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Naran Bilik

[日期:2020-05-07] 来源:  作者: [字体: ]


   Place of Birth: Inner Mongolia, China

   Distinguished Professor of Fudan University

   Ministry of Education Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor




   March 1986-August 1989, Third Department of Language and Literature, Minzu University of China, majored in linguistic anthropology with personal naming as a focus, Ph.D. in literature

   September 1982-July 1985, Institute for Nationality Studies, Minzu University of China, Ethnology major with Mongolian-Han intermarriage as a focus, master of Law

   September 1978-July 1982, English Department, Inner Mongolia University, Bachelor of English Literature


Work Experience


   July 2009 – Fudan University, Shanghai, China

   April 2005-August 2009 Jane and Raphael Bernstein Professor of Asian Studies and Anthropology at Carleton College, Minnesota, USA.

   August 2008-August 2009 Visiting Professor of Anthropology at Macalester College. 

   March 2004-March 2005 Bernstein Visiting Professor of Anthropology at Carleton College, Minnesota, USA. 

   March 2003-March 2004 Bernstein Visiting Professor of Anthropology at Carleton College, Minnesota, USA. 

   January-June 2002 Freeman Visiting Professor of Anthropology at Carleton College.

   October-November 2002 K.P. Tin Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Education, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong.

   September 2002 Visiting Fellow, Norwegian Institute of Human Rights, the University of Oslo, Norway. 

   October 2001 Visiting Fellow at Institute of Historiography and Languages of Academia Sinica, Taiwan

   March – June 2001 Freeman Visiting Professor of Anthropology at Carleton College. 

   February 2001 Visiting Fellow at Anthropology Department of Australian National University, Australia. 

   March 2000 Visiting Fellow, Department of Anthropology, Oregon State University, USA. 

   May-June 2000 Visiting Fellow, The Centre for Asia Pacific Social Transformation Studies (CAPSTRANS), University of Wollongong, Australia.

   January 1993-March 1994 Research fellow of Common Security Forum based at King's College, Cambridge University, supported by a grant from MIASU-CSF (Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit & Common Security Forum). 

   January 1992-January 1993 Post-doctoral research under FCO (Foreign and Common Wealth Office) Senior Fellowships, attached to Mongolia & Inner Asia Studies Unit at Cambridge University, U.K. 




   December 2014 –2018 Director of Institute of Anthropological and Ethnological Studies, Fudan University. 

   March 2013 - Director of Centre of National Minorities Studies at Fudan University.

   May 2012 –Oct.2014: Associate dean of Fudan Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences. 

   July 2009-November 2016: China Ministry of Education Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor at Guizhou University

   July 2009 - Distinguished Professor of Fudan University, 

   August 1989-July 2009 Institute of Ethnology & Anthropology, director of Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology (1996-2003), professor (since 2000-2009)




2003    Fieldwork with Uyghur peasants in Wupu township, Hami, Xinjiang Uyghur

Autonomous Region, China (January-February) 
2000    Organizer and researcher of INS CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

funded project The Construction of Ethnicity and Gender and conducted; fieldwork in Tonghai County of Yunnan (May-Jane); Word Bank adviser for PRA Work on China's Livestock Breed Improvement Project

1997-99      Researcher on Ford Foundation funded project, The Construction of the Nanning-Kunming Rails and the Social and Cultural Change along the Line; conducted a total of 6 months of fieldwork in the Geyan Village in Tianlin County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China

1994           Fieldwork with Ewenki reindeer herders in Oluguya Ewenki Autonmous Township of Inner Mongolia in June and July; fieldwork in Taicang, Jiangsu province, China

1984           Surveying Mongol-Han intermarriage, October
Fieldwork with Yi communities in Liangshan Prefecture of Sichuan Province, July 1984

Courses Taught at Carleton College

Introduction to Anthropology
Anthropology of China
Anthropology of Japan
Anthropology of East Asia (to be taught in Spring Term 2008)
Ethnicity and Race
Language and Culture
Growing-up Cross-Culturally (team-teaching)

Areas of Interest

Linguistic Anthropology; Ethnicity and Race; Culture Change; Minority Education; Inner Asia; East Asia


Publications in English


1、 China’s Minority on the Move

Co-Editors with Robyn Iredale and Fei Guo, Armonk, New York & London, England, Sharpe, 2003. 

2、Contemporary Minority Migration, Education and Ethnicity in China

Robyn Iredale, Naran Bilik, Wang Su, Fei Guo, Caroline Hoy,Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,  2001. 

3、Shamanistic Scopes in a Changing World

Co-Editors with Mihály Hoppál and Jason Yu-xiao Long, Budapest – Guiyang: Hungarian Association for the Academic Study of Religion, 2015


1. Mongols: Moral Authority, Nationality and Racial Metaphor

Barry Sautman ed., Racial Identities in East Asia, Hong Kong: Division of Social Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, April ‘96

2. Culture, the Environment and Development in Inner Mongolia

Caronline Humphrey and David Sneath eds., Culture and Environment in Inner Asia: 2, Cambridge: White Horse Press, 1996. 

3. Emotion Gets Lost: an Ewenki Case

Inner Asia, 1996, 1 (1).. 

4. Racial Metaphor as Politico cultural Construct in Inner Mongolia

Inner Asia, 1997, 2 (1). . 

5. The Mongol-Han Relations in a New Configuration of Social Evolution

Central Asian Survey, 1998, 17(1), 69-91.

6. Language Education, Intellectuals, and Symbolic Representation: Being an Urban Mongolian in a New Configuration of Social Evolution

Nationalism & Ethnic Politics, Volume 4, Spring /  Summer 1998/9/11 (1 & 2): 47-67. 


7. The Nan-Kun Railway and Sociocultural Change Among Minority Nationalities

Practicing Anthropology, 2002, 24 (1): 21-24. 

8. The Ethnicity of Anthropology in China

Critique of Anthropology, Vol 22(2), 133-148, 2002. 

9. Monologue and Dialogue About China’s Anthropology Issues and Problems                         


Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, 2000, 33 (1). 

10. Five entries for Encyclopedia of Nationalism, Academic Press, 2002.

Academic Press. 

11. Chinese Openness and Anthropology’s Nativization, 

Chinese Sociology and Anthropology Vol. 33, No. 04, pp. 49-58 (2001).

12. The Reconstruction of Mongolian Identity in the Pantheon of Polyphonic Images

Inner Asia 5(2003): 177-92

13. The Ethnic and Cultural Process of Zhongguo (China) As a Central Kingdom

Yueh-Ting Li et al eds. The Psychology of Ethnic and Cultural Conflict , Westport, Connecticut and London: Praeger, co-author with Yueh-Ting Li et al., 2004, pp. 193-215

14. Language, ethnicity and internal frontiers: schooling civil society among China's minorities

Veronique Benei ed., Manufacturing Citizenship: Education and nationalism in Europe, South Asia and china, London and New York: Routledge, 2005, pp. 210-235.

15. Morris Rossabi. Modern Mongolia: From Khans to Commissars to Capitalists. Berleley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press (book review)

China Review International, 2006, Volume 12 No. 2, pp. 550-553. Center for Chinese Studies, University of Hawai’I, Moore Hall 417, 1890 East-West Road, Honolulu, HI 96822

16. Repositioning Ethnicity in the Process of State Building: The Power of Culture and the Poverty of Interpretation

Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2009, 2 (3): 94-118.

17. He Jun-fang, Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology(book review)

Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 2009, 2 (4): 150-158. 

18. Mette Halskov Hansen, Frontier People, Han Settlers in Minority Areas of China (book review)

Asian Ethnicity, 2006, 7 (3): 315-316. 

19、The “Han” in the Three Mirrors of History, Foreigners and Minorities: An Indexical-Embodiment Interpretation

International Journal of Eurasian Studies, 2011, pp. 335-347

20.Book Review on Bulag’s Collaborative Nationalism

China Information, 2011: 25(3) 292-293.

21.The Worshipping of Chinggis Khan: Ethnicity, Nation-State, and Situational Relativity

China: An International Journal,Vol11,No2,August 2013, pp.25-41.

22. How do you say “China” in Mongolian?—Toward a deeper understanding of multicultural education in China

James Leibold and Chen Yangbin eds., Minority Education in China: Balancing Unity and Diversity in an Era of Critical Pluralism,Hong Kong University Press, 2014, pp.65-79.

23. Reconstructing China beyond homogeneity: an interdisciplinary view

Jun-Hyeok Kwak and Koichiro Matsuda eds., Patriotism in East Asia, London and New York: Routledge,2014, pp. 101-119. 

24. Shamanism in Ancient China: Legendary Implications for the Future

Dagmar Eigner & Jüren Kremer eds., Transformation of Consciousness: Potentials for Our Future, Kathmandu: Vajra Books, pp. 237-247. 

25. Language Ideology and Semiotic Negotiation in Mongolian Use

Contemporary Chinese Discourse and Social Practice in China, by Tsung, Linda and Wei Wang (eds.), Amsterdam:John Benjamins Publishing Company,2015, Chapter 6, pp. 81-99. 

26. Shamans, Sounds, Images and the Body

Naran Bilik, Mihály Hoppál and Jason Yu-xiao Long, eds, Shamanistic Scopes in a Changing World, pp. 95-106. Budapest – Guiyang: Hungarian Association for the Academic Study of Religion, 2015

27. Review of Shamanism, Discourse, Modernity, by Thomas Karl Alberts. Ashgate, 2015.

Nova Religio, the November issue, vol. 20, no. 2. pp. 140-141.

28. Introduction to Shamanistic Scopes in a Changing World

With Mihály Hoppál and Jason Yu-xiao Long, in Naran Bilik, Mihály Hoppál and Jason Yu-xiao Long, eds, Shamanistic Scopes in a Changing World, pp. VII-XII. Budapest – Guiyang: Hungarian Association for the Academic Study of Religion, 2015

29. Trilingual Education and Mongolian Ethnicity

with Has Erdene, Frontiers of Education in China

2016, 11(4): 435-454.

30. Goddess on the Frontier: Religion, Ethnicity, and Gender in Southwest China. By Megan Bryson. Stanford University Press, 2017. 

A book review by Naran Bilik, Nova Religio 22, no. 3 (Feb 2019). Pp. 30-31.


Over 200 books, articles, reviews, and translations in Chinese


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