民族音乐学一席谈……安东尼·西格尔(Anthony Seeger) 著 周丽青 译 罗易扉 校
论长调与马头琴的同构关系…………………………………………………………布 林
钢琴协奏曲《安岱》主题之分析………………………………………………华 夏
——以同仁县隆务镇四合吉村“六月会”为例………………………曹娅丽 邸莎若拉
宝鸡官村寿峰寺清末壁画调查研究…………………………………………………李 强
…………………………………………保罗·S.C.塔森 著 李修建 杨小晖 译 李修建 校
——曹禺与奥尼尔剧作表现主义技巧比较………………………………………… 孙晓燕
"Bojigin" (Blue Eyes) ——A Sign of Sirius
—— Re-study of Alanhua's Totem Ingravidation Legend…………………………………Ardinhu
Sunid Right Banner Girl's School and Its Music Education in 1940s…………………Sachira
On the National Musicology
——Reply to Anthony Seagal from Henry Kingsbury…………………………………………
………… Written by Anthony Seeger, Translated by Zhou Li-qing, Proofread by LUO Yi-fei
On the Isomorphism Relation between Long-tuneSongs and Horse-head Musical Instrument
The Relationship between Mongolia Sanxian Playing Skillsand Mongolian Folk Music Connotation………………………………………………………………………………LI Xi-bo
Mongolia High Pitch Four-stringed Musical Instrumentand the Source of Its Tune Material
……………………………………………………………………………………… BAO Ai-ling
From the Dongjing Music to "Naxi Ancient Music"
—— The localization and identity reconstruction in Lijiang Dongjing music……………………
……………………………………………………………………………………YANG Jie-hong
The rhythm feature of Xin Hu-guangs Symphonic Poem "Gadamerin"……………………………………………………………………………………………………………GONG He-kai
Viewing the National Musical Language from the Modern Interpretation of the Children's Piano Music " Andai Legend" …………………………………………………YANG Yu-rong
Analysis of theme of the Piano Concerto"Andai "………………………………HUA Xia
Interpretation of the Music Narration of the Qinghai Regong " June Ceremony"
——A case study of " June Ceremony" of Siheji Village, Longwu Town, Tongren Count……………………………………………………………………Cao Yali Di Sha ruo-la
An Investigation of Fresco in the Shoufeng Temple of Baojiguan Village, in the late Qing Dynasty…………………………………………………………………………………LI Qiangn
The Field Work of the Mongolian Smoked Leather Gown Making of Ujumqin Grassland of Xilingol League of Inner Mongolia
——Take smoked leather as the main investigation content…………………………………Saina
Research Report of Hunan Shaping Xiang Embroidery Transformation and Development
……………………………………………………JIAO Cheng-gen XIE Yang-hui SUN Shun-yao
Color Archaeology: Queensland, the Colors of the Rainbow and Strength of Waanyi in the Northwest……………………………………………………………………………………………
………Written by Paul S.C. Tason, Translated by LI XIiu-jianand YANG Proofread by Li Xiu-jian
An Approach to How to Cultivate the Creative Thinking in the Visual Communication Design…………………………………………………………………………………AO Yu-mein
The Art Digging the World of Soul
——A comparative study between Cao Yu and O'neal's expressionist skills of plays
………………………………………………………………………………………SUN Xiao_yan