


(封面)陈绶祥 事事平和

(封二)陈绶祥 儿时佳味

(1)朱亮亮 当代国画转型的倡导与实践——陈绶祥先生与“新文人画”运动


方李莉 ,们主要消费的都是物质iwuzhi﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽ui﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽﷽走向田野的学术生涯My Academic Career of Walking Into the Field

王永健 跨越学科藩篱 实践学术创新——方李莉艺术人类学研究评介


邢 文 六朝树绘:中国绘画史上一个传统说法的订正


叶舒宪 戈文化的源流与华夏文明发生


萧 梅 仪式中的制度性音声属性


廖明君 邵晓峰 图像中家具文化的学术空间——邵晓峰教授访谈录


陶思炎 论民俗艺术传承的要素

董龙昌 中国艺术人类学学科建构的回顾与前瞻


马利特·威斯特曼 李修建 艺术史与人类学的对象

威廉·史密斯 祝鹏程 非物质文化遗产的保护与知识产权——华盛顿美国本土艺术的个案研究


朝戈金 国际史诗学若干热点问题评析

陈泳超 革命时代的山歌:革命的和不革命的——白茆山歌历史考察之一

王怀义 图像与意象:神话美学研究的逻辑言路

张 勃 重月传统与文化选择:中秋节在唐代的形成

顾春军 再论“生活就是民俗”


徐明君 逄增玉 戏中戏:红色戏剧发生的艺术学阐释

沈后庆 现代化还是大众化:中国现代话剧与戏曲的纠结

张艳梅 “戏改”与十七年戏曲的性别话语

肖 璇 在“歌唱”与“游戏”之间

李春晓 无锡“天韵社”的传播方式及其价值分析


练春海 汉代墓葬语境中的阳遂

张蓓蓓 束霞平 意义的隐藏与转换:广西少数民族服饰民俗象征中的文化传统


张云峰 广告设计与后现代文化


黄 嫄 中国绘画中“线”的民族性语言

李永昌 胶东民间平绣艺术特征研究

邵 彬 《唢呐调》曲牌探究

金成姬 民族学视野下的朝鲜族原生态音乐——以亭岩村《清州阿里郎》为例

张红霞 河阳山歌社会功能探究

翟纯璐 李淑明 聂耳作品的时代性与民族性



牟宇宙 意象油画本土化语义的阐释

(封三)牟宇宙 民居物语之一 民居物语之二

(封底)牟宇宙 民居物语之三


The Advocacy and Practice of Transformed Contemporary Chinese Painting——Sir Chen Shouxiang and the Movement of “New Literati Painting” Zhu Liangliang

My Academic Career on Walking Into the Field Fang Lili

Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries , Practicing Academic Innovation—— Reviewing Fang Lily’s Anthropology of Art Study Wang Yongjian

The Six Dynasties Tree Painting: Correction to a Conventional Viewpoint in Chinese Painting History Xing Wen

The Origin and Development of Ge Culture and the Emergence of Chinese Civilization Ye Shuxian

The Attributes of Institutional Soundscapes in Ceremony Xiao Mei

The Aura of Academic Space of the Furniture Culture in Chinese Traditional Painting Liao Mingjun and Shao Xiaofeng

On the Elements Inherited in Folk Art Tao Siyan

Review and Prospect on the Disciplinary Construction of Chinese Anthropology of Art Dong Longchang

The Object of Art History and Anthropology written by Mariët Westermann, translated by Li Xiujian

Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage and Intellectual Property: The Case of Washington’s Native American Art written by Willie Smith, translated by Zhu Pengcheng

Critical Analysis of Several Ardent Issues in the International Study of Epic Chao GeJin

The Folk Song in Revolution Era: Revolutionary and Non-revolutionary—— An Historic Investigation Concerning Bai Mao Folk Song Chen Yongchao

Icon and Imagery: Logical Thought Pattern in the Aesthetic Study of Chinese Myth

Wang Huaiyi

Two Thousand Years Reading History of the First Masterpiece ——A Review of Chen Lian shan’s Research on Academic History of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers

Liu Xiaofeng

The Play Within the Play: An Artistic Interpretation Regarding the Origin of Red Drama Xu Mingjun and Pang Zengyu

Modernization or Popularization:the Entanglement of Chinese Modern Drama and Traditional Opera Shen Houqing

Theatre Reform and Gender Discourse of Seventeen years(1949-1966)’ Traditional Opera Zhang Yanmei

Between “Singing” and “Game” Xiao Xuan

An evaluation of the Propagation Mode and Value of Wu Xi Tian Yun Association

Li Chunxiao

Dun Huang Turpan’s Transcript and Masters of Calligraphy——A Case Study on Wang Xizhi’s Calligraphy Mao Qiujin

Hidden and Transitional Meaning: the Cultural Tradition of Folk Symbol in GuangXi Minority Nationality DressZhang Beibei and Shu Xiaping

Yang Sui in the Context of Han Dynasty Tombs Lian Chunhai

Tradition of Liking Moon and Cultural Selection: the Shaping of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Tang Dynasty Zhang Bo

Further Discussion on “Life is Folk-custom itself” Gu Chunjun

Advertising Design and Post-modern Culture Zhang Yunfeng

Language of “Line” as a National Trait in Chinese Traditional Painting Huang Yuan

A Study on Artistic Features of Flat Embroidery among Jiao Dong People

Li Yongchang

Exploring the “Suo na tone” melodic styleShao Bin

Korean Nationality Original Ecological Songs in the Perspective of Ethnology—— A

case Study on “Qing zhou Arirang”in Tingyan Village Jin Chengji

Exploring the Social Function of HeYang Folk Songs Zhang Hongxia

The Epochal and National Characters of Nie Er’s Works Zhai Chunlu and Li Shuming


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