Prof. Fang lili: heratige-practice and experiences


Like most research, the conclusions reached in this book are based on first-hand field studies, focusing on indigenous societal experience and facts. This book speaks about the Chinese Experience; most information comes from field studies, primarily from two State Key Research Projects: “A Database of Anthropology Resources in the Northwest Region” and “Preservation, Development, and Utilization of Western China’s Anthropology Resource”. These projects provide an understanding of how culture heritage is viewed differently by the Chinese Government, by the local people, and by scholars from various disciplines in front of the backdrop of globalization and also how “authority” and “Power” are being reconsidered. The interplay among these factors facilitates a reconstruction of Chinese culture and society by non-traditional, grass-roots means. This book presents and analyzes changes in society under such changing circumstances.



Chapter 1 The concept of heritage in different contexts

1), Definition of the concept of heritage

2), The concept of heritage in the context of China

3), The concept of heritage in the context of Europe and America

4), The concept of heritage in Japan and Korea

5), The concept of heritage in different contexts leads to incomplete understanding

Chapter 2 The European Experience in Practice in China

1), Proposal to created an ecology museum

2), Explanation of who owns the rights to culture

3), Alert to the hidden danger of cultural colonization

Chapter 3 Planet Earth United with Cultural Borders (not clear on this)

1), Cultural heritage is the main body with distinct identities

2), A Miao village opens up to the outside world

3), Workers working outside the village

4), Traditional cultural marginalization

5), Younger people’s dreams and ambitions

6), What carries more weight: cultural authority or individual survival

Chapter 4 Different Models of Cultural Transition

1), Thoughts about establishing cultural eco-zones

2), Constant environmental and cultural changes

3), Divided and realigned cultural maps

4), Different models of cultural exchanges

5), Gaps between western theory and concrete practice

Chapter 5 Cultural Heritage and Ethnic Folk Arts

1), Restoration of ethnic art to its rightful place in the culture

2), Changjiao Miao people’s art and cultural symbols

3), Changjiao Miao People’s artistic and cultural styles

4), Changjiao Miao people’s artistic images and decorative arts

5), Symbolic meanings of the Changjiao Miao people’s costumes

6), Changjiao Miao people’s vocal arts and political rights

7), Changjiao Miao people’s vocal art expression in its geographical context

8), Changjiao Miao people’s art and historical memories

9), Changjiao Miao people’s art forms and cultural expressions

Chapter 6 Folk Art: Origins and uprooting/Deracination (not clear on this)

1), Northern Shanxi Province folk arts

2), Wheat flour dough sculptures and embroidery from Luochan city

3), Ansai City farmers’ papercuts

4), Limitation of farmer-artists’ aesthetic standards

5), Training farmer-artists to be more creative

6), Crisis of peasant painting creation

Chapter 7 Marginalization of Rural Folk Arts and Handicraft Artisans

1), Focus on rural folk arts and artisans

2), Farmers’ obsolete tools

3), The fate of village artisans

4), Cave dwellers and cave construction in Northern Shanxi Province

5), Ruins of the Chenlu town kilns

6), Guan-style kiln sites no longer making guan-style storage jars

Chapter 8 Reproduction of Human Resources and Folk Culture

1), Inspiration from western post-modern culture

2), Inspiration from the cultural heritage regarding human resources

3), Basic concepts of reproduction of folk culture

4), Powers derived from folk culture reproduction

5), Evolution and rebirth of the traditional culture

6), Loss of authenticity in the folk culture

Chapter 9 Reestablishment of the protection of the folk culture heritage and cultural virtues

1), Cultural self-awareness during globalization

2), Effects of biological forces from the outside

3), integrated proposal for cultural development

4), Concern for the heart and soul of the farmers

5), Moral culture as another capital investment in society

Chapter 10 Ecological Perspective of Heritage Protection

1), Ecological pressures on Chinese and western ethnic societies

2), Ecological concept of heritage

3), Cultural rethinking faced by the people

4), Meaning of ecological culture on the development of future human societies


Protection, Creation and the Future


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