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[日期:2016-10-08] 来源:  作者: [字体: ]



——在中国传统音乐学会第十九届年会上的开幕词………………………………萧 梅(5)


——在中国传统音乐学会第十九届年会上的发言 ………………………………… 李 松(8)





——以丽江洞经音乐再研究为例…………………………………………………… 吴 凡(21)


………………………雷蒙德·科比、(荷兰)范·丹姆 著,王永健 译,李修建 校译(33)

广义东南亚地区现存岩画的全球性意义………(澳大利亚)保罗•泰森 等著, 吴沄 译(40)

艺术史和艺术人类学 ……………………………………………………………………………

…………………(法国)克劳德- 弗朗索瓦·博德兹 著,崔巧叶 译,李修建 校(49)

试析胡仁乌力格尔的产生过程…………………………………………………… 齐占柱(53)


音乐美学视阈中的蒙古族长调研究述评………………………………………… 侯 燕(66)


——以藏族村落浪加为例…………………………………………………郭晓虹 逯克胜(72)



奏鸣曲式结构原则的审美功能演变及启示……………………………………… 李 末(83)

蒙古族音乐研究百年(九)…………………………………………博特乐图 郭晶晶(88)

江西夏布绣的溯源与技艺考………………………………………廖江波,李 强,杨小明(97)

作为非物质文化遗产的宣纸制作技艺保护与传承………………………………戴 健(102)


——以景德镇民窑变迁为个案…………………………………………… 吴 艳,李兴华(108)

《长物志》中尚“雅”卑“俗”器物审美观管窥………………………………… 谢云霞(113)

从静态观到动态论:百年来人类学的文化变迁研究 …………………………… 桂慕梅(117)


——内蒙古文化传播的历史考察研究之二……………………………………… 徐 英(125)

浅析蒙古族视觉元素在内蒙古卫视频道包装中的运用…………………………李 杰(131)

• 补 白• ………………………………………………………(39) (65)(87) (112)(136)

A Showcase of the Contemporary Chinese Traditional Music

——The Opening Speech at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of theChinese Traditional Music Society

………………………………………………………………………… XIAO MEI(5)

The Construction of the Value System of the Academic Community and the National Music Culture

——The Speech at the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of theChinese Traditional Music Society ……

…………………………………………………………………………… LI SONG(8)

A Brief Introduction of Traditional Musical and Cultural Perspective of the Mongolians …………………………………………………………………Hobis(11)

The Methodological Significance of “Field”and The Case Analysis

——The Chinese Traditional Music in Concert Hall ……WANG Wenzhuo(15)

Exploration and Practice of Inter-discipline Subject Perspective of Chinese Traditional Musical Visual Ethnography:An Restudy Example of Dongjing music in Lijiang City ………………………………………………WU FAN(21)

Introduction: European encounters with ‘primitive art’ during the late nineteenth century…………………………………………………………………………………

Written by Raymond Corbey and Wilfried Van Damme Translate by WANG YongjianProofread by Li Xiujian(33)

Global implications of early surviving rock art of greater Southeast Asia ……………………Written by Paul S.C. Tac¸onTranslate by Wu Yun (40)

History of Art and Anthropology of Art ……………………………Written by Claude-François Baudez Translate by CUI Qiaoye Proofread by Li Xiujian( 49)

Analysis of the Developing Process of Horin Wulger …………QI Zhanzhu(53)

The Musical Features of Pajie's Hurenwuliger Work The Story of Chengyaojin …………………………………………………………NaRiNa (57)

A Review of Research on Mongolian Long-song from Perspective of Musical Aesthetics ……………………………………………………………HOU YAN(66)

Rei Gong “June Assembly“ Festival, Musical Analysis of ( Le Shi Ze) Rite ………………………………………………GUO xiaohong LU kesheng( 72)

A Symphonic Poem Resounding Through The Grasslands

——On Ethnic Characteristics of Magnificent Mu Ge …………GAO Enuo (77)

Aesthetic Function Evolution of Sonata Form Structural Principle and Enlightenment……………………………………………………………LI MO(83)

Centuries Research on Mongolian Music(Part Ⅸ ) ……………………………

…………………………………………………………Boteletu , GUO Jingjing (88)

The roots and skill of Jiangxi grass cloth embroidered ………………………

…………………………………LIAO JiangBo,LI QIANG, YANG Xiaoming(97)

Safeguarding and Inheritance of Producing Skills of Xuan Paper As an Item of the Intangible Cultural Heritage……………………………………DAI Jian(102)

The transformation and development of traditional production mode

——With the Transition of Folk Kiln in Jingdezhen as An Example………

……………………………………………………………WU YAN Li Xinghua( 108)

Having a Restricted View on Aesthetic Perception of Advocating “Ya” and Demeaning “Su” about Implements inZhang Wu Zhi …………XIE Yunxia(113)

From Static View to Dynamic View: The Research on the Cultural Change of Anthropology in the Last HundredYears……………………GUI Mumei (117)

Cultural Communication from the Perspective of Identity Theory: Part 2 of the Study on the History of CulturalCommunication of InnerMongolia…………………………………………………………XU Ying(125)

Analysis on the Application of the Mongolian Visual Elements in Channel Packaging of NMTV ……………………………………………………LI JIE(131)

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