Introduction of China Society for Anthropologies of Art

Introduction of China Society for Anthropologies of Art

China Society for Anthropologies of Art is a national first grade society; it is a legally registered, nationwide, and non-profit social academic community, which engages in the study of art anthropology-related issues. It has taken three years from the preparation to the establishment of the society, and during that period of time the society had received support from the government, including the Chinese Academy of Art, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the State Council, the Ministry of Education, and the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, and in particular, Mr. Fei Xiaotong, who has been fully concerned about the progress of the society’s declarations, and has given strong support in his lifetime. Since December 3 2006, when the society had been formally established, Prof. Fang Lili, a researcher of the Chinese Academy of Art, has been serving as the president of the society.

China Society for Anthropologies of Art aims: 1) to comply with the State Constitution, the national laws, regulations, policies, and social morality; 2) to keep extensive contact with nationwide scholars in the field of art anthropology, to conduct in-depth study of anthropological theory and practices; 3) to emphasize fieldwork and interdisciplinary research, especially focusing on the folk art and urban art district inhabitants; 4) to thoroughly explore the originality of Chinese national culture, and to carry forward the national spirit.

The primary missions of China Society for Anthropologies of Art are: 1) convening and contacting a wide range of scholars and researchers from all around the country; 2) launching an in-depth discussion of anthropology theory and research practices, actively promoting fieldwork study, and making strong efforts to gradually improve the disciplinary system of Chinese art anthropology; 3) holding domestic and international art anthropological seminars and exhibitions regularly or irregularly, as well committing to the publication and promotion of related academic achievements; 4) providing the latest information and materials of domestic and international art anthropology research in a timely manner to members; 5) energetically participating in the related works of national cultural heritage protection, with the advantage of art anthropology fieldwork methodology, developing the in-depth investigation of folk art in urban and rural gross-roots society and ethnic minority areas, providing reliable materials and necessary theory support for the national cultural heritage protection project. China Society for Anthropologies of Art accepts the guidance of the Ministry of Culture which is the unit in charge of the society, and accepts the supervision of the Ministry of Civil Affairs which is the authority of community registration and its management.

Secretary: Wang Yongjian

Address: No.1 Huixinbeili, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100029

Tel: (010) 64813410

Fax: (010) 64813410



Key words China Society for Anthropologies of Art, art anthropology, research center of art anthropology, Chinese Academy of Art, anthropology, ethnomusicology, visual anthropology

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