Yang Mingkang
2010/5/4 22:01:41

DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: October 15, 1955; Kunmin of Yunnan Province, China
ACADEMIC DEGREES: M.A., Central Conservatory of Music (Ethnomusicology); Ph.D., The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong (Ethnomusicology)
POST: Associate Editor-in-Chiefof Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music
Professor, Central Conservatory of Music
1997 - Present Council Member, Traditional Musical Society of China
2006 – Present Vice-President, Society for Chinese Minority Music
1990 “Probing into the Christian influenced musical culture of the minorities in Yunnan Province, China.” In Musicology in China 4: 82-88.
1991 “Music culture of Christianity in Lisu district of Nu River of Yunnan Province.” In Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music 4: 32-35.
1992aThe Chinese folksong and its native soil. Changchun: Jilin Jiaoyu Chubanshe.
1992b“Finding report on Christian ritual music of the Jinpo nationality in the Ruili county in Yunnan province.” In The Annual of Chinese Music pp. 279-85.
1996The music of folk dance in China. Beijing: Renmin Yinyue Chubanshe.
1997a “Prospects for the comparative research of Chinese southern minority nationalities music and Japanese folk music (1) .” In People’s Music 8: 16-19.
1997b“Prospects for the comparative research of Chinese southern minority nationalities music and Japanese folk music (2). ” In People’s Music 9: 30-33.
1998“The socio-cultural characteristics of the folk music of Sankang festival in ethnic minorities of Yinnan. ” in Ethnic arts quarterly 1:144-56.
1999a“Investigation of the ritual music used in Cannonical Hours in Theravada Buddhism within Chinese territory.” In Journal of the Central Conservatory of Music 3: 68-75.
1999b“On the musical circle’s and cultural group’s character of Chinese Southern Sect Buddhism.” In Musicology in China 4: 103-14.
2000 The music of Taoist Ritual of Yao People in Yunnan, China. Taibei: Xinwenfengchubangongsi.
2003 A study of the Theravada Buddhist Festival Ritual Performance ofDai Ethnic Nationality in Yunnan. Beijing: Zongjiaowenhuachubanshe.

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