(复旦大学社会科学高等研究院,上海 200433)
摘 要: 在皮尔士指号体系中,对象关系有“象似” “标指” “象征”三类。我们可以用它们来观察艺术现象,并试图证明这三种指号在艺术现象中同时存在,互动共生、互为环境、互为结构,可称为“艺术三维”。如果我们把艺术三维和文化人类学结合起来,就能够兼顾艺术的形、气、神,就能兼顾物性、心印和语言,也就能更加深刻地思考和回答问题。
Three Dimensions in Art
(SocialSciencesAcademy of FudanUniversity, Shanghai 200433, China)
Abstract:In Peirce's sign system, there are three object relations: icon, index, symbol. We can use them to observe the phenomenon of art, and try to prove these three signs coexist, are interactive and the environment structure for each other, can be called "artistic three dimensions". If we combine artistic three dimensions and cultural anthropology, we will be able to take into account the form, spirit and image of art and will be able to take into account the properties of the mind and language, will also be able to think and answer questions more deeply.
Key words:three-dimension art; icon; index; symbol; artistic phenomenon
(齐鲁师范学院美术学院,山东 济南 250013)
摘 要:以北京798艺术区为例,考察了其艺术生态及其变迁。通过数据统计和田野考察,客观呈现了北京798艺术区在其建构和解构的过程中不同力量的变动以及利益转移及其所遇困境,同时指出其解构和建构的过程仍在进行。
The Deconstruction and Construction of Art Zone
——Fieldwork notes on Beijing 798 Art Zone
LIU Ming-liang
( Art College of QiluNormalUniversity, Jinan 250013,China )
Abstract: Taking Beijing798 Art Zone as an example, this article studies its ecological and the evolution of art. Through the statistical data and field investigation, objectively presents different force change and transfer of interest and its difficulties of Beijing798 Art District in the the process of construction and deconstruction, at the same time points out that the deconstruction and construction is still in progress.
Key words: field investigation; 798Art District; construction; deconstruction; interaction; change
待从头 收拾旧山河
(淮阴师范学院中文系,江苏 淮安 223001)
摘 要:新年画运动是新中国成立以来第一场声势浩大的美术运动,新年画与新中国图像形成了复杂的互文关系。这种从外部改造艺术发展规律、改造民俗,同时也改造艺术家的运动对以后的美术发展产生了重大影响。它构建了民族想象的共同体,表现了共产党人领导的新政权的现代性诉求。新年画运动追求艺术的功利性,付出了牺牲艺术自律、损毁传统民间信仰的巨大代价。
Clean Up the Old Mountains and Rivers and Start a New Life
——An analysis of the Movement of new New Year paintings
KANG Ning-mei
(Department of Chinese, HuaiyinNormalUniversity Huaian 223001, China)
Abstract: The movement of new New Year paintings was the first great new art movement since the founding of new China, the new New Year paintings and the new Chinese image formed a complex interaction. The external transformation of art development, transformation of folklore, and at the same time the artist's movement on the subsequent art development was to produce major effects. It established the national imagined community, represented the new regime led by Communists and the appeal to modernity. New New Year paintings movement pursued artistic utilitarianism, paid the huge price for sacrifices self-discipline of art, break traditional folk beliefs of.
Key words: new New Year paintings; folklore; ideology; national imagination.
汪 欣
(中国艺术研究院艺术人类学研究中心,北京 100029)
摘 要:保护和利用不是文化遗产保护中两个对立的命题。保护是维护文化遗产特定历史属性的基础,而利用则是激发文化遗产生存活力,促使其融入当代社会生产生活实际的现实需要,是保护的题中之义和延续。从非物质文化遗产单一项目和区域综合性文化遗产保护的角度,探讨非物质文化遗产资源的合理利用问题。
An Approach to the Protection and the Utilization of
the Intangible Cultural Heritage
(Center for Art and Anthropological Studies of China Academy of Art, Beijing, 100029, China)
Abstract:The protection and utilization are not two opposing propositions of cultural heritage protection. Protection is to safeguard the cultural heritage of a particular historic property, while the utilization is to stimulate the vitality of cultural heritage survival, facilitating their integration into the actual reality of the contemporary social production and living needs, is the meaning and continuity in the protection issue. This article explores the rational use of resources of the intangible cultural heritage from the perspective of a single item of intangible cultural heritage and regional comprehensive cultural heritage protection.
Key words:non-material cultural heritage; protection; production and protection; rational use of.
(中国音乐学院,北京 100101)
摘 要:2011年2—3月笔者作了达斡尔族个人音乐生活经历的调查,共访问了7位达斡尔人,以了解和认识达斡尔人音乐生活状况及其变迁,也是对达斡尔族进行音乐学研究的基础工作。这些信息无疑都是今后进一步深入研究达斡尔族音乐的重要线索。
The Survey Notes of Dagur Music Life
ZHANG Tian-tong
(China Conservatory, Beijing 100101,China)
Abstract:The author has done the music life experiences survey from February to March2011, visiting seven Dagur people. The purpose of the survey is to understand and recognize the Dagur people music life condition and its change, and do the basic music research. This information will undoubtedly be an important clue for the further study of Dagur music is.
Key words:survey notes; Dagur people; the music of life
(玉溪师范学院教育学院,云南 玉溪 653100)
摘 要:云南省通海县兴蒙乡蒙古族置身于云南大杂居、小聚居的多民族交错居住的特殊地理环境中,与汉族、彝族、回族、哈尼族等民族不断交流融合,其民族文化形态呈现多样化特征。这一特征也体现在兴蒙乡蒙古族妇女服饰上。
Mongolian Women's Clothing in Multi-ethnic Blend
in Tonghai Xingmeng Township
CHANG Wen-jie
(Institute of Education, YuxiTeachers College, Yuxi 653100, YunnanProvince)
Abstract: Xingmeng Mongolian live in the special geographic and multi-ethnic environment with mixed exposure to Yunnan, some live in small communities, with the Han, Yi, Hui Hani and other ethnic groups with continuous exchange integration, diversification of their national and cultural characteristics of this form of presentation characteristics. This feature is also reflected in Mongolian women's clothing of Xingmeng.
Key words:Yunnan; ethnic blend; XingmengTownship; Mongolian; clothing; cultural features
李 迪
(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:在当今全球化经济的时代背景之下,传统的具有较强功能性、实用性的蒙古族银饰制作,在民间制作领域有着怎样的发展?通过一套鄂尔多斯头饰的银饰制作过程,可以看到,除了对传统银器工艺的主体继承,现在的银器手工艺制作已经有了几个方面的变化。
Investigation of Hohhot City Silver Production Technique
——Taking Ordos headdress as an example
(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, China)
Abstract:The article analyzes the Mongolia nationality silver production with a strong tradition in the functional utility under today's global economy background, and the development of the folk production field. Through a set of Ordos headdress silver production process, we can see that in addition to the traditional inheritance of main body of silverware, silver handicrafts now has several aspects of changes.
Key words:folk art; silver production; technique; Ordos headdress
(西华师范大学美术学院,四川省 南充市 637009)
摘 要:陕北绥德县寨则山村有一石绵羊阵,每年的农历七月十五日有石绵羊会进行祭祀活动。考察后认为,该县石绵羊阵与绥德盛产石头的地理环境,与上古五龙氏、人的起源等传说有一定的关系,流传于村中的传说和其嬗变过程,正是村民鬼神信仰、自然崇拜和地域文化结合的社会心理反映,是中国传统文化的留存。
Survey on Stone Walled Sheep Array in Zhaizeshan Suide
North Shanxi
LI Dong-feng
( Art College of WestChinaNormalUniversity, Nanchong 637009, China)
Abstract:There is a Stone Walled Sheep Array in Zhaizeshan Suide North Shanxi and on July 15th of Lunar Year, there is a stone sheep sacrifice activities. According to the survey, it shows that it has certain relation to the rich stone geographical environment in Zhaizeshan Suide, and the ancient five dragon 's family, the origin of man and other tales. The legend and its evolution is reflection of the social psychology, the supernatural beliefs, worship of nature and local culture combination, and it is the preservation of Chinese traditional culture.
Key words:Suide in North Shanxi; Zhaizeshan; Stone Walled Sheep Array; survey
(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:长期以来,学术界对如何划分民歌风格色彩区关注较多,而对于各风格色彩区民歌的旋律音高组织、音乐节奏组合、旋律展衍规律等学理上的研究较少。科尔沁蒙古族短调民歌独具特色,旋律风格体现于“平稳进行的说唱性”“节奏组合的对称性”“善用衬腔的抒情性”与“调性思维的丰富性”等方面。
An Approach to the Characteristics of the Mongolian Short tune Folk Song Melody Style
LI Shi-xiang
(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, China)
Abstract:The academic circle has long been paying more attention to the division of the folk style color area, but less of an academic research organization, the combination of music rhythm, melody exhibition derivative of folk melody pitch of the style. Mongolian short tune folk songs are unique with melodic style of "smooth rap", "symmetry of rhythm combination "and the use of " lining the cavity of the lyric" and the "richness of tonal thinking".
Key words:Mongolian; Horchin; short tune folk songs; melodic style; rap; narrative; rhythm combinations; lining cavity lyric
(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特市 010010)
摘 要:布里亚特蒙古人的民间音乐文化绚丽多姿,其民歌风格、色彩与蒙古其他部族以及鄂温克族、鄂伦春族、达斡尔族迥异。对布里亚特蒙古族民歌的分析、解构后发现,其民歌形态以“对称性”与“非对称性”结构民歌为主。
On the Sorting of symmetry two body short tone folk
song structure of Buriat Mongolian
LI Yu-ying
(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, China)
Abstract:Buryat Mongols folk music culture is colorful and its folk song style and color are quite different from those of other Mongolia tribes or Ewenki, Oroqen, Dagur. The Buryat Mongolian folk song's analysis and deconstruction show that its folk songs are in the form of“symmetry”and“asymmetric”structures.
Key words:Buryat Mongolian; folk morphology; structural analysis; symmetry; asymmetry
周 钟
(贵州大学人文学院,贵州 贵阳 550025)
摘 要:音乐是一种文化。从音乐文化传统与宗教生活、音乐文化精神与宗教哲学、音乐文化神圣性与宗教感三个方面,将音乐文化与宗教联系探究。
Music Culture of Religion
——Philosophical thinking of music tradition and sanctity
ZHOU Zhong
(School of humanities of GuizhouUniversity, Guiyang550025, China)
Abstract:Music is a kind of culture. This article makes a study of the related research between music culture and religion from the three aspects: music cultural tradition and religious life, music cultural spirit and the philosophy of religion, sacred music culture and feeling of religion.
Key words:music culture; religion; traditional; sacred
摘 要:门德尔松生前作为音乐家是荣耀的,但身后对他的评价却有争议。从其宗教信仰背景和社会职业身份进行探讨,反思门德尔松的音乐价值。认为,门德尔松代表着19世纪上半叶德国音乐的发展状况,由一些原因造成的对其人其乐的偏见应该得到纠正。
Viewing Mendelsohn from Multidimensional Perspective:
Faith, Identity, Accept, Renaissance
WANG Ming-hua
( Shanghai Conservatory, Shanghai 200031, China)
Abstract:Mendelsohn was glorious as a musician, but the assessment of him is controversial after his death. This article discusses his religious background and the social occupation identity reflecting Mendelsohn 's worth of music. Mendelsohn represents the German music development in the first half of the nineteenth century, and some prejudice toward him should be corrected.
Key words:Mendelsohn; Jews; Protestants; resident musician; accept; Renaissance
(内蒙古大学艺术学院音乐系,呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:情感体验离不开对音乐作品的阐释。以声乐作品《断桥遗梦》为例,分析歌曲创作背景、曲式结构,并借助歌词联想等方式,阐释、把握、表现音乐作品内涵,来谈获得声乐演唱感情体验的重要性。
An Approach to Emotional Experience in Vocal Music Singing
(Music Department of Art College of Inner Mongolia University of s Hohhot 010010, China)
Abstract:Emotional experience is inseparable from the musical interpretation. In vocal music works."" broken dream as an example, to analyze the song creation background, musical structure, and with lyrics legend, interpretation, performance, grasp the connotation of musical works, obtain the importance of vocal emotion experience.
Key words:vocal music; music works;" broken bridge" Leaving Dream; emotional experience
王 霞
摘 要:分析车尔尼740练习曲不难发现,曲集主要以练习手指的快速跑动、琶音、双音、和弦(包括柱式和弦、分解和弦)、装饰音、八度练习、同音反复等技术动作为主,而这些多是即兴伴奏常用到的织体类型。尽管现在有人认为车尔尼练习曲已经过时了,我们也承认它的局限性,但就即兴伴奏的练习而言,740练习曲是有针对性和应用价值的。
A Brief Description of the Application of 740 Etude
Playing Skills in the Impromptu Accompaniment
(MusicCollege of Inner MongoliaNormalUniversity, Hohhot 010010, China)
Abstract:The analysis of 740 Etudes discovers that it is not hard to practice and the technique s are mainly practice finger fast running, arpeggios, dual tone, chord ( including type chord, chord ) ornamentation, eight degrees, and repeated practice technical movements, and these are commonly used to impromptu accompaniment texture types. Although some people think that Czerny etudes is outdated, we also recognize its limitation, for improvisation exercises,740 etudes is targeted and has the application value.
Key words:Czerny 740 Etudes set; impromptu; texture
摘 要: “女性想象”,并非专指女性艺术家进行的创造性想象,而是指在艺术活动中,创作主体自觉把关乎女性的表象记忆和文化经验运用新的结构组成“新形象”的思维活动。蒙古族题材电视剧中的女性想象,直面现实的社会问题,携带着蒙古民族的文化经验,饱含着世界观、人生观和价值观的思想倾向,充满了建构和谐社会的艺术智慧和美学追求。
Of "Female Imagination" in Teleplays of Mongolian Theme
LI Shu-rong
(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, China)
Abstract:"Female imagination" does not specifically refer to the creative imagination of the female artists, but rather in the artistic activities, the creation subject consciously uses the appearance of memory and cultural experiences related to women's, thinking of the "new image" with the new structure. The female imagination in the Mongolian teleplays face the reality of social problems, carrying the cultural experience of the Mongolian people, full of the ideological tendencies of the world, life and values, full of the artistic wisdom of building a harmonious society and aesthetics pursuit.
Key words:Mongolian theme; teleplays; imagination; female imagination; culture need
(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:蒙古族题材电视剧《胡杨女人》的成功,主要得益于其主题对于普世价值的选择、剧中民俗元素的体现及跨民族嫁接增加看点的独特创作模式。这些为文化产业化背景下,蒙古族题材电视剧的产业化创作提供了可资借鉴的发展思路。
On the Development of the Mongolian Television Show
Taking"Populus Woman" as An Example
HAO Feng-cai
(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010,China)
Abstract:The success of the Mongolian Teleplays "Populus Woman" is mainly due to the choice of the theme of universal values, the embodiment of folk elements in the play and the unique creative mode of cross-national grafting increase. These have provided the ideas of development for the industrialization of Mongolian television under the background of cultural industry
Key words:Mongolian theme; TV play; "Populus Woman"; industry creation
(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:蒙古族题材电视剧《胡杨女人》对民族文化资源进行了深度开发。意识形态文化资源的开发和利用是重点;自然景观沙漠胡杨被赋予了有足够市场增值潜能的文化价值而被挖掘开发,给人耳目一新的感觉;蒙古族女性、蒙古族老人等也作为体现蒙古族文化根本的文化资源进行了深度开发,这是可贵的以人为本的人本精神的重要体现。
On the Excavation of the National Cultural Resources in
TV Series "Populus Woman"
ZHANG Shu-mei
(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, China)
Abstract: Mongolian TV Series "Populus Woman" cultivated the resources of the national culture in-depth. First of all, the development and use of the ideology of cultural resources is the key; Secondly, the natural landscape of the desert was given there is sufficient market value-added potential of cultural values and mining development, giving a fresh feel; Thirdly, Mongolian women, the Mongolian elderly are also reflected in-depth development as resources of Mongolian culture, which is an important manifestation of the valuable human-oriented spirit.
Key words:teleplay; Mongolian theme; "Populus Woman"; national cultural resources; mining use
陈 煜
(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:蒙古族题材电视剧以民族文化符号为载体,展示了丰富的蒙古民族生活,反映其独特的精神世界和深厚的文化意蕴,对蒙古族的历史和文化进行了崭新的抒写。电视剧《胡杨女人》充分利用民族文化符号扩大了传播效果。
Cultural Symbols and Its Transmission in the Mongolian Theme Teleplays
——A case study of the TV series "Populus Woman"
(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, China)
Abstract: The Mongolian theme teleplays take national cultural symbols as a carrier, showing a wealth of Mongolian life, reflecting its unique spirit world and the deep cultural connotation, giving a new description of the Mongolian history and culture. The TV series "Populus Woman" makes full use of the national cultural symbols to expand the communication results.
Key words:TV series;Mongolian theme; cultural symbols;communication; "Populus Woman"
(内蒙古大学艺术学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要: 蒙古族传统家具的装饰图案,可在一定程度上体现当时、当地的文化特质和民族艺术水准。其工艺技法多样且多变,装饰图案所具有的象征性及其审美价值,值得我们去探讨和研究。
Technique and Aesthetics of Mongolia Traditional Furniture Decorative Pattern
WANG Ming-na
(Art College of Inner MongoliaUniversity, Hohhot 010010, China)
Abstract:Mongolia traditional furniture decorative pattern, to some extent, reflect the local cultural content and the national standard of art.. The technique is diverse and changeable, decorative pattern has the symbol and its aesthetics, making refraction for the Mongolia nationality culture research. We can feel this from the present collected furniture, the Mongolian furniture worth to be explored and studied.
Key words:Mongolian;traditional furniture;design pattern;technique; symbolic meaning;aesthetic effect
摘 要:宗教精神是民族文化中有重要特性的要素。民族的文化个性常常与其所信仰的宗教联系着。灵魂观念是原始宗教的发端,这类原始崇拜的内容广泛,且历时久远,是人类对客观世界蒙昧认识的产物,它对文化建设有着根的意义,有些在现代生活中仍有其影响,在北方草原岩画中亦多有刻画。
关键词:岩画 ;宗教精神 ;草原文化
Viewing the Religious Spirit of the Prairie Culture
from Cliff Paintings
FENG Jun-sheng
( Inner MongoliaAcademy of Social Sciences, Hohhot010010,China)
Abstract: Religious spirit is the important properties of national culture. National cultural personality is often linked to the religion. The concept of the soul is the originator of primitive religion, and this kind of primitive worship has a wide range of topics, which lasted long. It is the product of human's ignorant understanding of the objective world, it has a root meaning to its cultural construction. Some still has the effect in modern life, which is described in the northern cliff paintings.
Key words: cliff paintings; religious spirit; prairie culture
摘 要:以艾布拉姆斯为代表的传统文学观念中,作品与世界的关系经常被表达为“文学来源于生活而高于生活”,但网络文学解构现实生活,虚拟生活情境,从另外一个角度却反映出了现实世界中人们对普世生活的具有逃避性质的精神面貌,也充分说明了“作品与世界”这一关系概念在不同文学发展时期,同样具有开放性的理论指导价值
An Analysis of the Rrelationship between Network Literature
" Works and the World"
ZHANG Qing-jun
( HulunbeierUniversity, Hailar021008,China)
Abstract: Represented by Abrams in traditional literary ideas, the relations between the work and the world is often expressed as " literature comes from life and higher than life", but in the network literature, real life is no longer the basic material of literary manifestations, and real life concept is no longer a literary expression of all purposes. Network literature deconstructs real life, is the virtual life situations. It reflects escape nature from the real universal life, gives full description of the relational concept of " works and the world" has the same openness theory guiding value in different literary development periods with from another perspective.
Key words:Abrams;traditional literature; Internet literature; literary theory; reality; virtual life
列斯科夫1 奈马克2 著 王垚磊 译 毛民 校
(⒈美国 费城 宾夕法尼亚大学博物馆;⒉美国 纽约 霍夫斯特拉大学)
New Work of Central Asia:" City of the Golden Horde
on Silk Road"
Written by 1.Leskov 2. Naymark; Translated by Wang Yaolei ; Prrofread by Mao Min
(Museum of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, the United States of America; Hof Stella University, New York, America )
Key words:art archaeology; book reviews; the Golden Horde; history
(远方出版社,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010)
摘 要:现代图书出版中,图书装帧地位举足轻重。书装设计者打破传统,出现了以多样设计,注重功能和节约,追求内容与形式统一等新的理念。
The New Concept of Modern Book Design
QIAO Su-zhi
(Yuanfang Publishing House, Hohhot010010,China)
Abstract: Book binding and layout play a decisive role in modern book publishing. The book designers break the tradition, and new ideas of a variety of design, appeared in, paying attention to function and saving, the pursuit of unity of form and content have appeared.
Key words: book publishing; book design; new concepts