


胡光华 当代中国工笔画的变革创新——谢少威教授与中国当代工笔画的新创造


叶舒宪 中日玉石神话比较研究——以“记纪”为中心


傅 谨 剧本戏剧性的批评与清宫戏曲文献


吕微 神话信仰-叙事实践的内容与形式

李昕桐 吕微等 《神话信仰-叙事实践的内容与形式》问答、评议与讨论


郑向春 奖励

路 芳 生态


施爱东 2013雅安地震谣言探究


廖明君 王怀义 建构中国神话美学研究的基本范式——王怀义博士访谈录


时胜勋 艺术身份:中国当代艺术的身份焦虑及其精神境界

王 东 抽象艺术:“形象”的另种运用——图语关系理论视野下的现代艺术研究之一


阿尔弗雷德·盖尔 关祎 魅惑的技术与技术的魅惑


王学文 张域 中国民间文艺知识产权保护现状、问题与对策

耿 波 毕会娜 “文化遗产保护北京学派”的理论与实践


陈志勇 戏神研究的观念、方法与戏剧史意义

张丽军 泉州梨园戏传统服饰形制的地域性特征

尹庆红 民歌与文化认同——以南宁国际民歌艺术节为例

李红云 《剪剪花》的渊源及结构艺术

许 恩 宋元明清时期吴地的“舞”与“戏”

官效臣 舞蹈“意境”的艺术体现与审美特征


练春海 博山饰源流考

邵晓峰 《五山十刹图》中的南宋佛教家具研究


张蓓蓓 宋代军戎服饰艺术探微

谢圣明 清末书画助赈与书画市场的近代转型

郑 丹 “以小观大”:南宋山水画情境营造图式的价值取向与现代转换

周永民 张翎 何炳钦陶艺设计艺术的美学特征

王凯宏 王铁军 绥棱彩陶艺术特点与发展对策

陈晓宇 从《天山组曲》看民族音乐元素的运用与演绎




包志钢 获取感受真知 抒写心灵真情



The Innovation of Chinese Contemporary Claborate-Style Painting——Professor Xie Shaowei and the Creation of Chinese Contemporary Claborate-Style Painting ……………………………………………………………Hu Guanghua

A Comparative Study of the Jade Myth of China and Japan——Taking Jiji as Focus…………………………………………………………………Ye Shuxian


The Criticism of Dramatic Properties of Play and the Literature of the Chinese Opera of the Qing Dynasty ……………………………………………………Fu Jin

The Content and Form of the Belief in Myths and of Narrative Practice………Lv Wei

Question and Answer、Review and Discussion of “The Content and Form of the Belief in Myths and of Narrative Practice”………………………………Li Xitong and Lv Wei

Encouragment and Reward……………………………………………Zheng Xiangchun

Ecology…………………………………………………………………………Lu Fang

A Research of the Rumours about the Ya’an Earthquake of 2013………………………………………………………………………Shi Aidong

Constructing the Fundamental Paradigms of the Aesthetic Study of Chinese Myth——An Interview with Dr. Wang Huaiyi…………Liao Mingjun and Wang Huaiyi

Identity of Art: The Anxiety of Identity and the Spiritual Realm of Chinese Contemporary Art……………………………………… Shi Shengxun

Abstract Art: Another Way of Using the ‘Image’—— A Study of Modern Art

in the Perspective of the Theory of the Relation Between Image and

Language ………………………………………………………………Wang Dong

The Technology of Enchantment and the Enchantment of Technology…………………written by Alfred Gell, translated by Guan Yi

The Status、Question and Countermeasure of Intellectual Property Protection of Chinese Folk Literature and Art…………………Wang Xuewen and Zhang Yu


The Theory and Practice of Bei Jing School’s Cultural Heritage

Protection……………………………………………………Geng Bo and Bi Huina

The Concept and Method of the Study of God of Drama and Its Meaning in the History of Chinese Opera……………………………………………Chen Zhiyong

The Regional Character of Traditional Clothing of Quanzhou Liyuan Opera………………………………………………………………………Zhang Lijun

Folk Song and Cultural Identity: Taking Nanning International Folk Song Festival As Example…………………………………………………Yin Qinghong

The Origin of Jian Jian Hua and Its Structure ……………………Li Hongyun

The “Dance” and “Play” in Wu Area from Song to Qing Dynasties……… ………………………………………………………………Xu En

Artistic Refection and Aesthetic Character of the “Artistic Conception” of Dancing ……………………………………………………………Guan Xiaochen

An Investigation of the Origin and Development of Bo Shan Ornaments………………………………………………………………Lian Chunhai

A Study of Buddhist Furniture of the Southern Song Dynasty in “the Figure of Five

Mountains and Ten Temples” (Wu Shan Shi Sha Tu)……………………Shao


An Exploration of Army Dress in Song Dynasty………………………Zhang Beibei

The Donation of Calligraphy and painting in Late Qing Dynasty and the Modern Transformation Calligraphy and Painting Market………Xie Shengming

‘Seeing Large in the View of Small’: the Value Orientation and Modern Conversion of Constructing the Image of Landscape Painting in Southern Song Dynasty…………………………………………………………………Zheng Dan

The Aesthetic Character of He Bingqin’s Art of Pottery Design …………………………………………………Zhou Yongmin and Zhang Ling

On Artistic Features of Suileng Colored Pottery and and the Strategies for its Development…………………………………………Wang Kaihong and Wang Tiejun

The Use and Deduction of National Music Element in Tian Shan Suite………………………………………………………………………Chen Xiaoyu

Obtaining Real Knowledge, Expressing Real Emotion…………………………………………………………………Bao Zhigang


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