叶舒宪 乞桥·乞巧·鹊桥:从文化编码论看七夕神话的天桥仪式原型
傅 谨 大众传媒与新兴的戏曲批评——中国戏曲文献的体与用研究之四
朝戈金 口头传统概说
李星霈 朝戈金等 《口头传统概说》问答、评议与讨论
黄 悦 神话
李春霞 公约
施爱东 钓鱼谣言:为辟谣而造谣
李轶南 开放与重构:中国艺术史研究刍议
张玉勤 许乙琦 图像孔乙己的视觉意味分析
陶思炎 论民俗艺术功能的演进
董龙昌 列维-斯特劳斯研究在中国——兼论列维-斯特劳斯艺术人类学思想研究的意义
孙湘明 潘萌 经济变迁语境下的艺术转型
詹和平 冯阳 明代中后期江南文人室内设计思想研究
雷蒙德·弗思 王永健 艺术与人类学
白志红 中缅边境佤族神话传说、资源与认同
吕俊彪 从“与民同庆”到“还俗于民”——以京族哈节为例
陈志勇 仪式与演剧:田公元帅信仰的戏剧人类学考察
王冰 宋飞 近三十年国内《韶》乐研究评述
吴 刚 达斡尔族舞蹈“鲁日格勒”与“哈库麦勒”探究
胡建升 良渚神徽的物质文化和神话图像
吕德廷 论涅槃图中的外道形象
郭学智 汉画像石中的排箫研究
赵 玲 从汉画像石看巴蜀胡乐盛行
管彦波 地图的魅力:长城图像的艺术审美
刘德龙 张大千泼墨泼彩艺术研究
许江 顾平 靖西壮族仪式剪纸艺术的叙事性特征——以剪纸“桥”为例
王福银 阁子里芯子的文化传承与艺术特色
张金梅 胡小平 黄琴霞 粤绣伶装文化审美意蕴分析
张丽军 泉州梨园戏传统服饰形制的地域性特征
岳晓英 20世纪中国上半叶少数民族电影考略
沈其旺 论中国山水画构图中的“以大观小”说
Begging the Bridge · Begging Festival · Magpie Bridge: A Research of the Bridge Rite Archetype of Qixi Myth from Cultural Code Theory ………Ye Shuxian
Mass Media and the Blossoming of Opera Criticism——A Study of the Body and the Function of Literature on Chinese Opera(Part Four)……………………………………Fu Jin
Summary of the Theory of Oral Tradition………………………… Chao Gejin
Q&A, Discussion of “Summary of the Theory of Oral Tradition”……… Li Xingpei, Chao Gejin, etc.
Myth ………………………………………………………Huang Yue
Convention………………………………………………… Li Chunxia
Rumours about Bait: Starting a Rumour in Order to Refute It ………………Shi Aidong
Openness and Reconstitution: A Humble Opinion of Chinese Art Historical Research ……………………………………Li Yinan
A Visual Analysis of the Significance of Kong Yiji’s Image ………Zhang Yuqin, Xu Yiqi
Opinions on the Evolution of the Function of Folk Art……………Tao Siyan
Chiese Research on Claude Lévi-Strauss—— A Discussion of the Significance of Claude Lévi-Strauss’s Anthropology of Art ……Dong Longchang
Artistic Transformation in An Environment of Economic Transition…………Sun Xiangming, Pan Meng
An Analysis of the Features of Art Criticism in Late Ming Dynasty ………Gong Tianfeng
A Research of the Jiangnan Literati’s Thought of Interior Design in Mid to Late Ming Dynasty……………………………………………Zhan Heping, Feng Yang
Art and Anthropology……………………written by Raymond Firth, translated by Wang Yongjian, proofread by Li Xiujian
The Legend, Sources and Identity of the Wa Nationality at the Border of China and Burma …………………Bai Zhihong
From ‘Celebrating with People’ to ‘Returning the Folk Custom to People’ -- Taking the Ha Festival of the Jing Nationality as an Example ……………Lv Junbiao
Rite and Drama: An Investigation of the Belief of Marshal Tian Gong from the View of Opera Anthropology …………………Chen Zhiyong
Commentary on the Last 30 Years of Research on Domestic ‘Shao’ Music
………………Wang Bing, Song Fei
An Investigation of the Daur Nationality’s Dances ‘Lurigele’ and ‘Hakumaile’……………………………………………… Wu Gang
Material Culture and Illustrations of Myth of the Divine Badge in Liangzhu Culture ………………………………………………………Hu Jiansheng
Opinions of the Non-Buddhist Image in the Nirvana Diagram……… Lv Deting
Research of the Panpipe in the Painting on Stone Reliefs of the Han Dynasty ………………………………………………………………Guo Xuezhi
A Research of the Barbarian Music Popular in Bashu from the Painting on Stone Reliefs of the Han Dynasty …………………………………………………Zhao Ling
Charm of the Map: Aesthetics of the Images of the Great Wall ……Guan Yanbo
Artistic Research on Zhang Daqian’s Ink and Color Painting ………………………………………………………Liu Delong
The Narrative Features of Jingxi Zhuang Nationality Rite Paper-cut Art_Taking the Paper-cut “Bridge” as an Example ……………………Xu Jiang, Gu Ping
The Cultural Inheritage and Artistic Features of Gezili’s Xinzi ……………Wang Fugen
Analysis of the Cultural Aesthetics of Yue Embroidery Costume…………………………… Zhang Jinmei, Hu Xiaoping, Huang Qinxia
Local Features of Quanzhou Liyuan Opera Traditional Dresses’ Shape and Design………………………………………………………………… Zhang Lijun
Investigation of the Films about Chinese Minority Nationalites During the First Half of the 20th Century ………………………………………Yue Xiaoying
Opinions on the Theory of “Using the Macroscopic View to Find the Microscopic View” in the Chinese Landscape Paintings’ Composition ………………………………………………………Shen Qiwang