蒙古族表演艺术:游牧文化的瑰宝………………………………李玉林 著 孙晓燕 译(5)
蒙古族乌日汀哆节奏之美初探………………………………………………………路 广(24)
莫尔吉胡钢琴独奏曲《赛马》解析……………………………………………………乌 黎(34)
试论苏雅蒙古四胡的演奏艺术………………………………………………………李 蕾(39)
《唱论》对声乐教学及实践的启示…………………………………………………李 嘉(43)
——兼论非物质文化遗产的申报与保护………………………………………吕 屏(47)
苗族织锦的艺术解读…………………………………………………………………方 园(69)
绿色的交响 生命的交响
让纸上的童话“动”起来…………………………………………………………孔 静(97)
论歌德与龙格及弗里德里希之关系………………………………………王 静 张 典(111)
…………………………………………………………张静红 著 桂慕梅 黄隽瑾 译(121)
…………………………(印度)B.N.莫克吉·卡尔迈尔 著 景 磊 译 戈思齐 校(129)
Mongolian Performing Arts: Treasure of Nomadic Culture……………………………Written by LI Yulin, Translated by SUN Xiao-yan(5)
"Yellow Dog" is the Heaven Wolf
——Re-research on the legend of Alanhua induced myth……………………………Ardinhu(10)
The Folk Songs Collection Activities in the Early Liberation Period of Eastern Inner Mongolia and "Mongolia Folk Songs" and "Collection of Eastern Folk Songs"…………………………………………………………………………WANG Jing-jing(14)
An Approach to the Mongolian Urdindu’s Rhythm Beauty ……………………LU Guang(24)
The Social Background and Cultural Origins of the Generation of Modem Horchin Folk Songs……………………………………………………………………………………Sarana(29)
Analysis of Mergjihg Piano Solo"Horse Race"……………………………………WU Li(34)
On the Art of Mongolian Sihu Playing…………………………………………………LI Lei(39)
The Enlightenment of"Sin"to Vocal Music Teaching and Practice…………………LI Jia(43)
The Zhuang Brocade Which Has Become Intangible Cultural Heritage
——Also on the declare and protection of intangible cultural heritage…………………LV Ping(47)
The Shape and Structure and Origins of the Half Arm in Yuan Dynast……………………
……………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Guo-wei(53)
Pao:The Design of Water Crossing of the Gathering Time
——The original water acquisition utensil in daily life of the Li People in Hainan……………
………………………………………………………………………………… YUAN Xiao-li(64)
Artistic Interpretation of Miao Brocade…………………………………… …FANG Yuan(69)
Field Investigation of Birchen Skin Handicraft Manufacture Technique
——A case study of Alihe Town and Aoluguya Township………………………FAN Lin-lin(73)
Yong Rubu —— A man writing the symphony of destiny with his own life ………Ulanje(79)
Green Symphony, the Symphony of Life
——A review of the artistic achievement of the famous Mongolian composer, conductor Mr.Yong Rubu……………………………………………………………………………………Hobis(85)
Organization and Movement Rule of Screen Space
——Theoretical interpretation of film core concepts of long lens,montage
………………………………………………………………………………CHU Shuang-yue(90)
Let the Fairy Tale in the Paper "Moving"……………………………………KONG Jing(97)
On the Chinese Elements in Animation Art from the Perspective of System Theory ……
…………………………………………………………………………………JIA Yu-ping(103)
The Importance of Sketch Practice in the Landscape Painting Creation…………………
………………………………………………………………………………GAO Wen-liang(107)
On the Relationship between Goethe and and Friedrich……WANG Jing ZHANG Dian(111)
Rational, Order and Dogma, Rigid
——Rational Layout Design of the Antinomy………………………………CAI Shun-xing(116)
Foundation of Diverse Perspective: A Study of the Pu 'er Tea Consumption in Yunnan and Other Places (One) ………………………………………………………………………………
………………Written by ZHANG Jing-hong, Translated by GUI Mu-mei HUANG Jun-jin(121)
Bactrian Language Lettering Was Found in Eastern India…………………………………
………Written by B.N. Moky Karl Maier, Tanslated by JING Lei, Proofread by GE Si-qi(129)
The Cultural and Ecology Protection and Development of the Mongolian Dance………………………………………ZHAO Xiao-ding(131)