

解宁宁 当代书法与传统人文思想——钟明善先生与当代书家精神生态

饶宗颐 我的学术自述——以敦煌学为例

邵晓峰 中流自在心——饶宗颐先生的治学之道

邢 文 梅花-太极:明代理学画的宇宙观及定山庄公的书法

叶舒宪 玉人像、玉柄形器与祖灵牌位——华夏祖神偶像源流的大传统新认识

萧 梅 音乐与迷幻

傅 谨 名伶史料与曲律的演化——中国戏曲文献的体与用研究之一

廖明君 刘悦笛 走向全球与回归本土的“生活美学”——刘悦笛博士访谈录

方李莉 艺术人类学视野下的新艺术史观——以中国陶瓷史研究为例

时胜勋 中国当代艺术:从历史叙事到中国现代性

范丹姆向丽 审美人类学导论

王怀义 凤凰之鸣:乐教传统的神话起源

陈 铮 “顾恺之”考辨

朱仙林 整理国故运动与中国现代神话学——以对《山海经》的认知转变为中心

汪晓云 台湾歌仔戏发生学研究

陈志勇 戏曲行业“二郎神”信仰的生成与消歇

单晓杰 王建朝 哈密木卡姆(山区版本)探究

戴 璐 汉代艺术中的九尾狐形象研究

杨爱国 古代艺术品中三鱼争头图探析

穆宝凤 元代山西屯留M1号壁画墓中的图像构成探究

梁惠娥 王中杰 女书“三朝书”探析

黄国乐 “胸有成竹”与古代绘画的三重境界

杨渝 杨悦 清末旗装艺术与民国旗袍的传承关系

杨 杰 从庞薰琹的艺术道路看中国艺术家对现代艺术的态度与选择

王 冰 从“齐韶”觅雅乐典范

孙献华 澄怀观道 意在象外

Contemporary Calligraphy and Chinese Traditional Humanistic Ideas——Mr.Zhong Mingshan and Contemporary Calligrapher’s Spiritual Ecology………………………………………………………………Xie Ningning

My Academic Statement

——Taking DunHuang Study as an Example…………Rao Zongyi

A Free Spirit in the World—— The Research Method of Mr. Rao Zongyi

………………………………………………………………………Shao Xiaofeng

Wintersweet-Taichi:The Cosmology of LiXue Painting of Ming Dynasty and Zhuang Dingshan’s Calligraphy………………………………………Xing Wen

Statue of Jade、Handle-Shaped Aritifact and Ancestor’s Spirit Tablet—— A New Research within the Rich Tradition of Studing the Origin and Development of HuaXia Ancestral God Idols…………………………………………………Ye Shuxian

Music and Illusion………………………………………………Xiao Mei

Historical Data on Divas and the Evolution of QuLü (the Law of Chinese Traditional Opera)——A Study of the Body and the Function of Literature on Chinese Opera……………Fu Jin

Living Aesthetics: Acting Globally and Returning Locally——An Interview with Dr. Liu Yuedi………………………………………………………Liao Mingjun and Liu Yuedi

A New Concept of Art History in the Perspective of the Anthropology of Art——Taking the History of Chinese Ceramics as an Example………………Fang Lili

Chinese Contemporary Art:From Historical Narrative to Chinese Modernity…………………………………………………………Shi Shengxun

The Anthropology of Aesthetics: An Introduction……………Writted by Wilfried van Damme, translated by Xiang Li

The Song of Phenix: the Mythological Origin of the Tradition of Music Education ………………………………………………………Wang Huaiyi

An Interpretation of GuKaizhi……………………………………Chen Zheng

The Movement of Clearing up National Cultural Heritage and Chinese Modern Mythology——Focusing on the Cognitive Change to ShaiHaiJing……………………………………………………………Zhu Xianlin

A Study of the Origin of Ke-tsai Opera………………………Wang Xiaoyun

The Emergence and Fading of Belief in the God Erh-lang in the Field of Chinese Drama…………………………………………………Chen Zhiyong

A Research of Hami Mukam(which Prevalent in the Mountain Area of Hami)………………………………Shan Xiaojie and Wang Jianchao

A Study of the Image of the Nine-tailed Fox in Han Dynasty Arts

……………………………………………………………………………Dai Lu

An Analysis of the Image of “Three Fish Fight for Head” in Chinese Traditional Artworks………………………………………………Yang Aiguo

A Research of the Image Formation of the Mural Tomb in the No. M1 of ShanXi TuLiu of Yuan

Dynasty………………………………………………………………Mu Baofeng

An Analysis of “San Chao Shu”(Nü Shu)

……………………………………………………… Liang Huie and Wang Zhongjie

“Having a Ready Plan Or Design In One’s Mind”(“Xiao You Cheng Zhu”) and Three Levels of Chinese Traditional Painting ………………………………Huang Guole


On the Inherent Relationship Between Manchu Attire in the Late Qing Dynasty and Cheongsam in the Republic of China………………………YangYu and YangYue


A Study of Chinese Artists’ Attitude and Choice to Modern Art:The Example of Pang Xunqin ……………………………………………………………Yang Jie

Searching for the Model of Ya Yue(Elegant Music) from “Qi Shao”

…………………………………………………………………… Wang Bing

Clear the Mind and Heart to Realize the Dao Much More is Meant Than Implied Meaning ……………………………………………………………Sun Xianhua


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