

(5)李轶南 衣沾何足惜,但使愿无违——走在艺术学的路上



(15)庄孔韶 《绘画人类学理论与实践》专题主持人语

(16)庄孔韶 本土理论如何进入绘画人类学——互趣和隐秀的向往

(23)王莎莎 绘画何以成为民族志——基于金翼黄村山谷的堪舆绘画实践分析

(33)和 柳 艺术与人类学的新关系:跨学科合作实验



(43)巴莫曲布嫫 《纪念〈保护非物质文化遗产公约〉通过20周年专题》主持人语

(43)康 丽 从女性赋权到性别协商:《保护非物质文化遗产公约》发展史上的


(55)唐璐璐 对“非遗”与“社区”的再认识——基于“德国现代舞实践”列入《代表


(64)冯王玺 中国少数民族戏剧学术二十年与非物质文化遗产研究的实践路径



(76)陈泳超 《中国民间文学前沿讲坛》专题主持人语

(76)王加华 中国古代重农、劝农传统的多样化表达

(90)张佳伟 王加华 等 对《中国古代重农、劝农传统及其多样化表达》的



虎头金粟影:“顾恺之”概念在唐代的演绎与传播 陈 铮(98)

表情符号对数字化政治规训的逆反与和解 甘海霞 张红侠(117)

记忆、情感与自我:媒介化时代非遗影像的三重叙事 袁 瑾(134)

中华“手造”的内涵与多元价值维度 董占军 石 琳(143)



中国艺术人类学 方李莉 路 瑞(152)




曾 慧(封二)


曾慧简介 曾 慧(封三)


刻花三羊钮陶盆 张 磊/摄 (封面)

封面说明 刻花三羊钮陶盆 韦 玲 (  22  )

    生活艺术 布贴画 祁 竞/作 (封底)

封底说明 布贴画 杨书娟 ( 151 )

庄孔韶人类学画作 庄孔韶 (彩页)


韦    军    封面、装帧设计

 I Don’t Care about Anything Negative,If My Desire can be Met:

Walking on the Road of Art Study…Li Yinan(5)

Host’s Speech on the Theory and Practice of the Anthropology of Painting …Zhuang Kongshao(15)

How Local Theory Enters the Anthropology of Painting: The Longing for HuQu and YinXiu

…Zhuang Kongshao(16)

Why Painting Becomes Ethnography: An Analysis of Kanyu Painting Practice Based

on the Jin Yi Huangcun Valley …Wang Shasha(23)

The New Relationship between Art and Anthropology: An Interdisciplinary Collaborative Experiment

…He Liu(33)

Host’s Speech on the Special topic on Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Adoption

of The Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage …Bamo Qubumo(43)

From Women’s Empowerment to Gender Consultation: Gender Equality in the Developmental History

of The Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage…Kangli(43)

Rethinking of “Intangible Cultural Heritage” and “Community”: Reflections on the Inclusion of

“German Modern Dance Practice” in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

…Tang Lulu(55)

Twenty Years of Academic Research on Chinese Ethnic Minority Drama and the Practical Path

of Intangible Cultural Heritage Study…Feng Wangxi(64)

Host’s Speech on the Frontier Forum of Chinese Folk Literature…Chen Yongchao(76)

Diversified Expressions of the Tradition of Emphasising and Persuading Agriculture in Ancient China

…Wang Jiahua(76)

Q&A, Evaluation, and Discussion on The Diversified Expressions of  The Tradition of Emphasising

and Persuading Agriculture in Ancient China…Zhang Jiawei,Wang Jiahua etc(90)

Hu Tou Jin Su Ying: The Deduction and Dissemination of the Concept of “Gu Kaizhi” in the Tang Dynasty

…Chen Zheng(98)

The Contradiction and Reconciliation of Emoticons for Digital Political Discipline

…Gan Haixia,Zhang Hongxia(117)

Memory, Emotion, and Self: The Triple Narrative of Intangible Cultural Heritage Images in the Media Age

…Yuan Jin(134)

The Connotation and Multiple Value Dimensions of Chinese “Handmade”…Dong Zhanjun, Shi Lin(143)

Chinese Anthropology of Art…Fang Lili, Lu Rui(152)

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