。其著述体例各异,所关注问题的侧重点亦有不同。撰写新的中国古代音乐史从制度作为学术切入点,突出中国传统音乐文化的重要创造者和承载者乐人的主体地位,再结合音乐功能来研究和叙述中国古代音乐史,则能使中国传统音乐研究在许多环节上可以接通。



An Approach to the Related Problems of the Composing of Chinese Ancient Music History

BAI Hu-jiu

(ChinaAcademy of Art, Beijing 100027)

Abstract: Since the book "the History of Chinese Music"wasa published in the early 1900s, Chinese music history, as a discipline, had already begun its process of scientific development. During one hundred years, the research on the history of Chinese music has made remarkable achievements and many writings about the history of ancient Chinese music have come out. The writing style varies, and the concerns have different emphases. To write a new history of music in ancient China as an academic from the system entry point, highlighting the importance of traditional Chinese music culture creators and bearers of the dominant position of music, combined with music and narration function to study the history of ancient Chinese music, then the traditional Chinese music research in many areas can be connected.

Key words: ancient China; music history; history stages; system; functions




(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)




Contend the Ratification of the Three Kinds of Seven Scales and "YanYue Music Scale,"

MIAO Jin-hai

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: It has been long that the three kinds of seven scales of Chinese traditional music do not have their fixed names and it has brought much inconvenience to the traditional music teaching and theoretical research. It is an important work to ratify the three kinds of seven scales of Chinese traditional music, to end the argument of the names so as to develop and improve the theory of traditional ChinesePalace music system.

Key words: seven scales; Yan Yue music scale; clear commercial scale; ratification



吴 彪

(三明学院艺术学院,福建 三明 365004)




A New Idea of Creation of Bass Tune

WU Biao

(Art School of Sanming College of, Sanming 365004, Fujian Province)

Abstract: In the music creation, bass tune is a part need to be highly valued. This article gives discussions and approaches to melody lines handling, dealing with the coordination of the two outer parts of the relationship between the department to avoid the bad sound, to avoid the relationship of the ramp, there diacritical approach, complete creative skills and sound are analyzed, summarizes the bass tune from creation role, completion of harmony creation techniques.

Key words: music creation; bass tune; creative harmony; new ideas




冯 晓

(遵义师范学院音乐系,贵州 遵义 563002)

摘 要:音乐材料基本属性——语义性、非物质性、二度创作性,以及音乐结构的三要素——音响、表现、意义,它们是音乐艺术区别于其他艺术的本质所在,更是音乐结构的“基石”和不能违背的音乐创作的基本边界。


The Significance Expliciting of the Structural Properties of Music Materials to the Problem of Music Nature

—— Viewing the music nature from the creation of modern music,


(Music Department, ZunyiNormalCollege, Zunyi 563002, GuizhouProvince)

Abstract: The basic properties of musical materials - semantic, non-material, ongoing creation, as well as musical structure of the three elements - sound, performance, significance, they are different from essence of other art, the music structure is "cornerstone" and not contrary to the basic boundaries of music.

Key words: music materials; musical structure; music nature; modern music




(内蒙古大学艺术学院附中,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)



The Image of Nature in Tchaikovsky Piano Suite "Four Seasons"

WANG Yan-fang

(Attached High School of ArtCollege of Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: Suite for Piano, "Four Seasons" is one of the few Tchaikovsky's very unique and distinctive style of piano works. It is composed of twelve songs, and each song represents in a month of a year, and each month is given a title. The work depicts the characteristics of the Russian season, and showed the twelve beautiful landscapes for the audience.

Key words: Tchaikovsky; Suite for Piano; "Four Seasons"; music image


郭 婧

(内蒙古师范大学音乐学院 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:歌唱艺术的情感表现具有美学特征。从歌唱艺术的情感特征、歌唱艺术情感表现的美学特征及其情感表现的实际运用三方面进行阐述,从美学的角度对当代中国民族声乐艺术进行分析、探究,旨在既要符合声乐艺术的学科属性,又要符合现代美学所遵循的原则,并希望以此探究声乐美学理论在实践中的运用。



The Aesthetic Characteristics of Singing Emotional Expression

GUO Jing

(MusicSchool of Inner MongoliaNormalUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: The emotional expression of singing has the aesthetic characteristics. This article Emotional characteristics from the Art of Singing, Singing the aesthetic describes the emotional expression features of singing art, emotional expression and feeling expression, from an aesthetic point of view of contemporary art of China's national vocal analysis, to explore not only meet the vocal arts disciplines properties, but also in line with the principles of modern aesthetics, and hope to explore the vocal aesthetic theory in practice use.

Key words: music aesthetics; singing art; emotional characteristics; emotional expression; aesthetic features




(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)



On the "Visual" Aesthetic Trends of the Present Architectural Design from the Perspective of Ordos City Building

ZHAO Sheng-hong

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: The current architectural design aesthetic tends to be more "visual" and the design features of the city building landmarks such as Grand Theatre of Ordos, Ordos Library have reflected from one side of the aesthetic trends. Exploring this issue, we present to lead to issues related to architectural design thinking.

Key words: architectural style; aesthetic trends; visualization; aesthetic information; Ordos; city building




(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)



Present Status and Thinking of Discipline Construction of Universities Cultural Industry

LIU Yun-mei

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia)

Abstract: The construction of university cultural industry disciplines began under the background that cultural industries are booming in China, the state attaches great importance to the cultural industries in the context. Up to now, preliminarily clarify the cultural industries the relationship between disciplines and other disciplines, the basic establishment of a more reasonable structure, high level of faculty, and gradually form a more scientific and rational training model and curriculum, with a lot of social reality, to serve the community of scientific research. In the future, the cultural industry disciplines should be on a more normal, more sophisticated construction of the road, more rational set of cultural industries in the colleges.

Key words: Chinese universities; discipline construction; cultural industries; the status quo; thinking



宋生贵 杨维娜

(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)

摘 要:“东方视域中的西方美学”高层论坛,于2011年8月3日至5日在呼和浩特举行。来自中国和日本美学界的30多位专家学者,围绕东方美学与西方美学的关系及其历史、东方美学的可能性、东方视域中的民族艺术与美学、中日不同的西方美学观等问题进行了深入探讨。


Forum Summary of “Aesthetics from East and West Perspective”

SONG Sheng-gui YANG Wei-na

(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, Inner Mongolia) 

Abstract: Forum of "Aesthetics from East and West Perspective " was held from August 3, 2011 to 5 in Hohhot. More than 30 experts and scholars from China and Japan in aesthetic circles have made deep discussion on the issues and topics such as the relationship and the history between the Eastern aesthetics and Western aesthetics, the possibility of oriental art, national art and aesthetics in the oriental view, the different western aesthetics opinion in Japan and China.

Key words: conference overview; oriental aesthetics; Western aesthetics; relationship

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