The series books of western China humanity resources study

“The series books of western China humanity resources study” had been accomplished by the National key subject group of “Protection, development and utilization of western China humanity resource”. The subject was started in the second year of the Western Development project of the Country, it’s proposed by Mr. Fei xiaotong, and launched by Chinese National Academy of Arts, including many scholars from Tsinghai University, Peking University and local colleges of western. The conception of “humanity resource” is advanced by Mr. Fei xiaotong. He illustrated that humanity resource is being accumulated, developed and built up from the original civilization. It is the human history, human culture, human arts and the treasure left by our ancestor. Despite the humanity resource is extensive, in general it is: the cultural foundation which is created, remained and developed by human. That is to say, humanity resource Is created and accumulated by human, it’s not that just appeared in nowadays, but exist from the ancient day. But it is until now we recognize it as a resource. Resource is not pure objective existence, cause when it is separated from the social action object and the human activity, it’s not the resource we are talking about. Thus, when the cultural heritage exist in our life inactively, or stand still in the museum, without any relationship with our reality life, then it is only a kind of heritage that the resource, it can be recognized as resource only if it is respond with our real life and social development.


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