





1.美学:观察与校正(Aesthetics – visions and revisions)

2.艺术中的变化:古与今(Changes in Art; past and present)

3.实践中的美学:宗教、伦理、教育、政治、法律、经济、贸易、时尚、运动、日常生活,等等,之中的审美因素(Aesthetics in Practice; the aesthetic factor in religion, ethics, education, politics, law, economy, trade, fashion, sport, everyday life etc)。

4.美学与自然:进化论、生态学、后人类主义……(Aesthetics and Nature; evolutionism, ecology, posthumanism…)

5.身体美学:体与知(Body Aesthetics:soma and senses)

6.艺术与科学(Art and Science)

7.美学与艺术中的技术与生物技术(Technologies and Bio-technologies in aesthetics and art)

8.建筑与都市空间(Architecture and Urban Space)

9.美学中的文化与跨文化研究(Cultural and Intercultural Studies in Aesthetics)

10.过渡地带:文化、美学与艺术中的断裂、转变与变容(The Sphere of Transition; transections, transformations, transfigurations in culture, aesthetics and the arts)


从2012年春年始,任何一位有意参会者可以访问我们的ICA 2013 Website (www.ica2013.pl).它会提供关于会前和会议期间的各种必要的信息和支持。

方便起见,我们提供一个关于ICA 2013的一个简要的网络指导:



在这个网站上,你会发现基本信息(“Basic Information”)一栏,涉及参会者的详细信息。“Basic Information”包括:会议地点(venue),主题(topics), 提交发言提要的最后日期(call for abstracts with deadline), 会议时间表(Congress schedule to be announced in due time,) 参会形式(forms of participation)和费用(fees)。通过浏览“Basic Information”你可以访问主要的会场,大礼堂,对主要场所进行虚拟访问,了解各种参会形式。


1.>全体大会(Plenary panels>)>:由4位学者组织全体大会,并有选定发言者参与。

2.> 专题发言:每个人都可能组织或参与一个>Panel session>。每一个>Panel>大约持续一个半小时,故每一个>session>有三、四位学者参与。若欲在>19thICA上注册一个>panel session,请通过>19thICA 网站上的“Abstract Submission”发送一份panel 摘要,包括标题和参与者。提交的最后期限是 2013年3月1日。.

3.> 常规session(Regular session>):发言的典型形式,依据组织者提供的十个议题而设。

4>> 公告session (Poster session>)>:你可以提交你的研究方案参与竞争。方案将会出现在大会大厅的屏幕上。大会成员和guests将有机会通过投票方式表明他们的选择。得票最高的方案将在第19届国际美学大会结束之际参加一个特殊的session.



网站的最重要的部分是“Abstract Submission”(在网页菜单)和“Registration”部分——两者都是实时版本。提要的提交形式是先填写姓名、单位和标题。提交了这些信息之后,选择一个议题,将摘要内容粘贴到文本窗口并直接发送到会议邮箱。请记住,摘要提交的最后期限是2013年3月1日。

注册 注册程序很快启动,很好用。但是它是不可逆的,因此请仔细填写登记形式。在点击一个按钮之后,你会被导向“Registration”程序网页。这一程序将会引导你直接地通过必要的程序,包括参与形式、费用、宾馆预订、旅行和餐饮选择以及取消条例。至于费用,为了避免货币交换问题,请通过银行以波兰货币Zloty结算,银行可以帮助你换算。至于宾馆预订,请通过“Registration” 网站预订宾馆,不要用其它方式。在开始预订程序之前,请仔细阅读“Registration” 网站提供的指南。请记住,注册的最后期限是2013年3月30日。

地点 我们在网站中专设一部分实用的信息,包括宾馆推荐,旅行信息,如何从机场或火车站到宾馆、会场以及places of artistic events的交通的信息。这些,请浏览网站中的“Places书签。

技术性信息: 如果你考虑以一种积极的形式与会,那么请参看Technical Information。这里,我们会说明可及的技术手段及我们所期望的论文演讲的电子形式。

关于我们: 对于那些对克拉科夫的历史、Jagiellonian University和波兰美学协会的活动感兴趣的人,我们强烈建议点击“About Us”标签。

通讯和联系: 请尽管使用网页菜单上特定的联系形式给我们写信。我们欢迎你们登陆2013国际美学大会,通过网页追踪大会的准备工作,知悉最新的消息和给出的最后期限。




On behalf of

Organizing Committee of 19th ICA 2013 Krakow, Poland

Jakub Petri, Sebastian Stankiewicz



KRAKOW, POLAND, JULY 21-27, 2013


Congresses of aesthetics organized under auspices of International Association for Aesthetics are the most important events in aesthetics worldwide. The 19th Jubilee International Congress of Aesthetics will take place exactly one hundred years after the first congress in Berlin 1913, in Krakow, Poland, July 21-27, 2013. The organizers of the Congress are Polish Society of Aesthetics, International Association for Aesthetics, and Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

We would like to kindly invite members of National Associations of Aesthetics, aestheticians, and everyone interested in aesthetics to participate in the Congress. The main theme of the Congress is AESTHETICS IN ACTION and it includes ten topics, which we find relevant for a complex picture of contemporary aesthetics. The topics are:

1. Aesthetics – Visions and Revisions;

2. Changes in Art; Past and Present;

3. Aesthetics in Practice; the Aesthetic Factor in Religion, Ethics, Education, Politics, Law, Economy, Trade, Fashion, Sport, Everyday Life etc.;

4. Aesthetics and Nature; Evolutionism, Ecology, Posthumanism…;

5. Body Aesthetics; Soma and Senses;

6. Art and Science;

7. Technologies and Bio-technologies in Aesthetics and Art;

8. Architecture and Urban Space;

9. Cultural and Intercultural Studies in Aesthetics;

10. The Sphere of Transition; Transections, Transformations, Transfigurations in Culture, Aesthetics and the Arts.

From Spring 2012 everyone interested in participation in the Congress can visit our ICA 2013 Website (www.ica2013.pl). It was designed to provide both, all necessary information and support, before and during the Congress.

For your convenience we present a short ICA 2013 web guide:

Basic Information. On the website you can find „Basic Information” label concerning details of participation in the Congress. The „Basic Information” includes: venue , topics, call for abstracts with deadline, Congress schedule to be announced in due time, forms of participation, and fees. Browsing „Basis Information” you can visit main venue, Auditorium Maximum, taking a virtual walk, and learn about forms of participation. We designed four such forms:

1. Plenary panels – Four invited> scholars will organize plenary sessions attended by selected speakers.

2. Panel session –> It is possible to organize or take part in a panel session. Each panel is expected to last about one and a half hours, so that three or four participants can take part in each session. To register a panel session at the 19thICA, please send a panel abstract, including title and participants, via the “Abstract Submission” form on the 19thICA website. The deadline for submissions is March 1st, 2013.

3. Regular session –> The typical form of making a presentation, ordered according to the ten topic groups proposed by the organizers.

4. Poster session -> A novelty in the ICA tradition: submit your research project and enter the contest. Projects will be presented onscreen in the congress hall, parallel to regular sessions. Congress members and guests will have opportunity to indicate their choices by voting. Top-voted presentations will take part in a special session at the end of the 19thICA.

Abstract Submission. The most important parts of the website are „Abstract Submission” (in site menu) and „Registration” sections – both in real-time version. Abstracts can be submitted by filling a simple form asking about name, affiliation and paper title. After providing those information it is enough to select one of the topic categories, paste abstract content into the text window and send it directly on the Congress mailbox. Please remember, the deadline for abstract submission is March 1st, 2013.

Registration. Registration procedure will be activated soon and it is also user friendly and simple. Nevertheless it is irreversible, therefore be careful in filing the registration form. After clicking a button, you are redirected to „Registration” program website. The program will lead you directly through all necessary steps including form of participation, fee payment, hotel reservation, excursion and meal selection, terms of cancellation. Concerning fee payment step, to avoid currency exchange problems, please do order bank transfer in Polish Zloty and do not calculate it by yourself. Concerning hotel reservation step, please do make hotel bookings by „Registration” website and do not make them in other way. Before starting registration procedure, please read carefully manual provided on „Registration” website. Please remember, the deadline for registration is March 30th, 2013.

Places. We designed also a special part of the website devoted to practical information including introductory hotel and excursion information, some infos concerning transportation from the airport, or train station, how to get to a hotel, to a venue, to places of artistic events. For these please browse the bookmark „Places” situated in site menu.

Technical Information. If you consider an active form of participation in our Congress please see „Technical Information” where we provide data about available technical devices and expected digital formats for paper presentations.

About Us. For those who find themselves interested in the history of Krakow, Jagiellonian University and activity of Polish Society of Aesthetics we highly advise to click on „About Us” label.

Newsletter & Contact. Please, feel free to email us using a special contact form from site menu. It is also recommended to sign in for ICA2013 newsletter via our web page to follow congress preparations and being kept in touch with the latest news and provided deadlines.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Krakow next year.

On behalf of

Organizing Committee of 19th ICA 2013 Krakow, Poland

Jakub Petri, Sebastian Stankiewicz

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