Book Description
The anthropology of art in China includes studies of popular arts among the Han in both rural and urban settings, and of folk arts among minority peoples. The country is currently experiencing rapid social change and aesthetic values are being transformed. Chinese scholars have both an exciting range of dramatic case studies to present and their own distinctive theories to offer on these processes. This volume is the first to present an overview of the anthropology of art in China to researchers in the English-speaking world. The essays are written by leading Chinese professors in the fields of visual art, dance, music and art theory.
Institutional Affiliations of Authors . ........................................................ vii
Chapter One . ............................................................................................... 1
Robert Layton
Chapter Two . ............................................................................................ 26
On the Construction of Art Anthropology in China
Professor Fang Lili
Chapter Three . .......................................................................................... 72
Back to Life: On the Development of Anthropology of Art as a Discipline Professors He Ming and Hong Ying
Translator: Ying Hong (School of Ethnology and Sociology, Yunnan University)
Chapter Four . ............................................................................................ 91
Arts Initiative, Choice of Perspective and Cultural Thinking: 
Research Perspectives and Procedures in the Anthropology
of Art and Ethnomusicology 
Professor Yang Minkang
Translator: Jiang Shu (Department of Music, the University of Sheffield, UK)
Chapter Five . .......................................................................................... 111
Mental Illness and Music-Dance Therapy: Anthropological Analysis
of the Mongolian Andai Dance 
Professor Se Yin
Translator: Wang Jing (Inner Mongolia Normal University)
Chapter Six . ............................................................................................ 124
Folk Rites and Customs: Nurturing the Cultural Space of Traditional Music Artistry
Professor Xiang Yang
Translator: Professor Zhang Jingfan (Southwest University, China)
Chapter Seven . ........................................................................................ 153
Experience Close to Home and Reflection Close to One’s Self: Approaches to Urban Music

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